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Posted By: ss on 2007-06-25
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Subject: x-rays

X-rays of the knee are taken including s/l graded patella views."

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X-rays: X-rays of the left hip show cemented hip arthroplasty. sm
Subject: X-rays: X-rays of the left hip show cemented hip arthroplasty. sm

There appears to be a nonspecific lesion on the lateral s/l cord-i-se to the femoral component. Thanks!
rib x-rays...........that's all.........NM
Subject: rib x-rays...........that's all.........NM

x-rays help
Subject: x-rays help

X-rays today confirm that the wrists remain in a very good s/l- DZ position  (doc is British)
Subject: X-rays

X-rays reviewed of the spine which are essentially negative.  There is early s/l "end plate" spondylosis throughout the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. 

Thanks for any help. 

Subject: rays

Subject: x-rays

How would you type x-rays left knee, "AP lateral sunrise"??  Thanks!
It is plain x-rays.
Subject: It is plain x-rays.

Usually plain x-rays are for example
Subject: Usually plain x-rays are for example

But, there is a such thing as x-rays taken in the frontal plane, for example.  So, I guess it depends on how it is used in a sentence.
There are several x-rays that would show this
Subject: There are several x-rays that would show this

A KUB, and abdomen series, and of course a barium enema (which can be done with air contrast as well). And a CT or MRI of the pelvis, of course.

But it would be unusual to just state "no air in the rectum" unless the doctor is discussing a bowel obstruction or something similar. Can you give us more context?


Complete x-rays? nm
Subject: Complete x-rays? nm

Ortho help - X-Rays
Subject: Ortho help - X-Rays

Review of the patient�s x-rays today continue to show a Grade II AC joint separation.  There is not complete displacement of the (sounds something like) "clavible on the chromene" No evidence of any fracture or dislocation about that right shoulder.

Have no clue?! Thank you.

Sometimes they do a series of x-rays.
Subject: Sometimes they do a series of x-rays.

pt sprained ankle doing x-rays. sm
Subject: pt sprained ankle doing x-rays. sm

This is an ESL doc.

She says.....Patient has some joint effusion.  Patient has s/l well-"corticated" multiple densities adjacent to tip of lateral malleolus and also over medial malleolus.  Seems to be well-"corticated".  Seems to be from old trauma.  Patient stated he sprained his ankle in past and he had x-ray done. 

x-rays S/L-remedially remarkable?
Subject: x-rays S/L-remedially remarkable?

could you be hearing "x-rays are really unremarkable"
Subject: could you be hearing "x-rays are really unremarkable"

More info, please - what kind of x-rays, what did doc say before & after? nm
Subject: More info, please - what kind of x-rays, what did doc say before & after? nm

roentgenography: Photography with the use of x-rays.
Subject: roentgenography: Photography with the use of x-rays.

s/l HCH, pelvic and lateral x-rays of both hips
Subject: s/l HCH, pelvic and lateral x-rays of both hips


A place for x-rays s/l 8alanick imaging* in NJ. Thanks. nm
Subject: A place for x-rays s/l 8alanick imaging* in NJ. Thanks. nm

scalloping or scalloped. Hear that a lot on x-rays. sm
Subject: scalloping or scalloped. Hear that a lot on x-rays. sm



A series of indentations or erosions on a normally smooth margin of a structure.

Pedestrian hit-and-run. Doc is dictating x-rays and CT scan, then the pt had what s/l IVC soulter
Subject: Pedestrian hit-and-run. Doc is dictating x-rays and CT scan, then the pt had what s/l IVC soulter

X-rays reviewed which show a bone abnormality please sm
Subject: X-rays reviewed which show a bone abnormality please sm

in the distal femur laterally, most likely **synofiying** or ossifying fibroma. ?? thanks
Marker used on x-rays to designate left/right is called ????
Subject: Marker used on x-rays to designate left/right is called ????

"This is suspected to be on the left on the basis of the "laterali marker" and on the AP view. However, the oblique views are displayed incorrectly if the "laterali marker" is correct."


Mucho gracias comrades!

. X-rays have been taken weekly which show no s/l probligation of the fracture. sm
Subject: . X-rays have been taken weekly which show no s/l probligation of the fracture. sm

Used again in radiographs - Radiographs of the right hip and femur obtained today show no further probligation of the fracture. Thanks for any help
Comfort?? x-rays were performed on nursing home pt after fall
Subject: Comfort?? x-rays were performed on nursing home pt after fall

Review of x-rays show a s/l web-a-ray nondisplaced fracture of the lateral malleolus.
Subject: Review of x-rays show a s/l web-a-ray nondisplaced fracture of the lateral malleolus.

TIA :-)
X-rays shows a s/l bulla displaced distal radius fracture
Subject: X-rays shows a s/l bulla displaced distal radius fracture

X-rays reviewed that show a lucent line around the humeral component bone please sm
Subject: X-rays reviewed that show a lucent line around the humeral component bone please sm

cement s/l dith-ro-face. The ulnar component appears to be well-fixed. Thanks!!

X-rays reviewed that show questionable volar **assisted* scaphoid fracture. Thanks
Subject: X-rays reviewed that show questionable volar **assisted* scaphoid fracture. Thanks

X-rays reviewed that show complete healing to the s/l symvasis pubis fracture. TIA
Subject: X-rays reviewed that show complete healing to the s/l symvasis pubis fracture. TIA

Nondisplaced fibula fracture s/l *alloplaster* x-rays, AP, lateral, and mortise views of the ankle.
Subject: Nondisplaced fibula fracture s/l *alloplaster* x-rays, AP, lateral, and mortise views of the ankle.

X-rays reviewed that show maintenance of alignment and fixation, and progressive signs of healing sm
Subject: X-rays reviewed that show maintenance of alignment and fixation, and progressive signs of healing sm

now on three out of four s/l cordices. Thanks!
X-rays of the ankle show a single s/l scan-cella screw in the medial malleolus. TIA nm
Subject: X-rays of the ankle show a single s/l scan-cella screw in the medial malleolus. TIA nm

I reviewed x-rays today. They show some s/l white blush of healing along the medial tibial plateau.
Subject: I reviewed x-rays today. They show some s/l white blush of healing along the medial tibial plateau.

TIA :-)
Seems to be under spinal x-rays they do a marrow signal ... "Normal or increased T2 signal intens
Subject: Seems to be under spinal x-rays they do a marrow signal ... "Normal or increased T2 signal intensity in marrow of compressed vertebrae, Abnormal marrow signal involves entire vertebral body..."

salt lake view? x-rays taken of knee include AP, lateral, weightbearing, and "salt lake" vie
Subject: salt lake view? x-rays taken of knee include AP, lateral, weightbearing, and "salt lake" views.

Is it plane film or plain film x-rays? Thanks
Subject: Is it plane film or plain film x-rays? Thanks

Plain, as in plain-old x-rays.
Subject: Plain, as in plain-old x-rays.

There are times they mention certain planes, but that's not what they are talking about here.