rose trial
Posted By: paige on 2009-03-23
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Subject: rose trial
ok the doc says ----store trial and rose trial i am not able to find what ----store trial is?? please help...
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rose trial
Subject: rose trial
well, the patient had a roux-en-y gastric bypass and has been struggling with weight regain yet is part of the ----store trial ins 2007 and rose trial and 2008, both of these procedures were done utilizing endoscopic suturing
and ROSE trial is, sm
Subject: and ROSE trial is, sm
Restorative Obesity Surgery, Endoscopic
rose trial
Subject: rose trial
tx you were right it is RESTOre trial.
The SOFT trial (Suppression of Ovarian Function Trial)
Subject: The SOFT trial (Suppression of Ovarian Function Trial)
Any ideas on "capping trial" or "cathing trial"?
Subject: Any ideas on "capping trial" or "cathing trial"?
This is a discharge summary from a doc who loves to use her own short forms of words in an account with very little allowed abbreviations. This is also not my usual account, so I admit to not knowing much out of my "box". Has anyone heard the term "cathing trial" or "capping trial" with regards to respiratory / tracheostomy issues?
Here is the context:
"This is a 19-year-old male admitted after suffering a closed head injury while riding his motorcycle in Tennessee...
<snipped some identifying info>
... Bolus tube feeds were also changed to 275 mL q. 4 hours as well as water boluses 225 mL q. 4 hours, which he did tolerate well. He was also seen by Respiratory, which did do ***s/l "capping trials" or "cathing trials" *** as tolerated, and he did have an ultrasound of the right upper extremity, to include the shoulder and upper right chest to be ordered, as there was a question of DVT. However, this did come back as negative."
Any idea on "capping trial" or "cathing trial"? This doctor is famous for being a mumbler, and I am not familiar with this account and either of these terms. Thanks!
MT in Novi, MI
Thanks much, Rose!
Subject: Thanks much, Rose!
Yes, Rose position. You got it.
Subject: Yes, Rose position. You got it.
But it sounds just like -rose-
Subject: But it sounds just like -rose-
I do not hear -gerota-
thjanks Rose!
Subject: thjanks Rose!
See I knew that, I just started doubting myself again.....
i meant THANKS Rose!
Subject: i meant THANKS Rose!
Geez- good thing it is Friday! Thanks for your help- I appreciate it!
sentence: Incision was made into -rose- fascia.
Subject: sentence: Incision was made into -rose- fascia.
She is status post partial gastrectomy and ROSE VISION for peptic ulcer disease in the past.
Subject: She is status post partial gastrectomy and ROSE VISION for peptic ulcer disease in the past.
Trial for MS
Subject: Trial for MS
Sounds very much like "Combee" trial. Patient has both MS and migraine headaches. I've been researching and I can't find it! I do believe the trial is for MS and not for migraines. Thank you all!
trial of heparin?
Subject: trial of heparin?
SOFT trial?
Subject: SOFT trial?
...hormonal therapy on the SOFT trial? I cannot tell if she is saying FOFT or SOFT.
Pt. with MS given trial of s/l pervadue nm
Subject: Pt. with MS given trial of s/l pervadue nm
CURE trial SM
Subject: CURE trial SM
I found this in my Stedman's Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Words, 5th Edition. Maybe this is it:
CURE trial: Clopidogrel in Unstable Anginal to Prevent Recurrent Ischemic Events trial
Hope this helps!
trial or vial?
Subject: trial or vial?
Perseus trial? sm
Subject: Perseus trial? sm
Perseus Trial - Perseus Trial: A Prospective Evaluation in a Non-Randomized Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of the Use of the TAXUS[r] ElementTM Paclitaxel-Eluting Coronary Stent System
maybe star trial?
Subject: maybe star trial?
google roux gastric bypass star trial, it talks about the star trial?
trial drug
Subject: trial drug
Trial where drugs would include pentostatin, _______ and Revlimid now showing good results in the CLL setting.
The drug sounds like "oxaliplatinum" or "axoloplatinum".... any ideas?
Thanks everyone!
for trach, i'd say capping trial.
Subject: for trach, i'd say capping trial.
There is a COURAGE trial regarding stents in CAD. nm
Subject: There is a COURAGE trial regarding stents in CAD. nm
oncology s/l gissick trial
Subject: oncology s/l gissick trial
ESL doctor talking about a trial of chemotherapy for a total pancreatic resection if that helps any. Thanks!
E-center trial head? This is for
Subject: E-center trial head? This is for
a shoulder arthroplasty. He could also be saying E standard trial head. I can't find either, and this is the second report he's used it in. Thank you!
whew, another chemo trial? s/l allo BMT
Subject: whew, another chemo trial? s/l allo BMT
OB again. She is open to a trial of s/l un-quara..or s/l en-cora ?? thank you
Subject: OB again. She is open to a trial of s/l un-quara..or s/l en-cora ?? thank you
combi trial - s/m found this from 2004.
Subject: combi trial - s/m found this from 2004.
Avonex/Copaxone Combi Trial
ANational Institutes of Health (NIH) sponsored trial is beginning.
In this trial treatment na�ve patients will be randomized
to receive either Avonex plus placebo (one out of four patients),
Copaxone plus placebo (one out of four patients) or Avonex
plus Copaxone (two out of four patients). The trial hopes to
answer the question, �Do interferon-beta and glatiramer acetate
work synergistically when given together?� Both drugs are
approved for the treatment of MS, but are seldom used together
because of the costs of the treatments when combined and the
lack of safety and efficacy data available.
Trial and error with OneLook finally pulled this one off. nm
Subject: Trial and error with OneLook finally pulled this one off. nm
OB/GYN Premarin study called s/l "Hurz" trial. ?
Subject: OB/GYN Premarin study called s/l "Hurz" trial. ?
Pt with Alzheimer's participating in s/l "a lawn" 301 immunotherapy trial ?? nm
Subject: Pt with Alzheimer's participating in s/l "a lawn" 301 immunotherapy trial ?? nm
Find info on standard trial head. sm
Subject: Find info on standard trial head. sm
or trial head standard.
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLdesigned for both total and hemi- arthroplasty of shoulder. The modular .... Modular Humeral Trial Head Standard 40. Modular Humeral Trial Head Standard 42 - Similar pages
Was this spelled out or sounded out? Australian trial drug called PV903
Subject: Was this spelled out or sounded out? Australian trial drug called PV903
Did a quick search on Google for "Premarin study trial" and found ...
Subject: Did a quick search on Google for "Premarin study trial" and found ...
A bunch of stuff about HERS and HERS II. Rxlist mentions it down towards the sixth paragraph or so.
cardiac: The patient was enrolled in the *Curg* trial , which supported medical management for angi
Subject: cardiac: The patient was enrolled in the *Curg* trial , which supported medical management for angi