s/l toxteralton syndrome (P.T.)
Posted By: Mo on 2009-05-20
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Subject: s/l toxteralton syndrome (P.T.)
Hi All,
Have a new one. This P.T. mumbles like none other! (o.k. done ranting...)
Anyone have any ideas? She was listing relevant PMH and said something that sounded like "toxteralton" syndrome.
Context is: "...a PMH that is significant for ________ syndrome on the R, L acute compartment syndrome with fasciectomy..."
Any takers on this one? I really don't know what she's saying...
Thanks a bunch in advance!
p.s. Patient's diagnosis on this one is trochanteric bursitis.
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Thanks so much.
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Thank you very much.
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The pt has elevated bilirubin
Maybe Behcet syndrome. nm
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Sj�gren syndrome? SM
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Since this is ENT I bet it is Sjogren.
Sj�gren syndrome
keratoconjunctivitis sicca, dryness of mucous membranes, telangiectasias or purpuric spots on the face, and bilateral parotid enlargement; seen in menopausal women and often associated with rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud phenomenon, and dental caries; there are changes in the lacrimal and salivary glands resembling those of Mikulicz disease. Syn: Gougerot-Sj�gren disease, Sj�gren disease, sicca syndrome.
[H.S.C. Sj�gren]
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or a Bartholin's cyst?
Just giving it a shot for ya.
good luck
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May be Gilbert's Syndrome?
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Gilbert's syndrome (pr. Zhil-bear), often shortened to the acronym GS, is the most common hereditary cause of increased bilirubin, and is found in up to 5% of the population. The main symptom is otherwise harmless jaundice which does not require treatment, caused by elevated levels of unconjugated bilirubin in the bloodstream (hyperbilirubinemia).
The source of this hyperbilirubinemia is reduced activity of the enzyme (glucuronyl transferase) which conjugates bilirubin and some other lipophilic molecules. Conjugation renders the bilirubin water-soluble and suitable for excretion via the kidneys.
Gilbert's syndrome was first described by French gastroenterologist Augustin Nicolas Gilbert and co-workers in 1901.[1]
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