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s/l New Step

Posted By: Flo on 2007-04-03
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Subject: s/l New Step

She has been doing aquatherapy, treadmill and ______(s/l newstep) with very little decrease in her discomfort.

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IBD First Step
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Helps to diagnose patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

More info can be researched: www.prometheus-labs.com (Product Listing)

To take it a step further...
Subject: To take it a step further...

When you transcribe a CT or MRI, the radiologist may say "axial plane," "sagittal plane," or "coronal plane." That refers to the angle of the x-rays in relationship to the body (see illustration).
It looks like 21 mg for Step 1 (sm)
Subject: It looks like 21 mg for Step 1 (sm)

so this could be the dosage if the patient is just beginning the regimen.
step-offs I think
Subject: step-offs I think

step-off fxs would be correct
Subject: step-off fxs would be correct

That is it! I had to step away before I heard it.
Subject: That is it! I had to step away before I heard it.

What's the definition of a step off?
Subject: What's the definition of a step off?

Step-Down Unit
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s/l sacota step test
Subject: s/l sacota step test

I transcribe it step-offs. nm
Subject: I transcribe it step-offs. nm

s/l veress step needle?
Subject: s/l veress step needle?

sounds like veress step needle?  Anyone got a clue?

step-stair test ??
Subject: step-stair test ??

yes she did...small step forward, I guess. nm
Subject: yes she did...small step forward, I guess. nm

No step-offs. You will hear that a lot with fractures etc.sm
Subject: No step-offs. You will hear that a lot with fractures etc.sm

as per my old Stedman's Ortho and me, old ortho person here, before so many  hyphens etc. so I have to look things up to get things right for you guys.
I would use step-offs. Think they want anatomy here and not the name of something. JMHO. nm
Subject: I would use step-offs. Think they want anatomy here and not the name of something. JMHO. nm

Never mind, found step-off fracture. nm
Subject: Never mind, found step-off fracture. nm

step-off is perfectly fine and in the Sted's. nm
Subject: step-off is perfectly fine and in the Sted's. nm

Patient was injured while doing a s/l step class.
Subject: Patient was injured while doing a s/l step class.

Hehehe, I guess I was a step ahead of that
Subject: Hehehe, I guess I was a step ahead of that

I'm sorry,  Since I already have suprascript and subscript up on my tool bar, my instructions were what to do for O(subscript)2 so all you have to do is type O2 (normal script) and it changes automatically.  I don't like having to highlight the 2 and go up there and click the subscript button every time.  I would rather type O2 and let Word change it for me.    I try to get Word to do as much for me as possible.  I do this for cm squared, cm cubed, H2(subscript)0, etc. 
there's a "stair-step" that relates to ventilation.
Subject: there's a "stair-step" that relates to ventilation.

Step class, Jane Fonda once had a video of this....
Subject: Step class, Jane Fonda once had a video of this....

Fukuda step or stepping test. Google
Subject: Fukuda step or stepping test. Google

search will bring up lots. I remember this one because I rarely encounter it so wrote it in my little reminder notebook.
Spacuda step test? Vestibular eval
Subject: Spacuda step test? Vestibular eval

S/L spacuda step testing.  Football player with concussion after helmet-to-helmet hit, now complaining of dizziness and headaches. 

The sentence is:

"His *Spacuda?* step testing was intact."

She is doing dynamic balance testing on him.


Type of endoscopy for bladder outlet obstruction...s/l Step...nm
Subject: Type of endoscopy for bladder outlet obstruction...s/l Step...nm

Pt with irritable bowel, tests includes s/l "IBA first step". Anybody heard of this? TIA. nm
Subject: Pt with irritable bowel, tests includes s/l "IBA first step". Anybody heard of this? TIA. nm

Fukuda marching step test for symptoms of Meniere's, vertigo
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Does this make sense...If her symptoms return "short order" then the next step would be surger
Subject: Does this make sense...If her symptoms return "short order" then the next step would be surgery.

Facuto step test?? ENT consult report? Any ideas on Fucato, ficato, facotto? Help! Thanks! nm
Subject: Facuto step test?? ENT consult report? Any ideas on Fucato, ficato, facotto? Help! Thanks! nm