Eponyms beginning with B: |
Baader's dermatostomatitis |
Baader's syndrome |
Baader-Fiessinger-Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
Baastrup's disease (misnomer) |
Baastrup's sign |
Baastrup's syndrome |
Baastrup-Johnsen intensi/docimeter |
Babbitt's metal |
Babcock's operation |
Babcock's test |
Babcock's test for milk |
Baber's syndrome |
Babčs Knötchen (German) |
Babčs-Ernst granules |
Babesia |
Babesiosis |
Babington’s disease |
Babinski's method |
Babinski's reflex |
Babinski's sign I |
Babinski's sign II |
Babinski's sign III |
Babinski's syndrome |
Babinski-Fröhlich syndrome |
Babinski-Froment syndrome |
Babinski-Nageotte syndrome |
Babinski-Vaquez syndrome |
Babinski’s ear phenomenon |
Babinski’s test |
Babkin's reflex |
Baccaredda-Sézary syndrome |
Baccelli's method |
Baccelli's sign |
Bach's flower power |
Bachblüte (German) |
Bachhanal |
Bachman's intracutaneous test |
Bachmann's bundle |
Bachmann-Pettit test |
Bacille Calmette-Guérin |
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine |
Bacterium sonnei |
Baehr-Schiffrin disease |
Baehr-Schiffrin syndrome |
Bael'z disease |
Baelz' cheilitis |
Baelz' syndrome |
Baer's law I |
Baer's law II |
Baer's operation |
Baer's vesicle |
Bäfverstedt syndrome |
Bagdad boil |
Bagolini lens |
Bagolini's syndrome |
Bagolini's test |
Bahima disease |
Bail's phenomenon |
Bailey's forceps |
Bailey's operation I |
Bailey's operation II |
Bailey's reposition |
Bailey-Cushing syndrome |
Baillarger stripes |
Baillarger's bands |
Baillarger's lines |
Baillarger's principle |
Baillarger’s syndrome |
Bailliart's ophthalmodynamometer |
Bailliart’s goniometer |
Bainbridge's reflex |
Baird-Parker medium |
Bairnsdale ulcer |
Baizeau and Trélat's method |
Baker's cannula |
Baker's cyst |
Baker's disease |
Baker-Rosenbach syndrome |
Baker-Winegrad syndrome |
Bakwin-Eiger syndrome |
Bakwin-Krida syndrome |
Balanite kératosique et micacée de Lortat-Jacob et Civatte (French) |
Balbiani''s rings |
Balbiani's vesicles |
Balduzzi's reflex |
Baldwin's operation |
Baldwin's operation |
Baldwin-Mori operation |
Baldy-Franke operation |
Baldy-Webster operation |
Balfour's method |
Balfour's test |
Balint group |
Balint's method |
Balint's syndrome |
Balint-Holmes syndrome |
Balkan frame |
Balkan nephropathy |
Balke's test |
Ballance's sign |
Ballantyne's syndrome |
Ballantyne's Syndrome |
Ballantyne-Runge syndrome |
Ballard's syndrome |
Baller-Gerold syndrome |
Ballet's disease |
Ballet's symptom |
Ballingall's disease |
Balme's cough |
Balo' s disease |
Baló's concentric sclerosis |
Baló's encephalitis |
Balo's syndrome |
Balser's fatty necrosis |
Balser-Fitz syndrome |
Baltic myoclonus |
Baltic myoclonus |
Bamatter's syndrome |
Bamatter-Franceschetti-Klein-Sierro-syndrome |
Bamberger's albuminuria |
Bamberger's disease |
Bamberger's disease I |
Bamberger's disease II |
Bamberger's forceps |
Bamberger-Concato disease |
Bamberger-Marie disease |
Bamberger-Pierre Marie syndrome |
Bamberger-Pins-Ewart sign |
Bancroft's filariasis |
Bandl's ring |
Bandl's ring of contraction |
Bandler's syndrome |
Banerjee's syndrome |
Bang's bacillus |
Bang's disease |
Bankart's lesion |
Bankart's operation |
Banki's syndrome |
Bannayan's syndrome |
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba |
Bannayan-Zonana syndrome |
Bannister’s disease |
Bannister’s syndrome |
Bannwarth's syndrome |
Banti's disease |
Banti's syndrome |
Banti-Senator disease |
Bar's syndrome |
Barakat's syndrome |
Bárány's alarm apparatus |
Bárány's chair |
Bárány's law |
Bárány's operation |
Bárány's pointing test |
Bárány's syndrome |
Bárány's test |
Bárány's theory of endolymph flow |
Barbarian |
Barber's dermatosis |
Barber's disease |
Barber's pustular psoriasis of the extremities |
Barber's syndrome |
Barber's syndrome |
Bard and Pic law |
Bard's symptom |
Bard's syndrome |
Bard-Pic syndrome |
Bard’s syndrome |
Bargantum’s syndrome |
Bargen's bacillus |
Barkan's membrane |
Barkan's operation |
Barlow's disease |
Barlow's syndrome |
Barlow’s syndrome |
Barnes' bags or dilators |
Barnes-Neville forceps |
Baron Münchhausen’s syndrome |
Barr's body |
Barr's test |
Barr-Shaver-Carr syndrome |
Barraquer's method |
Barraquer's operation |
Barraquer's reflex |
Barraquer-Simons syndrome |
Barraquer’s syndrome |
Barré's sign of the leg |
Barré-Liéou syndrome |
Barré-Masson syndrome |
Barré-Masson tumour |
Barré’s syndrome II |
Barrett's epithelium |
Barrett's hiatus hernia |
Barrett's oesophagus |
Barrett's syndrome |
Barrett's ulcer |
Bartholin's abscess (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartholin's cyst (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartholin's cystectomy (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartholin's duct (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartholin's gland (Caspar Bartholin The Younger) |
Bartholin-Patau syndrome |
Bartholin-Patau syndrome (Thomas Bartholin) |
Bartholinitis (Caspar Bartholin the Younger) |
Bartisch-Jaeger method |
Barton's bandage |
Barton's dressing |
Barton's forceps |
Barton's fracture |
Bartonella |
Bartonella henselae |
Bartonellosis |
Bärtschi-Rochaix' syndrome |
Bartter's syndrome |
Bartter-Schwartz syndrome |
Basedow's coma |
Basedow's ocular syndromes |
Basedow's syndrome or disease |
Bastian's aphasia |
Bastian-Bruns law or sign |
Bastian’s rule |
Batten disease |
Batten's syndrome |
Batten-Gibb syndrome |
Batten-Kufs syndrome |
Batten-Mayou disease |
Batten-Spielmeyer-Vogt disease |
Batten-Steinert syndrome |
Batten-Turner form of congenital myopathy |
Batten-Turner syndrome |
Batten’s disease |
Battle's incision |
Battle's operation |
Battle's sign |
Baumgarten-Tangl law |
Baumgarten’s portal hypertension variant syndrome |
Baumgarten’s syndrome |
Bayard’s ecchymoses |
Bayford-Autenrieth dysphagia |
Bayford-Autenrieth syndrome |
Bazett's formula |
Bazett's index |
Bazex syndrome |
Bazex syndrome II |
Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndrome |
Bazex-Griffiths syndrome |
BCG - Bacille bilié de Calmette-Guérin |
BCG vaccine |
Beal's arachnodactyly |
Beal-Longmire operation |
Beals' syndrome |
Beals' syndrome |
Beals-Hecht syndrome |
Beals-Hecht syndrome (Frederick Hecht) |
Bean's dollar bill skin |
Bean's syndrome |
Beard's disease |
Beare's syndrome |
Beare-Dodge-Nevin complex |
Beare-Dodge-Nevin syndrome |
Bearn-Künkel syndrome |
Bearn-Kunkel-Slater syndrome |
Beau's lines |
Beau's syndrome |
Beau-Reil cross furrows |
Beauvieux' disease |
Bebesia |
Becher's cells |
Becher's figure |
Becher's reaction |
Becher's test |
Becher's xantoprotein reaction |
Beck and von Acker procedure |
Beck's Bismuth paste |
Beck's boring |
Beck's butterfly cannula. |
Beck's cannula |
Beck's clamp |
Beck's disease |
Beck's hoop |
Beck's method I |
Beck's method II |
Beck's method III |
Beck's syndrome |
Beck-Dieffenbach boring |
Beck-Ibrahim disease |
Becker's dystrophy |
Becker's melanosis |
Becker's muscular dystrophy |
Becker's naevus |
Becker's phenomenon |
Becker's progressive muscular dystrophy |
Becker's test |
Becker-Kiener muscular dystrophy |
Becker-Kiener syndrome |
Becker-Reuter syndrome |
Beckman-Adson retractor |
Beckwith's syndrome |
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome |
Béclard's core of bone |
Béclard's hernia |
Bednar's aphthae |
Bednar-Parrot disease |
Bednar-Parrot syndrome |
Bedsonia |
Beemer type |
Beemer's syndrome |
Beer's operation |
Begbie's disease |
Begbie’s syndrome |
Béguez César's syndrome |
Beguez César-Steinbrinck-Chédiak-Higashi syndrome |
Behçet's aphthae |
Behçet's syndrome |
Behçet's triple symptom complex |
Behnke-Thiel dystrophy |
Behr's complicated form of infantile hereditary atrophy |
Behr's disease |
Behr's disease |
Behr's syndrome I |
Behr's syndrome II |
Bekhterev's acromial reflex |
Bekhterev's disease |
Bekhterev's nucleus |
Bekhterev's nystagmus |
Bekhterev's pectoralis reflex |
Bekhterev's reflex |
Bekhterev's reflex I |
Bekhterev's reflex II |
Bekhterev's reflex of eye |
Bekhterev's reflex of hand |
Bekhterev's reflex of the heel |
Bekhterev's syndrome |
Bekhterev-Jacobsohn reflex |
Bekhterev-Mendel reflex |
Bekhterev-Strümpell-Marie disease |
Bell's law |
Bell's nerve |
Bell's palsy |
Bell's paralysis |
Bell's phenomenon |
Bell's spasm |
Bell's syndrome |
Bell-Magendie law |
Bence Jones albuminuria |
Bence Jones disease |
Bence Jones' cylinders |
Bence Jones' protein |
Bence Jones' proteinuria |
Bence Jones’ albumin |
Bence Jones’ syndrome |
Bennett's double ring splint |
Bennett's fracture |
Bennett’s fracture luxation |
Bensaude's method |
Béraud's valve |
Berdon's syndrome |
Berger's disease |
Berger's effect (Hans Berger) |
Berger's rhythm (Hans Berger) |
Berger's syndrome (Oskar Berger) |
Berger's wave (Hans Berger) |
Berger-Hinglais syndrome |
Berger’s nephropathy |
Bergeron’s chorea |
Bergeron’s disease |
Bergmann's bilirubin tolerance test |
Bergmann's cells |
Bergmann's diaphragmatic hernia syndrome |
Bergmann's rule |
Bergmann's syndrome |
Bergmann-Eilbott bilirubin tolerance test |
Bergmann-Eilbott test |
Bernard's canal (Claude bernard) |
Bernard's duct (Claude Bernard) |
Bernard's glandular layer (Claude Bernard) |
Bernard's syndrome (Jean Bernard) |
Bernard-Horner syndrome (Claude Bernard) |
Bernard-Scholz syndrome |
Bernard-Soulier syndrome (Jean Bernard) |
Bernard’s syndrome |
Bernhardt's disease |
Bernhardt's disturbance of sensation |
Bernhardt's formula |
Bernhardt's paralysis |
Bernhardt's syndrome |
Bernhardt-Roth disease |
Bernhardt-Roth disease |
Bernhardt-Roth paraesthesia |
Bernheimer-Seitelberger syndrome |
Berry's syndrome |
Berry-Treacher Collins syndrome |
Bertolotti-Garcin syndrome |
Besnier's disease |
Besnier's disease |
Besnier's prurigo |
Besnier-Boeck disease |
Besnier-Boeck sarcoid |
Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease |
Besnier-Tenneson syndrome |
Besredka's anaphylaxis |
Besredka's antivirus |
Besredka's desensitization |
Besredka's egg substrate |
Besredka's method |
Besredka's method |
Besredka's reaction |
Besredka's vaccine |
Beurmann disease |
Beurmann's agent |
Beurmann-Gougerot disease |
Beveled incision |
Bezold's abscess |
Bezold's ganglion |
Bezold's mastoiditis |
Bezold's reflex |
Bezold's sign |
Bezold's symptom |
Bezold's syndrome |
Bezold's test |
Bezold's triad |
Bezold-Brücke phenomenon |
Bezold-Edelmann continuous scale |
Bezold-Jarisch reflex |
Bezold-Jarisch response |
Biber-Haab-Dimmer degeneration |
Bickerstaff's encephalitis |
Bickerstaff's syndrome |
Bielschowsky stains |
Bielschowsky's disease |
Bielschowsky's head tilt test |
Bielschowsky's phenomenon |
Bielschowsky's squint |
Bielschowsky's syndrome |
Bielschowsky-Lutz-Cogan syndrome |
Bielskowsky's amaurotic idiocy |
Biermer-Ehrlich anaemia |
Biermer’s change of note |
homans? nm
Subject: homans? nm
so is Homans..
Subject: so is Homans..
Homans sign
Subject: Homans sign
for DVT
Homans (according to my MTSO)
Subject: Homans (according to my MTSO)
Stedman's has it Homans. sm
Subject: Stedman's has it Homans. sm
Homans sign
Homans test
Homans. No apostrophe because...sm
Subject: Homans. No apostrophe because...sm
...First, it's named after Dr. Homans (as the previous poster mentioned). Secondly, it is no longer proper in medical transcription to use the possessive forms of eponyms. That's why it is now "Alzheimer disease," "Kawasaki disease," "non-Hodgkin lymphoma," etc. The resources where you are finding it with an apostrophe are out of date. If I recall correctly, this new standard is only a few years old. (Why can't they just quit changing this stuff on us?!?!?!)
because it is doctor name HOMANS
Subject: because it is doctor name HOMANS
can check out some things on--- whonamedit.com
Homans sign, :) nm
Subject: Homans sign, :) nm
Homans? *no apostrophe* per BOS 2nd edition
Subject: Homans? *no apostrophe* per BOS 2nd edition
named after John Homans.....
Subject: named after John Homans.....
Biography: John Homans worked on experimental hypophysectomy with Harvey Williams Cushing (1869-1939) at Johns Hopkins. Homans, Cushing and Samuel James Crowe (1883-1955) in 1910 presented the first evidence of the relationship between the pituitary and the reproductive system. Homans later became interested in peripheral vascular disease.
His wife was Helen Perkins Homans. Their daughter Helen Homans died of pneumonia on November 22, 1916, while serving as a nurse with the Red Cross in France. Homans' three sons all graduated from Harvard.
from whonamedit.com
Homans sign - no apostrophe s
Subject: Homans sign - no apostrophe s
Stedman's Medical has Homans'
Subject: Stedman's Medical has Homans'
Homans and McMurray's sign maybe?
Subject: Homans and McMurray's sign maybe?
says homans' and she/l Marcie's ? sign are negative
Subject: says homans' and she/l Marcie's ? sign are negative
Homans sign if neurology report?
Subject: Homans sign if neurology report?
Baby homans were inserted? see note.
Subject: Baby homans were inserted? see note.
Blunt dissection was taken down to the lateral wall of the calcaneus. S/L Baby Homans were inserted superior and inferiorly along the area of the osteotomy.
Could it be masses sign? And Homans has no apostrophe according to Stedman's ortho word book
Subject: Could it be masses sign? And Homans has no apostrophe according to Stedman's ortho word book
Homans sign, Hohmann retractor (not Homan's retractor). nm
Subject: Homans sign, Hohmann retractor (not Homan's retractor). nm