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test for DVT... please read, I must be crazy!

Posted By: sm on 2007-10-01
In Reply to:

Subject: test for DVT... please read, I must be crazy!

Doc says:

Ms. ---- had again presented to the Emergency Department of a local community hospital for a D-dimer blood test to screen for venous thrombosis. The ___ test was negative and the patient did not undergo Doppler testing.

My problem is, where the blank is sounds exactly like he is saying piss test. What in the world sounds like that?

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see inside for site on how to read your hearing test--sm
Subject: see inside for site on how to read your hearing test--sm

Simply Read or Red - what the heck is this? Some laboratory test - can't find anything on Google
Subject: Simply Read or Red - what the heck is this? Some laboratory test - can't find anything on Google

overread vs over-read vs over read
Subject: overread vs over-read vs over read

OneLook has a disclaimer for the definition of the word overread that says: This definition is from the 1913 Webster's Dictionary and may be outdated. Some of the links listed on OneLook give the definition, some say the word does not exist, another gives the definition and then says (not used). There are references online for over-read, overread, and over read. I think over-read with a hyphen is a nice compromise. It's situations like this that make me dazed and confused!
this is crazy!
Subject: this is crazy!

There were three other places in the dictation that I could not understand what he was saying.

After I deciphered the 'alert and oriented' (with your gracious help), I went back to the other three. Bingo. It was like a mumble-jumble-decipher puzzle piece placed itself in my head, and I figured out the other three.

I love puzzles.

Thanks again!
Crazy, ain't it?
Subject: Crazy, ain't it?

The actual pronunciation of that word IS "day-breed-MON". I about died when I first heard that. I guess it's French. It sounds so hoity-toity to me. LOL

This is crazy but I need help.
Subject: This is crazy but I need help.

.... sounds like rale or rail packs... for migraines?  Thanks.

I know this is crazy but...
Subject: I know this is crazy but...

Wet prep showed budding yeast and ....s/l hife.... 


Okay, don't think I am crazy here
Subject: Okay, don't think I am crazy here

but there is a Marathon on 07/13/2008 at SeaFair in Seattle and it is for fibromyalgia.  It might have something to do with that????? Just my thoughts on the matter.   
Thanks - I am not crazy!
Subject: Thanks - I am not crazy!

Thank you so much, was driving me crazy! :)
Subject: Thank you so much, was driving me crazy! :)

That's it!!! Thanks a lot - I've been going crazy looking for this....
Subject: That's it!!! Thanks a lot - I've been going crazy looking for this....

THank YOu!!! Just started a new job and am going crazy!!!!
Subject: THank YOu!!! Just started a new job and am going crazy!!!!

crazy question
Subject: crazy question

I know this is probably stupid BUT.... as a "newbie", I haven't encountered this before.

How do you write disc space height. 

ex:  doc says:  complete loss of disc space height at 5 1


That's not it and this is driving me crazy!!
Subject: That's not it and this is driving me crazy!!

Thanks so much.....was driving me crazy!! nm
Subject: Thanks so much.....was driving me crazy!! nm

Thanks. I thought I was going crazy.
Subject: Thanks. I thought I was going crazy.

That's it!! It was driving me crazy. Thanks so much for your help!!
Subject: That's it!! It was driving me crazy. Thanks so much for your help!!

Going crazy - word help, please
Subject: Going crazy - word help, please

If the patient's fever does not DEPRAVEST on antibiotics, then further assessment such as CT scan of the sinuses and thorax may be needed. 

I cannot find a word that fits, but it sounds clear as DEP-RA-VEST.  Any ideas? 

Sorry. that's s/l (Crazy expander)
Subject: Sorry. that's s/l (Crazy expander)

this doc is driving me crazy! nm
Subject: this doc is driving me crazy! nm

WAG I know this is crazy but could he be spelling L-A-R-G-E?
Subject: WAG I know this is crazy but could he be spelling L-A-R-G-E?

This is driving me crazy . . .help please
Subject: This is driving me crazy . . .help please

S/L askute??? result can greatly affect the mean, but the median is not as affected.    Any clues?  This is a horrible dictation. 
Bless you! That was driving me crazy!! :) nm
Subject: Bless you! That was driving me crazy!! :) nm

crazy number question
Subject: crazy number question

The company I work for does not want us to use numbers and numbers should never be used at the beginning of a sentence, but does anyone know the AAMT-true style that this should be transcribed?  I know this is a crazy question, but for some reason, I can't seem to categorize it.


"School grade: 5th.

Members in family: 5. "     OR

"School Grade:  Fifth.

Members in family:  Five." 

I am thinking the second, but then again, I am not thinking.   :-)   




it helped to know I wasn't crazy!
Subject: it helped to know I wasn't crazy!

It is definitely falx! Thanks. That was driving me crazy!
Subject: It is definitely falx! Thanks. That was driving me crazy!

vermicular must be it. Thanks so much!! going crazy today!
Subject: vermicular must be it. Thanks so much!! going crazy today!

Gosh I am tired. They should fine doctors who dictate on staticy cell phones!!!! Thank you!!
Doesn't it make you crazy????
Subject: Doesn't it make you crazy????

When a doc spells a word that you know perfectly well how to spell, except their spelling it out confuses you and sends you on a wild goose chase?  AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! 
crazy observation here, but could he be describing...sm
Subject: crazy observation here, but could he be describing...sm

the sound of the puffs being administered, instead of staying 1 "puff" b.i.d., he's saying something that sounds like the med being administered?  I know that sounds dumb, but that's what comes to my mind.
I promise, I'm not crazy...But this is a weird one! SM
Subject: I promise, I'm not crazy...But this is a weird one! SM

I know, it sounds crazy...  This is a new urology account for me, and the doc is REPEATEDLY saying the following, taken directly from the notes:

(Problem of interstitial cystitis and pelvic pain) -- 'She did not use the Valium vaginal suppositories.  She had days when she felt quite well....'

(Problem of IC again) -- 'Prescribed Valium 10 mg vaginal suppositories...' 

(Problem IC and pelvic floor tension myalgia) -- She stopped her Valium vaginal suppositories, which she states are at a dose of 10 mg of Valium with 25 mg of amitriptyline and has felt much better since. 


I can't find a Valium vaginal suppository anywhere, people!  Any of you know about anything like this?  I imagine that if you've got a stressed vagina, that would be as good of a cure as any, but I haven't heard of it yet.  Any ideas? 

Yes! Those two things drive me crazy!
Subject: Yes! Those two things drive me crazy!

It always used to be tendonitis, now the change.

And you say extend/extension so why not distend/distension?

When I first started transcribing again after a hiatus of about 15 years, I had to put "distension" in my AutoCorrect so that it would automatically change it to "distention" until I could get used to it.

Crazy question, but how is times
Subject: Crazy question, but how is times

two written, with or without a space??  x2 or x 2? I am able to view previous reports typed by other transcriptionists and some of them put it with the space and some without?  Now I am starting to doubt myself.  I was told it was without the space years ago.  Has something changed??  Thanks

You're right about driving me crazy I
Subject: You're right about driving me crazy I

think I am trying to be perfect and that's impossible. Thanks for the help.
Thanks - sometimes this doctor drives me crazy. - NM
Subject: Thanks - sometimes this doctor drives me crazy. - NM

May sound crazy but I think it might be Crisco!
Subject: May sound crazy but I think it might be Crisco!

Sentence driving me crazy...
Subject: Sentence driving me crazy...

s/l:  "Also, given the patient�s financial status, I believe this is of less yield."

Does this make sense to anyone?  I have listened to it a hundred times and it's making me bonkers! 



Crazy answer - who knew!
Subject: Crazy answer - who knew!

Term driving me crazy, HELP!
Subject: Term driving me crazy, HELP!

Doc says, Her s/l NVOS was running between 53% and 56% which correlated with her mixed venous saturations

I had blanked this morning and QA has blanked it as well, and now I have it again this evening.  Would 'prec whatever help.

This is driving me crazy. Anybody? Patty?
Subject: This is driving me crazy. Anybody? Patty?

At that time, it was decided to explore (s/l trileptory) concerning for resection of small bowel. The patient went to surgery on that day for exploratory laparatomy, small bowel resection of primary anastomosis, and was discharged on 03/18/2009.

(they are concerned about a small-bowel obstruction.)

Call me crazy, but I thought decimals were only for
Subject: Call me crazy, but I thought decimals were only for

the metric system, which pounds are not.  So, it would be 175-1/2 pounds.  I can't find it in BOS either and I've looked up everything I can think of to support my theory. 
tx - just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy
Subject: tx - just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy

Still not sure.
Two words are making me crazy... Willing to grovel for help! (See message)
Subject: Two words are making me crazy... Willing to grovel for help! (See message)

Doctor is describing a patient's finger pain.  He says:

"At her last visit she did have a maintenance interscalene block and reported several months of improvement in pain to a level of 3/10 when used in combination with her other conservative therapies.  These have included Lac-Hydrin applications, paraffin wax applications, and (s/l "co-bayne") and protective (s/l "cutlets") to the left ring finger.  The patient has dystonia and extreme difficulty in bending at the PIP joint from a functional standpoint.  Numeric pain score is an 8/10..."

First word sounds like Cobain or Cobayne, pronounced just like the last name of the late lead singer of Nirvana.  Second word sounds just like cutlets, like veal cutlets.     

I have no idea at all what these two words are, and he repeats them in both the subjective and in the assessment.  Can anyone save me from leaving four blanks? I'm sick and exhausted with a sick four year old at home, and I'm feeling a bit fussy and frustrated and would be SO thankful for the help. 


You're not crazy...some terms seem to reveal themselves in a way that is more cryptic, as it were
Subject: You're not crazy...some terms seem to reveal themselves in a way that is more cryptic, as it were.

Then just write a memo and ask! That stuff will drive you crazy. nm
Subject: Then just write a memo and ask! That stuff will drive you crazy. nm

Geez! It's usually that simple too! Doesn't that just drive you crazy?!?!?!
Subject: Geez! It's usually that simple too! Doesn't that just drive you crazy?!?!?!

Thank you! It's been driving me crazy! Thought it started with "ch"
Subject: Thank you! It's been driving me crazy! Thought it started with "ch"

This may sound a little crazy, but has anyone ever heard of a part of the cervix called the oos ?
Subject: This may sound a little crazy, but has anyone ever heard of a part of the cervix called the oos ?

I am not sure if I even have this spelled correctly.  It almost sounds like MOUSE without the M!

It is dicated:  There is some abnomal green colored vaginal discharge from the ___ of the cervice. 

Had an Indian doc driving us crazy calling these medi-len forceps! nm
Subject: Had an Indian doc driving us crazy calling these medi-len forceps! nm

Nasal surgery s/l "vecanasi" cell - I know this - driving me crazy!!
Subject: Nasal surgery s/l "vecanasi" cell - I know this - driving me crazy!!

I know this word, but I can't think of it, or even how it's spelled to Google.  I will be forever grateful....
A Lachman test is a medical test used for examining the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the knee
Subject: A Lachman test is a medical test used for examining the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the knee

Patient has a positive drawer test and s/l wobble test (knee pain)
Subject: Patient has a positive drawer test and s/l wobble test (knee pain)

thanks so much!!!