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that's what I thought too - thanks!

Posted By: nkla on 2007-04-18
In Reply to: what I think... - anon

Subject: that's what I thought too - thanks!

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it is not ESL and I thought of warts but thought the same thing and it does not sound like a "t&#
Subject: it is not ESL and I thought of warts but thought the same thing and it does not sound like a "t"

I second your thought Dee. :) nm
that is what I thought but. . .
Subject: that is what I thought but. . .

She says it twice in the report and pronounces it like it rhymes with cube or tube and sound like she says pube, so that is what made me think it was short for pubic.  Here is the other sentence: 

He had a high (pube) on the left and an elevate ASIS on the left in a sheer pattern.



That is what I thought, but. .sm
Subject: That is what I thought, but. .sm

I have to blank it since he is not saying the whole word including in the diagnosis.  He just say pila or pyelo.
Thank you. That is what I thought it was.
Subject: Thank you. That is what I thought it was.

Just thought I would
Subject: Just thought I would

glycopyrrolate (gly�co�pyr�ro�late) (gli�ko-pir�o-l�t) [USP] a synthetic quaternary anticholinergic used as an antispasmodic to help treat peptic ulcer and other gastrointestinal disorders, a preanesthetic antisialagogue to decrease salivation and respiratory secretions, and an antiarrhythmic to counteract vagal inhibitory reflexes during induction of anesthesia and surgery; administered orally, intramuscularly, or intravenously. Called also glycopyrronium bromide.

that's what i thought. thank you.
Subject: that's what i thought. thank you.

my first thought was /sm
Subject: my first thought was /sm

"midline raphe" -- but looking it up, usually refers to area around mandible/jaw, so not sure if it would fit or not.

Thanks a ton. Thats what I thought too
Subject: Thanks a ton. Thats what I thought too

I thought that first too, but I don't...
Subject: I thought that first too, but I don't...

think that's it, but thanks!
i just had a thought....
Subject: i just had a thought....

that pic COULD be worse......he could be smiling... wouldn't that be totally freaky!!!

Exactly what I thought......nm
Subject: Exactly what I thought......nm

That's what I thought....Thank you!!
Subject: That's what I thought....Thank you!!

This is just a thought, but I have a doc who says--sm
Subject: This is just a thought, but I have a doc who says--sm

mag scan, for magnified scan. probably not it, but trying to help out. good luck.
At first I thought it was someone having a bad day...
Subject: At first I thought it was someone having a bad day...

then I saw the rest of the questions later on.  Won't happen again from me!
thought so
Subject: thought so

Just common sense, but I think this is an offshore MT anyway - hence the MD's name in the post.
thought of something
Subject: thought of something

could he be saying "formalized" meaning formalized studies/tests. Just a shot in the dark
I just had a thought of perhaps maybe
Subject: I just had a thought of perhaps maybe

it could be "appropriate" flouride was also administered? Just a thought. Probably way off base.
1st thought
Subject: 1st thought

That's what I thought to, but it sounds like localized. The doctor does stumble over this one and then i hear localized.
on second thought
Subject: on second thought

forget it - i dont need this aggravation. I'll figure it out myself.
I thought that, too, but not 100% sure.
Subject: I thought that, too, but not 100% sure.

That's what I first thought...
Subject: That's what I first thought...

Do you know how this would be used. It is under her medication listing. When I research it, it just comes up in dressing/bandaging. I cannot find it in my drug book or my drug websites.
That was my thought, too. Thanks!
Subject: That was my thought, too. Thanks!

Thats what I thought...
Subject: Thats what I thought...

but then I remembered the whole "an" before words that begin with a vowel so I was a little unsure.

I thought that you might have it, but I am
Subject: I thought that you might have it, but I am

Thanks for the input though. I had not heard of that one . . . new to the specialty.
thought of that but.....
Subject: thought of that but.....

doc is not saying con just juctival?
HA! I thought that was it. Thanks.
Subject: HA! I thought that was it. Thanks.

I have thought about all those two but...
Subject: I have thought about all those two but...

He appears to be clearly stating "mids". Maybe he was just in a hurry and mispronounced. Will leave marker. Thanks for all the help though.
thanks! That's what I thought too.
Subject: thanks! That's what I thought too.

Sorry for transposing the 2 words in the sentence - I don't like Mondays!! :(
could be *either way*? first thought that came to me. nm
Subject: could be *either way*? first thought that came to me. nm

I thought that too, but
Subject: I thought that too, but

can't find a thing that relates. 
That's what I thought at first
Subject: That's what I thought at first

because maceration  makes sense, but he clearly is saying massipation.  There is no static, ESL, very clear.  Thanks though for the input.
That's what I thought, too. sm
Subject: That's what I thought, too. sm

Is it flag-worthy, or would you just switch them?

that's what i thought and that's
Subject: that's what i thought and that's

what I always type, but I just got QA feedback and they changed it to sating. Didn't make sense to me, and I wanted to see what someone else thought. Thanks!
Even still, my first thought would be--sm
Subject: Even still, my first thought would be--sm

lachman and the second would be laxity. No tests could be found that s/l lafield.
no - I thought of that and
Subject: no - I thought of that and

relistened and she is definitely not saying Maalox. Thanks for your time though I appreciate it.
I thought so too
Subject: I thought so too

but the website had it listed as GGPT, so I just left it how they had it. I think you're right though.
thanks. I thought so too, but the
Subject: thanks. I thought so too, but the

doctor spelled it ancerine

Thank you..I thought so but not sure...nm
Subject: Thank you..I thought so but not sure...nm

Thanks, that is what I thought.
Subject: Thanks, that is what I thought.

But she keeps saying '"hat is spelled a-n-i-n-j-e-c-t-e-d" 

Of course this is the same Dr. who I have to hear say 'ah, aaaaah, ummmm, ah' for about 1/3 of the dictation also.

Thank you. That's what I thought
Subject: Thank you. That's what I thought

too! I don't know what's going on with QA, but hopefully my supe will figure this out for me.
That's what I thought...
Subject: That's what I thought...

that is what I found in Stedmans too, but I'm surprised the doc dictated it wrong.  He clearly says isthmusectomy.  Thanks.
Thank you! I never thought about that one :)
Subject: Thank you! I never thought about that one :)

WOW! Never would have thought to look it up!
Subject: WOW! Never would have thought to look it up!

Except that I DID look it up and no dictionary has it in there!

Thanks anyway!

Sorry. Just thought there might be one with a sm
Subject: Sorry. Just thought there might be one with a sm

like-sounding name.
Thanks. That is what I thought.
Subject: Thanks. That is what I thought.

This guy is a real slur mouth. I have had 3 of him in a row already and still going. Ready for the weekend to begin. Have a great one.
Thanks! I thought that's what it might be
Subject: Thanks! I thought that's what it might be

on googling could find DNR in reference to sometimes not carried out in long-term facilities. Thanks!
Thanks. I also thought that might be it as..
Subject: Thanks. I also thought that might be it as..

it sounds as though she is clearly saying prayer line. Always good to get another persons opinion. I appreciate it.

That is what I thought...Thanks!!
Subject: That is what I thought...Thanks!!

I thought that too but
Subject: I thought that too but

he really has an "sh" sound at the end throughout the report. Do you suppose it's just laziness?
LOL!! Never thought of that! nm
Subject: LOL!! Never thought of that! nm
