sites for normal lab values. Choose which is comfortable to you.
Posted By: jckerygma on 2007-12-05
In Reply to: normal lab values sites - txcatgirl
Subject: sites for normal lab values. Choose which is comfortable to you.
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normal lab values sites
Sometimes it's hard to remember all the normal values for labs. Does anyone know where I can find that? What I've been given so far isn't for a fast check!
may be normal values or normal range? nm
Subject: may be normal values or normal range? nm
normal lab values
Subject: normal lab values
That's really nice that you took time to list several options for me! Thanks!
CPH MB normal values: less than 3%-5%
Subject: CPH MB normal values: less than 3%-5%
The normal lab values for ionized calcium are 4.25-5.25 ml/dL
Subject: The normal lab values for ionized calcium are 4.25-5.25 ml/dL
CPK MB (Creatine Kinase�MB ) normal values: 3-5%
Subject: CPK MB (Creatine Kinase�MB ) normal values: 3-5%
maybe normal values/ranges for this facility? nm
Subject: maybe normal values/ranges for this facility? nm
Search on the Internet for normal values for a
Subject: Search on the Internet for normal values for a
complete blood count (CBC).
MedlinePlus shows normal values less than 75, so your value is elevated,
Subject: MedlinePlus shows normal values less than 75, so your value is elevated,
normal adult values are 3 to 4.5, could he be saying "low" phosphorous?....nm
Subject: normal adult values are 3 to 4.5, could he be saying "low" phosphorous?....nm
Found a leukemia site with normal values for kids 160,000 - 500,000. nm
Subject: Found a leukemia site with normal values for kids 160,000 - 500,000. nm
I saw that, but this is an 11-year-old, so I really do not feel comfortable with that
Subject: I saw that, but this is an 11-year-old, so I really do not feel comfortable with that
I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the new authentication. I kind of feel this
Subject: I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the new authentication. I kind of feel this
is somewhat an invasion of privacy. I may opt to participate on a different MT site (subscriber paid). There are other boards out there not tracking you this way that are free. I just don't feel this is right. If you are going to be tracked this way, then you might as well pay the fee since overall, the boards seem to provide much more help/information, etc.
choose one...........
Subject: choose one...........
Fioricet with Codeine
Fioricet with Codeine
Fioricet with Codeine
Fioricet with Codeine
Fiorinal with Codeine
Fiorinal with Codeine
Fiorinal with Codeine
Fiorinal with Codeine III
Fiorinal with Codeine No.3
Fiorinal-C �
Fiorinal-C �
Fiorinal-C 1/2
Fiorinal-C 1/4
choose from these.....see inside...
Subject: choose from these.....see inside...
TanaCof DM Suspension
Tanafed DMX
Tanafed DMX Suspension
Tanafed DP
Tanafed DP Suspension
and maybe 'teanine', it's an amino acid, also found in tea
I choose to type it
Subject: I choose to type it
1/2 inch also; however, a few clients have specifically requested that we use decimals instead of fractions to describe measurements of length. And that's what I said, it depends on the client. Regardless of how long a person works in this business, there will always be clients who want things done their way--right or wrong. I type for an ESL who insists we type verbatim, even when he dictates "X-rays show fractures in her both feet."
I have to choose from a drop-down menu
Subject: I have to choose from a drop-down menu
which doesn't work well and is very slow and time-consuming. I can't believe other radiology MTs can just type them, since letters have to be activated to go to the referrer and patient. Am I the only one stuck with a drop-down menu that flips around the page and has to be chased down like a dog?? (Empiric software)
What they say and what it is are two different things, always choose the one from the reference manu
Subject: What they say and what it is are two different things, always choose the one from the reference manuals. Dermabond and harmonic
no dont think so, the two line prior are LFTS normal and Chem-7 was normal
Subject: no dont think so, the two line prior are LFTS normal and Chem-7 was normal
I would use saline since it's the solution he's changing from half-normal to normal, not the
Subject: I would use saline since it's the solution he's changing from half-normal to normal, not the
normal Pap smear in there anywhere? Normal Pap in 2006?nm
Subject: normal Pap smear in there anywhere? Normal Pap in 2006?nm
normal motility? normal motilities? nm
Subject: normal motility? normal motilities? nm
You are probably hearing normal BUS or normal BUSV. sm
Subject: You are probably hearing normal BUS or normal BUSV. sm
BUS Bartholins/Urethra/Skene�s
BUSV Bartholins/Urethra/Skene�s/vagina.
Here is abbrev link for you.
In LD says UA normal and then what sounds like C-MENT T is normal (maybe CMT)? nm
Subject: In LD says UA normal and then what sounds like C-MENT T is normal (maybe CMT)? nm
Could it just be trisomy syndrome or Cri-du-chat syndrome? So many to choose from. nm
Subject: Could it just be trisomy syndrome or Cri-du-chat syndrome? So many to choose from. nm
lab values
Subject: lab values
dr. dictates white blood cell count is 40.2 thousand. this is a verbatim account, so how would you transcribe this?
lab values
Subject: lab values
* s/l Ru-Kay was slightly depressed at 3.6
This is a patient with abdominal pain. She is fairly clear in her dictation. Thank you for any help
TEE values sm
Subject: TEE values sm
On transesophageal electrocardiography: Trace mitral regurgitation was present. Proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) mitral valve area (MVA) was calculated to be 0.9 cm sq with a Vmax of 200, **ADF/AEF/AF/AS** velocity of 16, PISA diameter of 2.3, angle of 60 degrees.
Doc has a thick Japanese accent and I cannot understand the acronym before 'velocity' and do not do a lot of ECG reports. TIA!
What about lab values as 20.0 . ..
Subject: What about lab values as 20.0 . ..
Our QA is saying BOS says to add that trailing zero. Can you find the text to verify that for me.
Also on platelet count WBC, they say to delete the comma, i.e., 20,000 to 20000. Need documentation for that, too, if you have it handy. Thanks.
UA lab values
Subject: UA lab values
On a UA, for rbc and wbc should those be in caps or lower case?
lab values
Subject: lab values
Probably 62.9 segs, 50-70 normal, total should be 100.
Help with Lab values please
Subject: Help with Lab values please
1. 'CBC shows a S/L "three piece/b's" of 5.5'
2. 'S/L "P&P" showed normal electrolytes'
THANKS in advance!
Need lab help PT/INR values
Subject: Need lab help PT/INR values
Last PT/INR was 118 08. Is this typed 118/08, or 11808, or how? Thanks
lab values
Subject: lab values
BNP 6223. Can this be a value for BNP?
values for hyperlipidemia
Subject: values for hyperlipidemia
Hyperlipidemia. We will check a repeat __________ today.
I can hear value. Does this make sense? It does sound like a skip on the recording then value.
MD is dictating the ABG values. sm
Subject: MD is dictating the ABG values. sm
listen carefully for these:
Normal Arterial Values |
Range |
pH |
7.35-7.45 |
pCO2 |
35-45 |
pO2 |
80-100 |
O2 Sat. |
95-100% |
HCO3 |
22-26 |
BE |
+or-2 |
ABG values base x s 1?
Subject: ABG values base x s 1?
PAO2 29, bicarb 27, s/l base X S 1, O2 sat 52% on room air. I don't know that he is saying after 27. The base and the 1 are pretty clear. Thank you for any help you can offer.
Transcibing values
Subject: Transcibing values
How would I transcribe the following;
One out of twenty nodes positive.
Looks like values for pH, pCO2 and
Subject: Looks like values for pH, pCO2 and
looks okay to me, but I don't do a lot of lab values.
Thanks a ton for all of those sites!
Subject: Thanks a ton for all of those sites!
Most sites say
Subject: Most sites say
post-void. Good luck!
Try these two sites. sm
Subject: Try these two sites. sm
I personally could never get too much out of the RX list. Just me, technically-terrified at best!!
web sites
Subject: web sites
I like for meds obviously
Here are a few sites. May help. sm
Subject: Here are a few sites. May help. sm
lab sites
Subject: lab sites
Thanks! These will be very useful!
Pulm. dictating lab values...
Subject: Pulm. dictating lab values...
Doing a pulmonologist's report - he's dictating lab values, this one s/l "b-nitrotic peptide?" I usually do radiology so this is new territory to me...
Possibly, but seems like he should have dictated values then (sm)
Subject: Possibly, but seems like he should have dictated values then (sm)
This is the beginning of the HPI (and all the Chief Complaint said was sickle cell crisis).
The patient is a __-year-old ___ who was seen on ___06 for having sickle cell crisis. She had (s/l) enuff retty count. She was given 1 unit of blood transfusion to keep her hemoglobin up so she could go home.
help with peak flow values...
Subject: help with peak flow values...
Help... s/l peak flows were 20 and 626-10? I can't find any peak flow values that aren't percentages, except maybe just the 626? Thank you in advance!
Lab values, white count
Subject: Lab values, white count
If they say the white count is 14.8 thousand do you write it out or is it just 14.8 or is it 14,800 ???
acidotic, in blood values...nm
Subject: acidotic, in blood values...nm
Is this in the middle of any other lab values or any other clues? NM
Subject: Is this in the middle of any other lab values or any other clues? NM