s/l Courvier sign?
Posted By: sara on 2008-06-21
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Subject: s/l Courvier sign?
In cesarean section op note, doctor/l says (s/l) ''Courvier sign(?) on the uterine serosa was noted on the right side just above the lower uterine segment''.
Thanks for any help.
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You are very welcome Lee.
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Does this make sense?
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Dorland's 27th edition.
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X-ray examination on the lateral view shows a _______ sign consistent with a small effusion in the elbow joint and probably a tiny radial head fracture if visible.
Thanks for your time!!
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Sail Sign: Single lateral radiographs of the elbow which reveals the classic sail sign. This is an invaluable soft tissue finding in cases of ... www.gentili.net/signs/66.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages |
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No message
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Neri's Bowing Sign.
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Moses sign to detect deep vein thrombosis. You will not find it listed in very many places. It is not in any medical dictionary. Write it down in your dictionary so you will have the reference when you need it.
This information was passed on to me by a physician I worked with years ago.
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