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s/l otalous ca-ve-trans within TMs bilaterally.

Posted By: Ear in PE....No message on 2008-07-30
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Subject: s/l otalous ca-ve-trans within TMs bilaterally.


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symmetric bilaterally or symmetrical bilaterally?
Subject: symmetric bilaterally or symmetrical bilaterally?

There is Trans-Ver-Sal
Subject: There is Trans-Ver-Sal

healthopedia.com is a good site and medlineplus.com
maybe Trans-Ver-Sal nm
Subject: maybe Trans-Ver-Sal nm

s/l trans-one screw
Subject: s/l trans-one screw

The patient returns to clinic for followup after an L5-S1 s/l trans-one screw with bilateral posterior facet screw fixation.
trans echo
Subject: trans echo

There is a transesophageal echocardiography guided cardioversion.

Could they be shortening it to trans-echo guided cardioversion?
trans tendinous sutures ?
Subject: trans tendinous sutures ?

Anyone heard of this for rotator cuff repair?
I can't get the Stedman spell checker to to with transtendinous sutures either.

Any ideas?
I listened for it, but he says Trans very clearly. It is possible that he is misspeaking, though. Th
Subject: I listened for it, but he says Trans very clearly. It is possible that he is misspeaking, though. Thank you!

Only other thing I find is Trans-Fx
Subject: Only other thing I find is Trans-Fx

which is a bodybuilding supplement. Good luck.
trans is prefix that is used denoting across, through, beyond; etc. nm
Subject: trans is prefix that is used denoting across, through, beyond; etc. nm

infant surgery, a s/l trans??? warming pad? nm
Subject: infant surgery, a s/l trans??? warming pad? nm

s/l trans-trum sca-pole-o-mene
Subject: s/l trans-trum sca-pole-o-mene

To use on a  trip to avoid seasickness. 

Thanks for the tip. She did have a bladder problem so it is probably trans uretheral sling!!!
Subject: Thanks for the tip. She did have a bladder problem so it is probably trans uretheral sling!!!

hemoglobin is lees than 9 or is becoming trans _____________ dependent. Thanks. nm
Subject: hemoglobin is lees than 9 or is becoming trans _____________ dependent. Thanks. nm

Trans is very clear then a mumble, maybe transwarming warming pad? nm
Subject: Trans is very clear then a mumble, maybe transwarming warming pad? nm

Stedman's med trans skill builders has back-bled
Subject: Stedman's med trans skill builders has back-bled

symmetric bilaterally
Subject: symmetric bilaterally

probably is biceps bilaterally...nm
Subject: probably is biceps bilaterally...nm

Tonsils 2-3+ bilaterally
Subject: Tonsils 2-3+ bilaterally

The doctors tape is unclear and all I am catching is  the word  ULLS.  The doctor is talking about this in the HEENT part of the report.

She says the ULLS are 2-3+ bilaterally and very ereythematous.

Do you think this might be - The tonsils are 2-3+ bilaterally and very erythematous.



type B bilaterally
Subject: type B bilaterally

Good guess, but doesn't fit with trans..She has about 40 drugs taking with these diagnoses, sm
Subject: Good guess, but doesn't fit with trans..She has about 40 drugs taking with these diagnoses, sm

chronic daily headaches, migraines, multiple personality disorder, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, chronic back pain, chronic knee pain, arthritis, fatigue, chronic pain disorder, chronic pain dysregulation, convergence spasms, history of Cushing�s syndrome, and multiple medication over usage, including narcotics. 
flat disks bilaterally
Subject: flat disks bilaterally

DTRs were 2+ of the bicipital ? bilaterally.
Subject: DTRs were 2+ of the bicipital ? bilaterally.

Any ideas?  I'm a newbie!  Thanks!
the s/l panni are well-formed bilaterally...ear exam...nm...TIA
Subject: the s/l panni are well-formed bilaterally...ear exam...nm...TIA

Me again, the s/l crawlback is negative bilaterally...ear exam..nm..TIA
Subject: Me again, the s/l crawlback is negative bilaterally...ear exam..nm..TIA

Breast exam: CMP or CMT normal bilaterally? nm
Subject: Breast exam: CMP or CMT normal bilaterally? nm

decreased air entry over the apices bilaterally. nm
Subject: decreased air entry over the apices bilaterally. nm

s/l epli maneuver negative bilaterally. TIA
Subject: s/l epli maneuver negative bilaterally. TIA

Weber and Renee positive bilaterally?
Subject: Weber and Renee positive bilaterally?

In audiology?
s/l "Guard hairs" removed bilaterally?
Positive tinels and falens bilaterally?
Subject: Positive tinels and falens bilaterally?

sl Positive tinels and falens bilaterally.

Under neurologic in physical exam. Patient has carpel tunnel syndrome.


Positive Tinel's and Phalen's bilaterally.
Subject: Positive Tinel's and Phalen's bilaterally.

She has poor facial sensation bilaterally in "VI, II, and III". Is this right?
Subject: She has poor facial sensation bilaterally in "VI, II, and III". Is this right?

lateral gutters bilaterally were decompressed using a small s/l car-ri-son. nm
Subject: lateral gutters bilaterally were decompressed using a small s/l car-ri-son. nm

does this sound right - tympanogram was types feed bilaterally..sm
Subject: does this sound right - tympanogram was types feed bilaterally..sm

also in the report it sounds like they are saying "speechometry" is 20 decibels.  Thanks.
the rectus muscle s/l bel-laes were retracted bilaterally. nm
Subject: the rectus muscle s/l bel-laes were retracted bilaterally. nm

This is grip strength bilaterally. The others were on separate hands.
Subject: This is grip strength bilaterally. The others were on separate hands.

some s/l muco perio rhinorrhea is noted bilaterally.
Subject: some s/l muco perio rhinorrhea is noted bilaterally.

He is doing a nasal exam. 
"pain along the s/l MALLOR surfaces bilaterally when walking." TIA
Subject: "pain along the s/l MALLOR surfaces bilaterally when walking." TIA

Cranial Nerves: II-XII are intact. There is *arcinasilis* bilaterally. Thanks. nm
Subject: Cranial Nerves: II-XII are intact. There is *arcinasilis* bilaterally. Thanks. nm

Cardioversion type? s/l trans-achoo-gite cardioversion ? I'm stumped on this one!
Subject: Cardioversion type? s/l trans-achoo-gite cardioversion ? I'm stumped on this one!

s/l prank-i-ment... sentence - Dense fibroglandular prank-i-ment is seen bilaterally. Thnx in adv.
Subject: s/l prank-i-ment... sentence - Dense fibroglandular prank-i-ment is seen bilaterally. Thnx in adv.