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using s/l algumbin??? to control the bleeding...please help.Thanks

Posted By: MT-gurl on 2009-02-24
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Subject: using s/l algumbin??? to control the bleeding...please help.Thanks

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Pt w/ epistaxis. s/l topical cocaine was used to control the bleeding.
Subject: Pt w/ epistaxis. s/l topical cocaine was used to control the bleeding.

I think it is just control of tumor necrosis factor and (kakectins) from virologic control.
Subject: I think it is just control of tumor necrosis factor and (kakectins) from virologic control.

stigmata of bleeding or stigmata of active bleeding, maybe?
Subject: stigmata of bleeding or stigmata of active bleeding, maybe?

Could it be *bleeding* ? nm
Subject: Could it be *bleeding* ? nm

Subject: bleeding?

Not bleeding. She's definitely saying BD or BV or B something.
Subject: Not bleeding. She's definitely saying BD or BV or B something.

Bleeding diathesis sm
Subject: Bleeding diathesis sm

bleeding diathesis - General Practice Notebook
A bleeding diathesis is a condition in which there is an unusual susceptibility
or predisposition to bleeding. Bleeding diatheses are classified with ...
www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/-1013317631.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

no ulcer bleeding?
Subject: no ulcer bleeding?

rongeur does not fit here. S/L may be no other bleeding nm
Subject: rongeur does not fit here. S/L may be no other bleeding nm

Ob..she has been bleeding now for a month....
Subject: Ob..she has been bleeding now for a month....

post spontaneous AB.  She says this is as heavy as her period.  I believe at this point she probably has retained s/l blooduxsm?? Will do a D&C.
Bleeding was abated???? nm
Subject: Bleeding was abated???? nm

Bleeding scan help (sm)
Subject: Bleeding scan help (sm)

.... showed some activity below the bladder level, but no discrete s/l "poital" flow or active bleeding. 

Was this bleeding during surgery?
Subject: Was this bleeding during surgery?

There is no hx of bleeding s/l dia thysis or thrombophilia.
Subject: There is no hx of bleeding s/l dia thysis or thrombophilia.

Can only think of friable, but probably not if bleeding isn't mentioned. nm
Subject: Can only think of friable, but probably not if bleeding isn't mentioned. nm

Gingivitis. Bleeding gums.
Subject: Gingivitis. Bleeding gums.

could it be minimal amount of bleeding?
Subject: could it be minimal amount of bleeding?

If they have a bleeding vessel along the path somewhere, then
Subject: If they have a bleeding vessel along the path somewhere, then

? dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Subject: ? dysfunctional uterine bleeding

s/l a let was applied and the bleeding stopped...Thanks..
Subject: s/l a let was applied and the bleeding stopped...Thanks..

also in UA, it sounds like he is saying high land cast  TIA
probably "no bleeding or clotting disorders"
Subject: probably "no bleeding or clotting disorders"

pulmonary embolism or abnormal bleeding.
Subject: pulmonary embolism or abnormal bleeding.

Ever heard of s/l NewNet? Used for bleeding in surgery?
Subject: Ever heard of s/l NewNet? Used for bleeding in surgery?

external hemorrhoids with s/l exstimatic bleeding?
Subject: external hemorrhoids with s/l exstimatic bleeding?

Dictator is ESL -

Patient with external hemorrhoids with s/l exstimatic bleeding from old trauma.


No history of allergies, bleeding tendencies, s
Subject: No history of allergies, bleeding tendencies, s

s/l Stragus?  <-phonetically, diabetes, or emboli?  second dictation with the same phrase used
Got it -- no discrete point of active bleeding. Thanks!
Subject: Got it -- no discrete point of active bleeding. Thanks!

Oh yeh. You've heard of bleeding ulcers.
Subject: Oh yeh. You've heard of bleeding ulcers.

you'll find lots if you google it
Pt with postop bleeding txd with s/l QL and polystyrene mixture. (nm)
Subject: Pt with postop bleeding txd with s/l QL and polystyrene mixture. (nm)

1.1 x control
Subject: 1.1 x control

Heavy bleeding, she has s/l Marie Knot, in place?
Subject: Heavy bleeding, she has s/l Marie Knot, in place?

hemostasis means the stoppage of bleeding or hemorrhage
Subject: hemostasis means the stoppage of bleeding or hemorrhage

so attained could be correct. either way I would leave what the doctor says (and spells).
I believe you're right. I did a little research and found it's used to stop bleeding.
Subject: I believe you're right. I did a little research and found it's used to stop bleeding.

No the bleeding was as a result of a chin laceration. LET is correct. TIA
Subject: No the bleeding was as a result of a chin laceration. LET is correct. TIA

I googled it and found it using LET applied to the wound site (e.g)...  Thanks... 
could it be dilution control?
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Should be A/C (assist/control) NM
Subject: Should be A/C (assist/control) NM

Birth control s/l
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At her last visit given prescription for s/l alas to start with her next period. Concerned that she may have weight gain similar as she had with Yaz.
OB-GYN med/birth control
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I'm doing a gynecology note and the doc says the patient will start the *s/l* serafene 50 mg a day.  Anyone heard of this?


yes, can I control that on the key pad...or adjust it
Subject: yes, can I control that on the key pad...or adjust it

Birth control name
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I'm doing a gynecology report and the doc says the patient is on *s/l delavette* for birth control, but I can't find anything like that. Anyone know what this could be?


bleeders encountered were coagulated? Usually bleeding or oozing of some sort. nm
Subject: bleeders encountered were coagulated? Usually bleeding or oozing of some sort. nm

to stop bleeding after card cath, is it femstop or femostop?
Subject: to stop bleeding after card cath, is it femstop or femostop?

I have found it both ways just wondering which is correct? TIA
Pt had uterine biopsy. Had minimal s/l 'multi' bleeding afterward. thx! nm
Subject: Pt had uterine biopsy. Had minimal s/l 'multi' bleeding afterward. thx! nm

stoping bleeding during procedure with IV Pitocin, and IV S/L Mastergen??? and masage
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GYN - treated for her s/l disortive uterine bleeding - comes in for endometrial biopsy
Subject: GYN - treated for her s/l disortive uterine bleeding - comes in for endometrial biopsy

I think it is 'epistaxis' = bleeding from one side of the nose, from one nostril only, I goog
Subject: I think it is 'epistaxis' = bleeding from one side of the nose, from one nostril only, I googled , I hope it is not too late.

Birth control pills
Subject: Birth control pills

Solera birth control pill. Cannot confirm it or find it. Can anyone recommend a complete list of birth control pills. Thanks.

Birth control pill s/l Sen sin eek nm
Subject: Birth control pill s/l Sen sin eek nm

Question on birth control...sm
Subject: Question on birth control...sm

She had been given a refill for her birth control pills (s/l some Prosill).  I cannot any thing close to this. 

Thank you. 

birth control medication
Subject: birth control medication

The patient was switched to birth control s/l eb-bre-on 323. 
assist control setting?
Subject: assist control setting?

He is on the ventilator at assist control of 14/500, PEEP of 5, FIO2 of 30%.


He says "assist control of fourteen five hundred".  How should this be written?  14/500, 14,500? 


European birth control
Subject: European birth control

Has anyone ever heard of something that sounds like Monostep, comes from Germany as a form of birth control