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skin shows no s/l decubiti? NM tia

Posted By: Tina on 2008-01-31
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Subject: skin shows no s/l decubiti? NM tia


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skin....Right calf shows an erythematous..
Subject: skin....Right calf shows an erythematous..

s/l lie-can-a-thide

Thanks Deborah

Hyaloronic acid, humectant found in healthy skin....also used as injectible for skin wrinkles, defor
Subject: Hyaloronic acid, humectant found in healthy skin....also used as injectible for skin wrinkles, deformities, etc?

"she has s/l keltic skin. -- I just so want to write in "hell thick skin"
Subject: "she has s/l keltic skin. -- I just so want to write in "hell thick skin"

pre-skin cancer - as in common skin lesions caused by sun exposure.
Subject: pre-skin cancer - as in common skin lesions caused by sun exposure.

Subject: decubiti?

Is this a word?  Spell check doesn't have it.  What would be the pleural of decubitus ulcer?  Thanks for any help.
Subject: decubiti

this is a direct quote from mtstars "sound Alikes Search:" Decubitus vs Decubiti - VLC Forums
Decubiti is the plural of decubitus, therefore either way is acceptable when
there are more than one. It certainly looks and reads better as multiple ...

Dermatology: Skin precancer or pre-skin cancer? I have a doc saying pre-skin cancer
Subject: Dermatology: Skin precancer or pre-skin cancer? I have a doc saying pre-skin cancer

They have tried applying (s/l Begbalm) to the skin to at least keep the skin from cracking
Subject: They have tried applying (s/l Begbalm) to the skin to at least keep the skin from cracking

Decubiti ulcers
Subject: Decubiti ulcers

I would use decubiti only if being used alone. When used with ulcers I would use the singular and type decubitus ulcers.
decubiti (bed sores, etc.)
Subject: decubiti (bed sores, etc.)

No such word as decubiti.
Subject: No such word as decubiti.

It is decubitus/decubiti. if you want or not.
Subject: It is decubitus/decubiti. if you want or not.


The OP said.....'Docs will inevitably dictate this as decubiti..'
And this is RIGHT!

All doctors, not only one!

I believe more what the doctors say who studied a decade, than the BOS of the AAMT with changes every year.



Don't make me laugh!

s/l "cyclo" decubiti
Subject: s/l "cyclo" decubiti

s/l cyclodecubiti. I'm sure of the decubiti part but can't quite make out the first part... 
that was what I thought but when she kept dictating it decubiti
Subject: that was what I thought but when she kept dictating it decubiti

I thought maybe I was wrong.  Needed a real second opinion - from other than MD.  Thanks
for Cyndee: decubiti...........scroll down
Subject: for Cyndee: decubiti...........scroll down

Decubiti/Pressure Ulceration

- Discussion:
- sacral, ischial, trochanteric, and heel ulcerations are most common;
- preventative measures:
- turning the patient ever 5 min q 2 hrs of relief may prevent pressure ulceration;
- a shift of weight in the wheelchair is required every 15 minutes;
- air flow matress;
- if neurologic deficit is present or if significant spine instability exists, rotating bed will help protect spine & decrease pulmonary and skin complications
prior to surgical stabilization;
- doughnut cushions should not be used, because they decrease blood flow to the area resting in the center of the donut;

Decubiti - definition of Decubiti in the Medical dictionary - by ...Decubiti explanation. Information about Decubiti in Free online English dictionary. What is Decubiti? Meaning of Decubiti medical term.

s/l 'kee-sler' cream..for decubiti..TIA - nm
Subject: s/l 'kee-sler' cream..for decubiti..TIA - nm

wrong - they ALL dictate decubiti...no such word
Subject: wrong - they ALL dictate decubiti...no such word

skin breakdown and s/l massuration of the skin
Subject: skin breakdown and s/l massuration of the skin

no such word as decubiti. It is decubitus. Look in your medical dictionary. NM
Subject: no such word as decubiti. It is decubitus. Look in your medical dictionary. NM

The singular and plural forms are decubitus. No decubiti. And
Subject: The singular and plural forms are decubitus. No decubiti. And

Thank you for the appreciation, decubiti is plural according to Merriam-Webster
Subject: Thank you for the appreciation, decubiti is plural according to Merriam-Webster

Subject: bedsore..

and also Stedman's.

It is correct Latin grammar

decubitus, pl. decubiti

In medical language

decubitus ulcer, pl. decubitus ulcerS

pleural of decubitus is decubitus in Dorlands Medical Dictionary. I have always been typing decubiti
Subject: pleural of decubitus is decubitus in Dorlands Medical Dictionary. I have always been typing decubiti as the pleural. Oops. nm

It is the plural form of decubitus so type plural decubiti
Subject: It is the plural form of decubitus so type plural decubiti

One-Look shows
Subject: One-Look shows

UA shows 虻 rbc's and 58 rbc's" Is there any way
Subject: UA shows 虻 rbc's and 58 rbc's" Is there any way

My onc book shows
Subject: My onc book shows

verrucous squamous cell carcinoma and also villous. and varicoid. Might want to check into those by googling the phrases.
that's now how Stedman's shows it
Subject: that's now how Stedman's shows it

it shows g/dL, mg/dL, and mmol/L (milliequivalents per liter)
ANA shows s/l duo pattern? nm
Subject: ANA shows s/l duo pattern? nm

BOS shows q.8 h. (with space).
Subject: BOS shows q.8 h. (with space).

Breast - shows "phlegman" changes ??
Subject: Breast - shows "phlegman" changes ??

He stumbles all over the term, so I don't even have a good sounds like.  An ultrasound performed shows diffuse "phlegman" changes.  Patient had breast biopsy.

Any ideas?

re: Breast - shows "phlegman" changes ??
Subject: re: Breast - shows "phlegman" changes ??

Dorlands Medical Dictionary
phlegmon (phleg·mon) (fleg´mon) [Gr. phlegmonç] a spreading, diffuse inflammatory
reaction to infection with microaerophilic streptococci, which forms a ...

Placenta pathology shows...
Subject: Placenta pathology shows...

512 grams, trivascular, no evidence of ________-itis.  one syllable and "itis".  thick ESL accent.  drawing a blank here; help please!!! 
CT of head shows a lacune?
Subject: CT of head shows a lacune?

CT scan of the head shows an old left  ____ , no acute findings.

Blank s/l lacune, lacoon?

Stedman's Orth shows sm
Subject: Stedman's Orth shows sm

alumina bioceramic joint replacement. Wondering if your "loupe navigation" should be "loupe magnification."
Yes, it shows. Suggest helping yourself out sm
Subject: Yes, it shows. Suggest helping yourself out sm

by investing in some MT reference materials. It's much easier (and much, much faster) to look things up that way, and learn as you are researching. Also suggest your getting someone to mentor you 1 on 1. This job is tough enough!!

Are you the same Rebecca who was a surgical tech for 8 years?

Stedman's shows dermatopolyneuritis sm
Subject: Stedman's shows dermatopolyneuritis sm

but not dermato neuritis anywhere. I'd flag it to ask if dermatopolyneuritis was meant.

My Stedman's OB-GYN book shows
Subject: My Stedman's OB-GYN book shows

it as OB-GYN on the cover, as part of the name of the book, but when you look it up under O, it shows OB/GYN as the abbreviation for obstetrics and gynecology.

I am in the habit of using a hyphen and I am not sure if I am consistent with all caps or title case, so don't feel too bad for being confused.
Quick Look shows Gentalax...is that any help?
Subject: Quick Look shows Gentalax...is that any help?

also known as senna.  Here's their dosage listing:

  • Black Draught® [OTC]
  • Correctol® [OTC]
  • Fletcher's® Castoria® [OTC]
  • Gentlax® [OTC]
  • Innerclean® [OTC]
  • Laxagel® [OTC]
  • Senokot® [OTC]
  • Swiss Kriss® [OTC]
  • Uni Cenna® [OTC]
  • X-Prep® Liquid [OTC]

Granules: 326 mg/teaspoonful
  Liquid: 7% [70 mg/mL] (130 mL, 360 mL); 6.5% [65 mg/mL] (75 mL, 150 mL)

  Suppository, rectal: 652 mg

  Syrup: 218 mg/5 mL (60 mL, 240 mL)

  Tablet: 187 mg, 217 mg, 600 mg

onelook.com shows lax. Also have never used laxed. nm
Subject: onelook.com shows lax. Also have never used laxed. nm

A quick Google shows
Subject: A quick Google shows

ScienceDirect - Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics : Minimally ...
Minimally invasive total hip replacement has the potential for .... flexible reamers are used to ream the canal until cortical chatter is obtained. ...
linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1048666606000176 - Similar pages
BOS shows 4 x 4's, but ultimately up to client as
Subject: BOS shows 4 x 4's, but ultimately up to client as

Have you not seen stories on the news, tv shows,
Subject: Have you not seen stories on the news, tv shows,

etc. of people weighing 1000 lbs. and having surgery to correct this problem/condition?
gonioscopic exam shows...?
Subject: gonioscopic exam shows...?

Gonioscopic exam shows ?angle is slit? in both eyes. 

Gonioscopic exam shows ?angular slit? in both eyes.

Any other? 

stedman's shows a TTS esophageal
Subject: stedman's shows a TTS esophageal

balloon dilator. Don't see TTL or TDL
LUE shows she is getting some s/l **flexoris energy**. nm
Subject: LUE shows she is getting some s/l **flexoris energy**. nm

Echo shows "sidasiladis" -- sm
Subject: Echo shows "sidasiladis" -- sm

The patient has pulmonary hypertension.  The statement is "Echocardiogram shows "sidasiladis" with normal connections, no evidence of congestive heart disease.  Normal ventricular function."

Any ideas what sidasiladis could be?  She's pretty clear, but I can't seem to anything close.

VA site shows Veterans
Subject: VA site shows Veterans

Neck shows no adenopathies, ....
Subject: Neck shows no adenopathies, ....

Neck shows no  (s/l) adenopathies, hydromegaly or JVD.  I know hydromegaly can't be right. 
MRI shows an s/l attenuated graph
Subject: MRI shows an s/l attenuated graph

echocardiogram on baby shows s/l VAD's?
Subject: echocardiogram on baby shows s/l VAD's?
