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s/l presented with "even" contractions?

Posted By: Me again on 2009-05-19
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Subject: s/l presented with "even" contractions?


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This was presented to this board previously. sm
Subject: This was presented to this board previously. sm

I'd type what the dictator said and then flag it. Flagging weird stuff like this absolves you of error. Ask your QA how to handle it the next time it comes around.

BTW, it is "cannot," never "can not."
patient presented with a *CRN*? Can't find it anywhere. Thanks. nm
Subject: patient presented with a *CRN*? Can't find it anywhere. Thanks. nm

...presented at 39 weeks by s/l "LN" 18-week ultrasound
Subject: ...presented at 39 weeks by s/l "LN" 18-week ultrasound

Look up contractions in GI reference NM
Subject: Look up contractions in GI reference NM

still looking for s/l terseray contractions
Subject: still looking for s/l terseray contractions

When the doctor says it later in the report i can hear a possible tersh? sound
tetanic contractions.
Subject: tetanic contractions.

Supraventricular contractions?
Subject: Supraventricular contractions?

small? tertiary contractions
Subject: small? tertiary contractions

tocodynamometer for monitoring contractions
Subject: tocodynamometer for monitoring contractions

s/l "Entocho" showing contractions every 5 mins.
Subject: s/l "Entocho" showing contractions every 5 mins.

Past medical history is remarkable only for reactive NST.   s/l "Entocho"
showing contractions every 5 minutes which the patient was unaware of completely, except for some mild lower back pain.

I am going to be keeping people busy with this report; it is 14 mins long :(

Thanks for the help :)

barium swallow shows s/l terserary? contractions
Subject: barium swallow shows s/l terserary? contractions

Barium swallow shows s/l terserary? contractions.  Not sure about the spelling so I don't know where to start looking

Tocometer measures contractions, probably saying "and toco"
Subject: Tocometer measures contractions, probably saying "and toco"

I wouldn't. Gonna and wanna are slang and not contractions.
Subject: I wouldn't. Gonna and wanna are slang and not contractions.

Nl perineal body and "levitus" with very strong ____ contractions, 5/5 sm
Subject: Nl perineal body and "levitus" with very strong ____ contractions, 5/5 sm

Normal perineal body and "levitus" with very strong ____| QA MARKER: 159 |____ contractions 5/5, not tender and the patient was able to kegal exercises very well upon request.

barium swallow shows small? tertiary contractions. Please check.
Subject: barium swallow shows small? tertiary contractions. Please check.