tympanic membranes? maybe TMs intact? nm
Posted By: ltt on 2007-12-03
In Reply to: Need Help with Audiology (sm) - charlie
Subject: tympanic membranes? maybe TMs intact? nm
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ATM=TMs (tympanic membranes)
Subject: ATM=TMs (tympanic membranes)
cell culture? sputum culture? wound culture? lots of others to consider.
"and TMs" (tympanic membranes) nm
Subject: "and TMs" (tympanic membranes) nm
Maybe normal tympanic membranes
Subject: Maybe normal tympanic membranes
if you lieave the word "with" out ?
can you make "anicteric sclerae. Tympanic membranes are clear" out of that?
Subject: can you make "anicteric sclerae. Tympanic membranes are clear" out of that?
just tryin' to help :)
Under the HEENT exam . . I did not examine his s/l fundae or tympanic membranes.
Subject: Under the HEENT exam . . I did not examine his s/l fundae or tympanic membranes.
dame of mucous membranes?
Subject: dame of mucous membranes?
Dr. says: The sclerae and conjunctivae are unremarkable. TMs are unremarkable. The nose shows a mild degree of hyperemia at the (s/l dame) of the mucous membranes. The patient’s oropharynx shows no significant pathology. Mucous membranes are moist.
What is dame? Could not find this word anywhere. Any help
s/l "assisted? rupture of membranes"
Subject: s/l "assisted? rupture of membranes"
I think maybe tympanic membrane
Subject: I think maybe tympanic membrane
instead of dimeric or whatever you have
tympanic membrane ?
Subject: tympanic membrane ?
A lot of dictators use tympanic instead of
Subject: A lot of dictators use tympanic instead of
on relistening it is not amniotic membranes but it was chorioamnionitis
Subject: on relistening it is not amniotic membranes but it was chorioamnionitis
maybe SROM - spontaneous rupture of membranes
Subject: maybe SROM - spontaneous rupture of membranes
tympanic versus tympanitic
Subject: tympanic versus tympanitic
Many of our doctors use tympanic when describing the abdomen, and my co-workers and I are not in complete agreement on whether to change it. Can an abdomen be "tympanic" or should it be changed to "tympanitic."
tympanic membrane- s/l pastication?
Subject: tympanic membrane- s/l pastication?
1. Tympanic. 2. ??? 3. hearing loss? sm
Subject: 1. Tympanic. 2. ??? 3. hearing loss? sm
Could be sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, mixed.
tympanic membrane on the left ear
Subject: tympanic membrane on the left ear
and then wings I am not sure.
ENT s/l "russins tympanic membrane"
Subject: ENT s/l "russins tympanic membrane"
I googled this but can't find anything. I'm not even sure if I'm hearing it right (maybe I've got it, too, whatever it is!) It sounds like "russin's tympanic membrane" or I thought maybe "rust in tympanic membrane" but I really haven't a clue. Anyone know?
Or....SROM, spontaneous rupture of membranes. Almost forgot that one! nm
Subject: Or....SROM, spontaneous rupture of membranes. Almost forgot that one! nm
might just be PROM, premature rupture of membranes. Is she early? nm
Subject: might just be PROM, premature rupture of membranes. Is she early? nm
foul-smelling amniotic membranes and chorioamnionitis? nm
Subject: foul-smelling amniotic membranes and chorioamnionitis? nm
funny...we just got a tip on this..which said to use mucus in that case and mucous membranes for the
Subject: funny...we just got a tip on this..which said to use mucus in that case and mucous membranes for the other. NM
HEENT: exam normal with "elastic" membranes
Subject: HEENT: exam normal with "elastic" membranes
s/l otomysarditis with tympanic membrane perforation
Subject: s/l otomysarditis with tympanic membrane perforation
Abdomen tender, generalized, but TYMPANIC?
Subject: Abdomen tender, generalized, but TYMPANIC?
Tympanic membrane with retraction pocket and s/l fluid stranding.
Subject: Tympanic membrane with retraction pocket and s/l fluid stranding.
Knee x-ray: Chronic s/l INFUS-O-PATHIC change in the region of the interosseous membranes
Subject: Knee x-ray: Chronic s/l INFUS-O-PATHIC change in the region of the interosseous membranes
Possibly BMTT=bilateral myringotomy with tympanic tubes? With a history of allergies, quite SM
Subject: Possibly BMTT=bilateral myringotomy with tympanic tubes? With a history of allergies, quite SM
possibly he has had a problem with recurrent ear infections.
relatively intact?
Subject: relatively intact?
lab is probably intact PTH
Subject: lab is probably intact PTH
Intact PTH
Subject: Intact PTH
usually they say EOM intact
Subject: usually they say EOM intact
extraocular muscles. Could that be it?
I would say an intact-PTH. - NM
Subject: I would say an intact-PTH. - NM
Sometimes they say CN II-XII intact after that. nm
Subject: Sometimes they say CN II-XII intact after that. nm
may be intact PTH ? nm
Subject: may be intact PTH ? nm
could it be ŗ, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11" are intact? sm
Subject: could it be ŗ, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11" are intact? sm
and yes,cranial nerves are usually roman numerals.
I feel your pain!
S/L intact chain PTH
Subject: S/L intact chain PTH
not intent though... intact. thanks!!! =) NM
Subject: not intent though... intact. thanks!!! =) NM
s/l earms intact
Subject: s/l earms intact
PERRLA earms are intact
EOMs intact.
Subject: EOMs intact.
"DOMs are intact." -what does DOM stand for? -tia! -nm
Subject: "DOMs are intact." -what does DOM stand for? -tia! -nm
intact parathyroid hormone
Subject: intact parathyroid hormone
intact to light touch perhaps?
Subject: intact to light touch perhaps?
Strength is 5/5 throughout. Sensation is intact.
Subject: Strength is 5/5 throughout. Sensation is intact.
is how I would do it.
calcium level 8.5 with intact s/l PTH? of 139
Subject: calcium level 8.5 with intact s/l PTH? of 139
All I can think of is cranial nerves 2 through 12 intact.
Subject: All I can think of is cranial nerves 2 through 12 intact.
Cranial nerves II-XII are intact?
Subject: Cranial nerves II-XII are intact?
what is a SOAP report? Just curious. Thanks.
s/l nerve vessitecs intact
Subject: s/l nerve vessitecs intact
2 questions:
Nerve vessitecs intact. (In regards to a right hand fracture)
I applied a short arm s/l provavast cast.
sensation and strength intact. (nm)
Subject: sensation and strength intact. (nm)
sl sglare intact (hand)
Subject: sl sglare intact (hand)
LEFT HAND: Index finger dressing is removed. Wound edges appear intact. No duskiness. No secondary infection. No additional bleeding. No purulent drainage. No rash. Sglare intact.
My guess from the sound of it is sclera, but it doesn't fit the context. Any better ideas? Thanks.
sl sglare intact (hand)
Subject: sl sglare intact (hand)
LEFT HAND: Index finger dressing is removed. Wound edges appear intact. No duskiness. No secondary infection. No additional bleeding. No purulent drainage. No rash. "Sglare" intact.
My guess from the sound of it is sclera, but it doesn't fit the context. Any better ideas? Thanks.
PERRLA, EOMs are intact
Subject: PERRLA, EOMs are intact