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suture link. sm

Posted By: Txczech on 2007-01-20
In Reply to: Clatworthy sutures inguinal hernia repair. - cannot find reference. TiA. nm

Subject: suture link. sm


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s/l pulenal suture and mytex suture... ortho surgery.. please help ASAP. Thanks
Subject: s/l pulenal suture and mytex suture... ortho surgery.. please help ASAP. Thanks

ortho surgery suture tack or suture tac?
Subject: ortho surgery suture tack or suture tac?

Two PushLock anchors were utilized at approximately the 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock positions and a suture tack or tac? was utilized  Thanks
There is a Lambert suture and limber suture.
Subject: There is a Lambert suture and limber suture.

See if this link helps. Lists Mycobacterium tuberculosis, See link.
Subject: See if this link helps. Lists Mycobacterium tuberculosis, See link.



I copied this from a link from Onelook.com...this is the link SL
Subject: I copied this from a link from Onelook.com...this is the link SL


If the info from link is wrong, I apologize.
Pristiq. See link. Best drug link for me.
Subject: Pristiq. See link. Best drug link for me.

? about suture
I can not understand the first 2 words he is saying.  s/l ferrical matrasuture was used to close the anterior and posterior aspect of he earlobe.
Subject: suture

Subject: suture

Always use the #0, when they use 0, regarding suture, they are referring to the size of the suture.
Subject: suture

4-0 Prolene
Subject: suture

There is a Supramid suture.
suture help!
Subject: suture help!

Posterier fascia closed with 2-0 s/l vike.

It does not sound like she is saying vicryl.

Subject: suture??

Subject: suture

I googled both and came across both. My ortho dr calls it splitting.
PDS suture
Subject: PDS suture

Probably 0 PDS suture.
Subject: Probably 0 PDS suture.

Subject: Suture

Suture help - The Foley was secured using "interconcentric" 2-0 chromic suture?

Subject: ob/suture

sounds like "2-0 Capucin suture"  Anyone familiar with this? Thanks!


Suture name help . . .sm
Subject: Suture name help . . .sm

s/l 'pearlene' suture ?  Thanks
Subject: Suture

Stedman's has Perlon, Prolene, Purlon,    Did you try OneLook?  Sometimes you can get lucky with their search. 
Gyn suture
Subject: Gyn suture

Probably PDS suture. nm
Subject: Probably PDS suture. nm

5-0 suture
Subject: 5-0 suture

suture help
Subject: suture help

An s/l ochrome x stay suture??? this is for a breast mass excisional biopsy
RD-150 suture?
Subject: RD-150 suture?

The vaginal cuff was closed the s/l RD-150 sutures.  (may be saying ARD or ERD-150)?
That is what I though, but clearly says suture so went to QA!
Subject: That is what I though, but clearly says suture so went to QA!

Subject: suture

Subject: suture

This is a suture s/l volack of the right index finger.

near-and-far suture
Subject: near-and-far suture

Never mind about suture
Never mid about the suture question, I found a vertical mattress suture and I am sure that is what he is saying
Supermed suture? nm
Subject: Supermed suture? nm

Bectal suture?
Subject: Bectal suture?

What kind of procedure is that? What part of the anatomy?
s/l 0 graylon suture....
Subject: s/l 0 graylon suture....

There are a lot of suture passers. sm
Subject: There are a lot of suture passers. sm

I googled and found a lot. Could it be EZ-Pass?  See the last entry.


ExpresSew Suture Passer

The ExpresSew Suture Passer is the first one-pass, one portal Suture Passer under 5mm.
surgicalsolutions.com/expressew.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Latte Suture Passer

The Latte Suture Passer is the first Suture Passer to combine the angles you need with the ability to retrieve and deliver any suture in a single step and ...
surgicalsolutions.com/latte.htm - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

GORE Suture Passer facilitates closure for laparoscopic incisional ...

Product information including instructions for use, configurations, a library of published materials and frequently asked questions for GORE Suture Passer, ...
www.goremedical.com/English/ Products/SuturePasser/Ifu.htm - 24k - Cached - Similar pages

ConMed Linvatec - Arthroscopy - Shoulder - Accessories

Shuttle Relay� Suture Passer. Allows braided suture to be used in arthroscopic soft tissue ... Shuttle Relay Suture Passer (single-use, 10 per box, sterile) ...
www.conmed.com/products-shoulder-accessori.php - 57k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Carter-Thomason Trocar Wound Closure Systems Quik Tips

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Carter-Thomason CloseSure System. ❚ Carter-Thomason. �. suture passer ... Use the suture passer. to push suture material. through the Pilot guide, ...
www.inletmedical.com/pdf/closure_quick_tips.pdf - Similar pages

[PDF] How to Perfom the ELEVEST Procedure - Uterine Prolapse Repair

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Load the EZ Pass suture passer with braided permanent. suture material and insert the suture passer through the. ipsilateral trocar port. ...
www.inletmedical.com/pdf/performing_elevest.pdf - Similar 

s/l pang suture
Subject: s/l pang suture

Can you tell us more? Context? There are a bunch that it could sound like if the doc is speed-talking: blanket, chain, Lang, plain, Rankin, wing....
S/L hexing suture
Subject: S/L hexing suture

Damn I got an Op note!!  YUCK!!  What kind of suture sounds like "hexing" suture?? I don't have any of my books here either .  Thanks!!
Connell suture perhaps
Subject: Connell suture perhaps

Used a lot in patellar suture. sm
Subject: Used a lot in patellar suture. sm

Is this a patellar reconstruction, or another surgery involving a tendon?  I don't quite get what you mean by just responding stitch. 
Suture sizes
Subject: Suture sizes

When typing, for example, 5-0 vicryl, is it correct to use the number 0 and not the letter O?
type of suture
Subject: type of suture


Has anyone heard of 4-0 (SL) viacin/viasin suture ???

s/l? anagalia suture
Subject: s/l? anagalia suture

s/l suture *spitting*
Subject: s/l suture *spitting*

Never heard this one, is it correct?

No sign or symptom of infection.  No sign or symptom of dehiscence.  A small amount of proximal suture *spitting* is noted.  This is very minimal. 

0 (zero) plain suture? nm
Subject: 0 (zero) plain suture? nm

Pedia suture?
Subject: Pedia suture?

Has anyone heard of a pedia suture?  Sentence is....The midline fascia was closed with a running continuous double stranded #1 Pedia suture.  Thank you.
are you sure its not lambdoid suture
Subject: are you sure its not lambdoid suture

????never head of the other.
suture passer
Subject: suture passer

How about bird beak suture passer?
auto suture?
Subject: auto suture?

Might be 0 Vicryl or some other suture. nm
Subject: Might be 0 Vicryl or some other suture. nm

Suture anchors
Subject: Suture anchors

I find a Bio-FASTak� Suture Anchor and a Bio-Phase� II 2.0 mm Suture Anchor. Does it sound like either of these. Look here for more information http://www.medcompare.com/matrix/1648/Absorbable-Suture-Anchors.html
s/l Binell suture
Subject: s/l Binell suture

I debrided the free edges of the tendon and placed a S/L Binell-type suture.


suture type
Subject: suture type

I'm doing an OP note, which I don't do very often, and the doc keeps saying: Rendered hemostatic with 0-Vicryl in a ______ suture. The blank sounds like she is saying "four and a half" but I can't document this. can anyone help?