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wall board

Posted By: Jeeperbelle on 2007-08-13
In Reply to: Physical therapy question-word help - Typemed

Subject: wall board

a total guess - like rom for shoulders?

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wrong board.....try main board or company board
Subject: wrong board.....try main board or company board

wall leaks? wall leakage? nm
Subject: wall leaks? wall leakage? nm

you should post this on the Main Board - this is word help board NM
Subject: you should post this on the Main Board - this is word help board NM

You posted on wrong board. This is the word board. nm
Subject: You posted on wrong board. This is the word board. nm

Admin-sorry, wrong board-thought it was MQ board..
Subject: Admin-sorry, wrong board-thought it was MQ board..

sorry - I thought I was still on the MQ board - please forgive my faux pas.....and one cannot get that BOS2 if not employed by them....so sorry :(((((

wrong board, this is The Word Board
Subject: wrong board, this is The Word Board

back board or bed board maybe??
Subject: back board or bed board maybe??

Gut Wall
Subject: Gut Wall

Are you sure he/she isn't saying gut wall guarding in the abdominal exam, then going into the extremity exam?
s/l over the wall tenderness
Subject: s/l over the wall tenderness

Doc says she has some ecchymosis around her eye.  She has some minor lateral ... over the wall .... tenderness and some tenderness at the zygoma but there is no palpable stepoff and no significant swelling. 

Any suggestions.  Thanks. 

gut wall guarding?
Subject: gut wall guarding?

Anyone heard of this.  Stating gut wall guarding right shoulder.

gut wall guarding?
Have you heard of this? Stating gut wall gaurding right shoulder.
s/l eye wall manipulator
Subject: s/l eye wall manipulator

sl dent to the fifth wall
Subject: sl dent to the fifth wall

In the HEENT. Oropharynx is moist. She has a "dent to the fifth wall."

Patient is elderly with dementia and CVD.

duodenal wall?
Subject: duodenal wall?

Could it be posterior wall? (nm)
Subject: Could it be posterior wall? (nm)

wall motion abnormalities
Subject: wall motion abnormalities

bare wall sign
Subject: bare wall sign

I have an orthopedic surgeon who notes a "bare wall" in the knee when doing an arthroscopy to indicate the "bare wall" where the ligament should be attached but is no longer attached because of a tear. Hope this helps.
bare wall sign
Subject: bare wall sign

Anyone ever hear of this regarding a cruciate ligament exam?
Maybe secretory wall for the second blank? nm
Subject: Maybe secretory wall for the second blank? nm

bronchial wall remains
Subject: bronchial wall remains

I'm thing remains because he is comparing it to the May 17 study.
Pt with fat pad noted on chest wall. sm
Subject: Pt with fat pad noted on chest wall. sm

No hepatosplenomegaly. s/l Job space was not dull
? Regioinal wall motion?
Subject: ? Regioinal wall motion?

passive wall motion nm
Subject: passive wall motion nm

Unless totally off the wall, type what the
Subject: Unless totally off the wall, type what the

"ASD" placement in chest wall

Thorax has a well-healed placement of ASD in the left chest wall.  I can't tell if I'm hearing AST, ASD, or ???  Can't find anything that really fits without question.  Patient has non-Hodgkin's


listen for wall motion abnormality
Subject: listen for wall motion abnormality

Nope, but thanks. Bare wall is very clear!
Subject: Nope, but thanks. Bare wall is very clear!

Should have said..mine pronounce ESWL , "S Wall"...nm
Subject: Should have said..mine pronounce ESWL , "S Wall"...nm

That second part could be a simple as "cyst wall"
Subject: That second part could be a simple as "cyst wall"

if it's pertaining to the same procedure.
circumferential is fine, going all the way around the intima instead of just along one wall or
Subject: circumferential is fine, going all the way around the intima instead of just along one wall or

fascia? abdominal wall? cul-de-sac? adnexa? nm
Subject: fascia? abdominal wall? cul-de-sac? adnexa? nm

If that is the case, then I would put septal and posterior wall...
Subject: If that is the case, then I would put septal and posterior wall...

It is usually in reference to the thickness and their ratio.
The lens was centered with an eye wall manipulator.
Subject: The lens was centered with an eye wall manipulator.

Echo- no wall motion in the s/l value is present?
Subject: Echo- no wall motion in the s/l value is present?

listen for wall motion abnormalities? nm
Subject: listen for wall motion abnormalities? nm

S/l: Nare-A on the abdominal wall are s/l blottalbe
Subject: S/l: Nare-A on the abdominal wall are s/l blottalbe

Anyone ever hear of s/l nuiasance wall syndrome...TIA
Subject: Anyone ever hear of s/l nuiasance wall syndrome...TIA

maybe new onset chest wall syndrome? NM
Subject: maybe new onset chest wall syndrome? NM

maybe "no atrial wall thickening" ? nm
Subject: maybe "no atrial wall thickening" ? nm

Family hx: Mother has hx of s/l wall Benstroms microglobunemia tia
Subject: Family hx: Mother has hx of s/l wall Benstroms microglobunemia tia

Anyone hear of s/l nuisance chest wall syndrome..TIA
Subject: Anyone hear of s/l nuisance chest wall syndrome..TIA

I have heard of "empty wall sign" in association
Subject: I have heard of "empty wall sign" in association

Can be telangiectasia in vaginal wall so I think poikoloderma fits. nm
Subject: Can be telangiectasia in vaginal wall so I think poikoloderma fits. nm

Mild "ecky" periumbilical and abdominal wall ecchymosis. sm
Mild ____ periumbilical and upper abdominal wall ecchymosis.  Sounds like "ecky" or "epi".  Any ideas what this might be?  TIA
mastectomy and reconstruction followed by ETC and local chest wall radiation
Subject: mastectomy and reconstruction followed by ETC and local chest wall radiation

perhaps ൛-gauge, single-wall access needle" ? nm
Subject: perhaps ൛-gauge, single-wall access needle" ? nm

haustra= multiple pouches in the wall of the large intestine
Subject: haustra= multiple pouches in the wall of the large intestine

not sure how he would be using it...but there is such a word.
If refering to the orbital wall/bones that could be correct, see inside.
Subject: If refering to the orbital wall/bones that could be correct, see inside.

Orbital Walls:

  • Provides protection to the globe
  • A pyramid in shape with apex at foramen
  • Roof - frontal bone, lesser wing of sphenoid
  • Medial - maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoid, body of sphenoid
  • Floor - maxillary, palatine, zygoma
  • Lateral - zygoma, greater wing of sphenoid

anterior abdominal wall was cleaned using a s/l "swaburette".. any ideas??
Subject: anterior abdominal wall was cleaned using a s/l "swaburette".. any ideas??

dried, Dermabond was placed to the 5 mm trocar sites. 
Usually it is not playing but attaching or connecting the NG tube to low wall suction.
Subject: Usually it is not playing but attaching or connecting the NG tube to low wall suction.

on problem list... ***abotsive*** right chest wall mass... nm TIA =)
Subject: on problem list... ***abotsive*** right chest wall mass... nm TIA =)
