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punctuation question...sm

Posted By: Mindy on 2006-09-08
In Reply to:

Blood sugar reading minus 120 divided by 40 which yields the units for coverage.

Do I need to add commas, etc.?  Thanks!

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Subject: punctuation

separate it, either a period or comma after cholecystectomy???
punctuation on this?
Subject: punctuation on this?

How would you punctuate this?  Comma after esotropia? or more? ...........

Bob is a young boy who had an esotropia status post sixth nerve palsy secondary to hydrocephalus.

Punctuation help
Subject: Punctuation help

Have a question when typing 7 cm. Should there be a hyphen between 7 and cm or not have one. In the Book of style it shows it both ways.

Just wondering.

Thanks Carla

Subject: Punctuation

Thanks so much for the information. I can never remember when it comes to that. I will, hopefully, remember this time.


punctuation (sm)
Subject: punctuation (sm)

1. Fine as you have it.
2. She is doing that often, say in work situations and other situations, she is confirming that she is less passive.


2. She is doing that often; in work situations and other situations she is confirming that she is less passive.

(notice I left the casual word "say" out.)

They actually are not fragments as they contain necessary parts, but punctuation shows how they are related to the other thought.

Punctuation help, please (sm)
Subject: Punctuation help, please (sm)

He has an eight-to-nine-year history of headaches.

Wondering about the "eight-to-nine-year history" part.



Subject: Punctuation!?

How would you correctly punctuate this sentence?

IMPRESSION: Healing fracture proximal phalanx third digit right foot.

Subject: punctuation

I would leave out all the commas in sentence #1.

Sentence #2, take out the comma after atrial fibrillation and after sinus rhythm.
help with punctuation please
Subject: help with punctuation please

She had a right frontal temporal parietal craniotomy for evacuation. 

do I need commas after frontal, temporal?  ty so much!!

punctuation ?
Subject: punctuation ?

Help, it is late and I cannot think straight.

How would this sentence be punctuated correctly?

One, we are going to try to rule out a stress fracture and two, we are going to try to rule out any pathology secondary to the possible cam impingement.

Any help would be appreciated. TIA

Capitalize first letter after a colon. Forgot an apostrophe to indicate possessive case,as the cough belongs to a smoker. Forgot serial comma after nose.

As to format, if they let you get away with each system starting on a separate line it will be clearer and give you a higher line count.

Finally, to quote my medical editing instructor at Cornell Medical School, "The addition of "al" to an adjective does not make it any more "adjectival" -- I always got a laugh out of that line. I've been correcting docs and transcriptionists for years about neurologic and hematologic.

Subject: Punctuation

At that juncture, she would, despite her young age, be a candidate for supportive care only.

Subject: Punctuation

I would get rid of the semicolon and replace it with a comma and get rid of the comma after time. 
Subject: punctuation

It is
anesthetic fulguration, as anestethic is an adjective.
punctuation help please
Subject: punctuation help please

Evaluation of the plantar right foot shows minimal callus formation, it was pared back, no ulcer noted.


Plantar left foot over the first ray shows minimal callus formation pared back, no ulcer noted.

Are these correctly punctuated? tia.
Subject: punctuation...

Patient undergoing transplant.
Identified post transplant feeling;
includes wife and children.

First phrase should actually be:

Patient under - w e n t transplant, because he is already post transplant.

Hi there.  I was wondering if separate departments in a hospital like "Dialysis Unit" or "pediatrics" needs to be capitalized.  I think I have lost my memory.
question on punctuation.....
Subject: question on punctuation.....

Doppler reveals normal E prime A prime on tissue Doppler no aortic valve or mitral gradient is noted.

Do I put a period after A prime or Doppler, I am confused.

Thank you

Punctuation question
Subject: Punctuation question

Here is my sentence as dictated-

Study showed "fluid collection in the upper anterior midline abdominal wall was again noted with a similar appearance" (much thought was given to blah, blah, blah). 

Do I have the second quotation marks in the right spot or should they go at the very end after the end parenthesis and period? 

Thanks for any help you can give!

Punctuation question
Subject: Punctuation question

"COMMENT: Reviewed with Dr. Doe, III at the time of the exam." Is that right with the comma after Doe? TIA
Re: Punctuation question
Subject: Re: Punctuation question

Went without the comma. Needed to send.
Punctuation question
Subject: Punctuation question

I have heard different things on this issue...

Does punctuation, whether it be periods or commas or whatever, always go inside parenthesis or not?  BOS shows they don't, but I've also heard that punctuation always go inside the end parenthesis. 

Need cardio punctuation help!
Subject: Need cardio punctuation help!

These two are confusing me!  Are these punctuated correctly??

The report then states correlate clinically for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, as her diary entry showed sinus rhythm, with questionable episodes of atrial fibrillation.

It did reveal sinus rhythm, sinus tachycardia; suggested clinical correlation for atrial fibrillation, as some of her symptoms occurred with sinus rhythm, with a questionable atrial fibrillation.


grammar/punctuation help

"At that juncture she would despite her young age be a candidate for supportive care only."

How should this be punctuated? Help. 

grammar/punctuation help
Subject: grammar/punctuation help

Doc dictates- Total time with the patient was 60 minutes and of that, 40 minutes was dedicated to the direct discussion and consultation of the logistics, risks and benefits, and rationale for radiation therapy.


Was or were 40 minutes?  Should it be punctuated with a semicolon?

Total time with the patient was 60 minutes; of that, 40 minutes were dedicated.....




this sentence does not need ANY punctuation at all!..sm
Subject: this sentence does not need ANY punctuation at all!..sm

It is correct as you typed it.
Punctuation - see message
Subject: Punctuation - see message

Narrowing on the patella refers to the joint space, not the cartilage.  At any rate, you need to go back to bed and get your nap out. 
paragraph punctuation help..please...
Subject: paragraph punctuation help..please...

MRI scan indicates status post patellar tendon, bone, and anterior cruciate ligament construction, cystic degeneration of the graft with little remaining low signal fibers is noted, tendon enlargement in the tibial tunnel with cystic erosion through the anterior cortex medially to the patellar tendon, extension into the anterior subcutaneous fat of the proximal right lower leg.

Note the doctor does say construction, not reconstruction can this also be correct? TIA.
This needs some punctuation and pauses
Subject: This needs some punctuation and pauses

I think this must be either talking about the patient's caregivers after the transplant, or social/family history.  Take another listen for pauses, I think it needs the sentence broken up. 
The punctuation mark dash, maybe to sm
Subject: The punctuation mark dash, maybe to sm

separate the positive hx of heart murmur from the negatives following?
Punctuation for prenatal labs
Subject: Punctuation for prenatal labs


Can someone tell me a good site to reference the punctuation for prenatal labs??? I'm not sure if they should be all seperated by commas, periods, or semicolons. Also, would number of pregnancies, deliveries, and due date be seperated by these labs with a period????? Doctor just rattled them off all together, and I'm not sure the correct punctuation........ especially because the last lab value in the series requires a comma in itself (Pap smear abnormal, class II)

ty ahead of time


These derm guys and their adjectives are putting me right over the top!!!  Comma or no comma???

Physical examination reveals relatively severe diffuse facial dermatoheliosis

relatively severe, diffuse or relatively severe diffuse

thanks for other answer. I have another punctuation problem. TIA sm
Subject: thanks for other answer. I have another punctuation problem. TIA sm

Recently, (10 days ago), he was in congestive heart failure. 

cardiac doppler punctuation...sm
Subject: cardiac doppler punctuation...sm

The doc says this all the time and I'm not sure if it all runs together, or needs commas, etc.

"Normal mitral valve E to A ratio on tissue doppler E prime: A prime." 



There is ALWAYS punctuation before and after the word "however."
Subject: There is ALWAYS punctuation before and after the word "however."


He had been off the medication approximately four days prior to his admission to North Kansas City; however, followup cardiac isoenzymes were negative.


 He did, however, make several adjustments to his medications.

Are they not teaching this any English 101 anymore?  I have made that correction about a thousand times today!

End of rant!

punctuation in quotes question sm
Subject: punctuation in quotes question sm

do I use a comma in e.g.: She tells me, "I don't know."

and also if it's not a sentence but e.g.: She tells me the color is, "greenish."

what about capitalization? always or just if it's a whole sentence...

sorry, lot of questions.. TIA

sound right and word help and punctuation...
Subject: sound right and word help and punctuation...

MRI SCAN: MRI scan does show a fracture of the anterior superior aspect of the glenoid labrum with mild depression and a s/l subafractal along the medial margin of the scapula towards the spine which is nondisplaced.tia
making sense of punctuation...
Subject: making sense of punctuation...

I will type this exactly as said. Any help with punctuation would be greatly appreciated.

The pain is rated as severe it is burning tingling it is constant worse with walking better with rest. TIA.
Please look at sentence and give advice on punctuation. Thanks.
Subject: Please look at sentence and give advice on punctuation. Thanks.

The patient does not eat or drink orally, but instead receives gastrostomy tube feedings, apparently usually between 5 p.m. and 5 a.m., which according to the caregiver, he has been tolerating well. 
Cannot find punctuation rule in AAMT BOS
Subject: Cannot find punctuation rule in AAMT BOS

Do you use a comma in the following sentence?

She says that sometimes she sees a shadow walking by, and that this is a new symptom for her. 


I know you use a comma if the word "that" is not in there, but what if it is?

I couldn't find in the book of style. 

Thank you. 

Format/Grammar/Punctuation Help (psychiatric)
Subject: Format/Grammar/Punctuation Help (psychiatric)

AXIS I: Psychosis NOS, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type versus bipolar I disorder versus a drug induced psychosis, also polysubstance abuse.     Should the word versus be transcribed as a slash or another format in this example?  Thanks!

...I'd use 2 spaces after whatever punctuation. Makes it easier to read.
Subject: ...I'd use 2 spaces after whatever punctuation. Makes it easier to read.

The punctuation as you have it, is correct, 1 comma only after stabliziers,but it should read"..
Subject: The punctuation as you have it, is correct, 1 comma only after stabliziers,but it should read"..'show, not shows', verb is in plural..nm

Punctuation ?: *Dear TJ:* or *Dear T.J.:* (nm)
Subject: Punctuation ?: *Dear TJ:* or *Dear T.J.:* (nm)
