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thanks for figuring that out.

Posted By: lola on 2007-09-28
In Reply to: WAG diaphragmatic breather ? nm - M.A.

Subject: thanks for figuring that out.

I was not close at all. It is so frustrating to be looking up the wrong thing.

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Need help figuring something out
Subject: Need help figuring something out

MD dictates UNDER PMH:


1.      Hypertension.

2.      Diabetes � treated with oral medications.  Hemoglobin A1c, 6.4.   Microalbumin 10/05 negative.


Here's my question.  I don't know if the Microalbumin should be separated as #3 or not.  (this guy never numbers anything.)  Also, I don't know if the 10/05 is a date or a value.  He just says, " Microalbum ten zero five negative" 


Any help is greatly appreciated. 

Thanks IHJB. I ended up figuring it out but I appreciate the help!!! nm
Subject: Thanks IHJB. I ended up figuring it out but I appreciate the help!!! nm

WAG at "-ides" figuring that the amoxacillin or ...sm
Subject: WAG at "-ides" figuring that the amoxacillin or ...sm

"-cillin" class of abx causes too much of a reaction, so now switching to another class, the "-ides" to represent one of the aminoglycosides, ketosides, lincosamides, macrolides, sulphonamides, and/or glycopeptides. Just my guess as you hear them say the "-cillins" all the time. nm

I'd use the fetor oris figuring that he mixed it up when dictating. nm
Subject: I'd use the fetor oris figuring that he mixed it up when dictating. nm
