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Posted By: D on 2007-11-16
In Reply to: s/l ar que al ulcerations - sm

Subject: ulcerations

There is arteriolar (ischemic) ulcerations (perhaps?)

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s/l ar que al ulcerations
Subject: s/l ar que al ulcerations

Peripheral vascular disease. Patient has 'ar que al' ulcerations and is on Keflex.
Derm help...choleste ulcerations
Subject: Derm help...choleste ulcerations

newer to dermatology, does this sound familiar? 
s/l "Swing" cream for treatment of stasis ulcerations. TIA. nm
Subject: s/l "Swing" cream for treatment of stasis ulcerations. TIA. nm

I'm wondering if its just "acute" ulcerations - any more info might be helpful
Subject: I'm wondering if its just "acute" ulcerations - any more info might be helpful

no ulcerations(throat) or sounds like "cult stunning"
Subject: no ulcerations(throat) or sounds like "cult stunning"

The throat is erythematous.  The patient has no tonsils.  No ulcerations or "cult stunning" is noted.