smooth bursal surface thickening?
Posted By: Patty on 2009-05-02
In Reply to: Orthopedics sm - hw
Subject: smooth bursal surface thickening?
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Thanks, but it s/l smooth (pear-ass-ol) thickening; he is talking about a leg injury. nm
Subject: Thanks, but it s/l smooth (pear-ass-ol) thickening; he is talking about a leg injury. nm
maybe smooth throughout, firm?
Subject: maybe smooth throughout, firm?
Probably Anti-smooth antibody-nm
Subject: Probably Anti-smooth antibody-nm
parous, smooth, and without lesions? nm
Subject: parous, smooth, and without lesions? nm
smooth or small Hegar dilators?
Subject: smooth or small Hegar dilators?
The cervix was dilated with s/l smooth or small Hegar dilators.
Is this for rheumatology? There is anti-smooth antibody test. nm
Subject: Is this for rheumatology? There is anti-smooth antibody test. nm
The chamfer is used to smooth the bone/rim in meniscal
Subject: The chamfer is used to smooth the bone/rim in meniscal
It acts as a contour tool or a sander after debridement/removal/resection. lots of arthroscopies daily, hear this often
maybe thickening
Subject: maybe thickening
during cystoscope says bladder was smooth w/o significant s/l cellulosaculos??? or diverticula
Subject: during cystoscope says bladder was smooth w/o significant s/l cellulosaculos??? or diverticula
double thickening?
Subject: double thickening?
This is a female patient who presents for cough, nasal congestion, body aches, and a minimal _____ thickening history going on for about 1 week. She is having some sinus and chest congestion.
s/l double?
periosteal thickening ?
Subject: periosteal thickening ?
capsular thickening? nm
Subject: capsular thickening? nm
pelvic phlebolith, seen as a small, smooth, round, white opacity
Subject: pelvic phlebolith, seen as a small, smooth, round, white opacity
Mucosal or sputum thickening?
Subject: Mucosal or sputum thickening?
s/l Bi Athical pleural thickening??
Subject: s/l Bi Athical pleural thickening??
Scattered pleural thickening?.....nm
Subject: Scattered pleural thickening?.....nm
intravalvular pulmonal septal thickening? Thanks. nm
Subject: intravalvular pulmonal septal thickening? Thanks. nm
Interalveolar and pulmonary septal thickening? nm
Subject: Interalveolar and pulmonary septal thickening? nm
maybe "no atrial wall thickening" ? nm
Subject: maybe "no atrial wall thickening" ? nm
Thickening along the right "pavitzwer" fold in perianal area??
Subject: Thickening along the right "pavitzwer" fold in perianal area??
Really guessing on the sounds like here. Big time mumbler. The patient has a scrotal perianal mass. The perianal area shows some slight thickening in the "pavitzwer" fold.
Any clues?
thickening or "whiskering" of the normal perinephric septa
Subject: thickening or "whiskering" of the normal perinephric septa
pleural thickening is noted along the minor s/l "fissure" on the right???
Subject: pleural thickening is noted along the minor s/l "fissure" on the right???
It's plantar surface.
"cantor" surface
How about calcaneal surface? Is he/she talking about the heel?
plantar surface.
Since this is the foot, it's probably the plantar surface (bottom).
inferior surface
Subject: inferior surface
or could he be saying sulcus
YES - serosal surface
Subject: YES - serosal surface
Intraarticular surface? NM
Subject: Intraarticular surface? NM
could it be surface ablation?
Subject: could it be surface ablation?
tracking along the "cantor" surface ??
the patient is status post TMA. In discussing the wound healing, she says: There is a small amound of tracking along the "canta", "canter" "cantor" surface. Ideas?
All I can find is a "Cantor" tube, and that's not it. TIA
Volar surface plate perhaps? (nm)
Subject: Volar surface plate perhaps? (nm)
You are right it is char, as in a scorched surface
Subject: You are right it is char, as in a scorched surface
skin surface s/l escoriations
Subject: skin surface s/l escoriations
There are some skin surface s/l escoriations on the antecubital area or above it where the patient has scratched outside of the cast.
This sounds like what it is but I can't find this word anywhere. Any ideas would be appreciated
Bowler's surface of forearm?
Subject: Bowler's surface of forearm?
This seems to be my night for strange sounding dictation! Has anyone heard of something that sounds like the bowler's surface of the forearm?
volar surface of forearm? nm
Subject: volar surface of forearm? nm
Think this is probably weight-bearing surface ?? - nm
Subject: Think this is probably weight-bearing surface ?? - nm
The hand has a palmar surface but I don't know what the rest could be nm
Subject: The hand has a palmar surface but I don't know what the rest could be nm
Yes. Means it is flush, not standing out/above the surface. (nm)
Subject: Yes. Means it is flush, not standing out/above the surface. (nm)
Proud means above the surface (sticking out)
Subject: Proud means above the surface (sticking out)
First thought is excrescence -- outgrowth from surface etc. nm
Subject: First thought is excrescence -- outgrowth from surface etc. nm
Verrucous lesions have an irregular or velvety surface. nm
Subject: Verrucous lesions have an irregular or velvety surface. nm
then he says extending in the serrosal s/l surface? it's a male patient
Subject: then he says extending in the serrosal s/l surface? it's a male patient
Err, sort of. In your example, it is not proud (is flush w/surface), which is what I meant. (nm)
Subject: Err, sort of. In your example, it is not proud (is flush w/surface), which is what I meant. (nm)
Exophytic mass (arising from epithelial surface) ?
Subject: Exophytic mass (arising from epithelial surface) ?
Think undercurrent makes perfect sense. Below the surface etc. sm
Subject: Think undercurrent makes perfect sense. Below the surface etc. sm
Main Entry:un*der*cur*rent Pronunciation:-*k*r-*nt Function:noun
1 : a current below the surface 2 : a hidden tendency of feeling or opinion
proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA)
Subject: proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA)
proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA)?
In the posterior horn of the medial meniscus,on the inferior surface, there is SM
Subject: In the posterior horn of the medial meniscus,on the inferior surface, there is SM
one s/l sagittal cuff with one small tear, which I think can likely be treated nonoperatively.
arthroxesis (ahr-throk�sә-sis) scraping of diseased tissue from an articular surface.
Subject: arthroxesis (ahr-throk�sә-sis) scraping of diseased tissue from an articular surface.
inner surface tear? insertion tear?
Subject: inner surface tear? insertion tear?