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wild guess: try BioComplex ?. sm

Posted By: --- on 2009-05-06
In Reply to: Pt with hypovitaminosis, on lots of vitamins..sounds like "Biopence" and "PAraplex" nm - tracy

Subject: wild guess: try BioComplex ?. sm

Bio Complex...

Organics Ultimate Antioxidant with Bio-Active Polyphenolic Complex -- 1...
The Original Red Wine Antioxidant Made with Organic French Red Grapes. Cellular Rejuvenation with Pro-Longevity Factors. Activates Proteins that Repair Cellular DNA.
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Okay, I'll take a wild, wild guess. Can you hear "serial sm
Subject: Okay, I'll take a wild, wild guess. Can you hear "serial sm

chemistries are normal?"
just a wild, wild guess, out of context, could it be 'coffee creamers?'...nm
Subject: just a wild, wild guess, out of context, could it be 'coffee creamers?'...nm

Wild wild guess: More files??
Subject: Wild wild guess: More files??


status post thoracentesis?
wild guess
Subject: wild guess

Does 'chalazion' fit in there?  It's a small hard tumor similar to a sebaceous cyst, according to Taber's.
another wild guess
Subject: another wild guess

tuberous ?
A very wild guess as I don't have much to go on. sm
Subject: A very wild guess as I don't have much to go on. sm

Could the dictator be saying "A-line" as in "arterial line?"
just a wild guess................nm
Subject: just a wild guess................nm

Wild guess
Subject: Wild guess

Just a wild guess...Hyperferritinemia????
Wild guess...sm
Subject: Wild guess...sm

Could he be saying "dependent rubor?"  Rubor means redness from inflammation.  This is a really wild guess!   Sorry I can't be of more help than this. 
very wild guess
Subject: very wild guess

cataract "removal x 2" ??
Wild guess here but there is a sm
Subject: Wild guess here but there is a sm

supplement called  zeaxathinin (carotene etc) ?? Any other info on this med?


Zeaxanthin Supplement

Poor eyesight is often a sign of aging, but that doesn�t mean you�re doomed to lose your sight. Carotenoids, like zeaxanthin and lutein, can help protect ...
www.lifescript.com/channels/well_being/supplements/zeaxanthin.asp - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

Zeaxanthin: by Ray Sahelian, M.D., zeaxanthin benefit

Q. Can a zeaxanthin supplement be taken the same day as serrapeptase or ... Actually, all one has to do is to take a lutein or zeaxanthin supplement ...
www.raysahelian.com/zeaxanthin.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

This is a wild guess
Subject: This is a wild guess

I don't usually do meds....but goldenseal is an herb that is used in alternative medicine. Probably not what your dictator is saying, but that's what I thought of when reading your post.
wild guess huh
Subject: wild guess huh

maybe, its tinea of the foot, I wish this could help you
Wild guess
Subject: Wild guess

Instead of moidi, maybe Ewing?

Or some English word that means variant of?
Wild guess
Subject: Wild guess

Soma is also called carisoprodol and comes in that strength.
wild guess here
Subject: wild guess here

Can you here anxyolytics?
Wild guess
Subject: Wild guess

basal rate or base rate?
Just a wild guess here...
Subject: Just a wild guess here...

but if it was the last medication in a list of medications could doc have said "plus" Diovan?
That's it! Thanks for your wild guess...
Subject: That's it! Thanks for your wild guess...

WAG is a wild a** guess. nm
Subject: WAG is a wild a** guess. nm

Just a wild guess
Subject: Just a wild guess

In my Stedman's OB, there's caput medusae, caput quadratum and caput succedaneum. Maybe your doc said it 'backwards' when he/she was saying one of these terms?
wild guess
Subject: wild guess

This is a wild guess but...
Subject: This is a wild guess but...

There is a Beck depression inventory and a SIGI System of Interactive Guidance Information so maybe SIGI-Beck??
wild guess
Subject: wild guess

Nasarel...a corticosteroid...used for rhinitis...maybe not much help...
wild guess
Subject: wild guess

pyloric sonogram
wild guess
Subject: wild guess

crossover migration of the humeral head, perhaps.
wild guess
Subject: wild guess

Vaniqa, Zosyn...perhaps...
wild guess
Subject: wild guess

could it be Tree pinch
wild guess, but could it be SM
Subject: wild guess, but could it be SM

prerenal azotemia, dehydration, near syncope?
Wild guess might be
Subject: Wild guess might be

"Bony sequestrum projects (to the?) distal right of the radial styloid process, which does not appear to be posttraumatic."

I don't know if the patient is being checked for osteonecrosis or what since you didn't give any history.
wild guess...
Subject: wild guess...

how about autogenous bone graft...
another wild guess....since u said there maybe an L
Subject: another wild guess....since u said there maybe an L

cancellous bone graft.....
wild guess
Subject: wild guess

just a wild guess if HEENT exam - sclerae anicteric
Just a wild guess...
Subject: Just a wild guess...

Possibly isthmic spondylolisthesis or degenerative spondylolisthesis? Doesn't really sound like what you have, but they are complications from a lumbar decompression.
WAG is wild-a**ed-guess!!! nm
Subject: WAG is wild-a**ed-guess!!! nm

Wild guess - ureters. NM
Subject: Wild guess - ureters. NM

Could it be scoliosis? Wild guess... nm
Subject: Could it be scoliosis? Wild guess... nm

WAG is slang for Wild a-- guess! nm
Subject: WAG is slang for Wild a-- guess! nm

wild guess here - IVs in place?
Subject: wild guess here - IVs in place?

Wild guess "malady"? nm
Subject: Wild guess "malady"? nm

well wild guess but Mobic is an...n/m
Subject: well wild guess but Mobic is an...n/m

Just a wild guess and still excessive but could it be
Subject: Just a wild guess and still excessive but could it be

Wild guess but overt something like
Subject: Wild guess but overt something like

overt bleeding?
wild guess - modafinil
Subject: wild guess - modafinil


Generic Name: Modafinil (moe-DAFF-ih-nill)
Brand Name: Provigil

Modafinil is used for:

Improving wakefulness in patients with excessive sleepiness associated with narcolepsy or other sleep disorders. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Modafinil is a wakefulness-promoting agent. The exact way it works is not known, but it is thought to work by altering the natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain.
Wild guess. Slide done.
Subject: Wild guess. Slide done.

Surgicel? wild guess nm
Subject: Surgicel? wild guess nm

wild guess:- area??
Subject: wild guess:- area??

Wild guess - positive ?? (nm)
Subject: Wild guess - positive ?? (nm)

Wild guess here: campylobacteriosis
Subject: Wild guess here: campylobacteriosis

wild guess - lymphedema was seen ? NM
Subject: wild guess - lymphedema was seen ? NM