prostate cancer pathology results - high-grade s/l PINC found?
Posted By: sassee on 2007-08-28
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Subject: prostate cancer pathology results - high-grade s/l PINC found?
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Could be as there are medical grade, high grade, low grade, etc.
Subject: Could be as there are medical grade, high grade, low grade, etc.
Prostate cancer s/l Gleason six adenocarcinoma of the prostate.
Subject: Prostate cancer s/l Gleason six adenocarcinoma of the prostate.
Lachman test results, are they written as grade 2 or II?? TIA.
Subject: Lachman test results, are they written as grade 2 or II?? TIA.
High grade or High-grade - sm
Subject: High grade or High-grade - sm
High grade partial thickness rotator cuff tear
Subject: high-grade?
high-grade, perhaps (nm)
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Can you hear high-grade 95% stenosis? nm
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The pathology revealed ductal carcinoma in situ, grade 2-3 intracystic papillary component. No invas
Subject: The pathology revealed ductal carcinoma in situ, grade 2-3 intracystic papillary component. No invasive carcinoma.
is prostate CN prostate cancer?
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and how would you transcribe; as prostate CN or prostate cancer??
Prostate cancer with met (?)
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The patient's primary hospice diagnosis is prostate cancer with s/l met.
I'm pretty sure she is meaning metastasis? If so, should I type it out completely or leave it as she said it?
Prostate cancer med?
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Lupron and Casodex, now receiving Taxotere with s/l IRIDEA and prednisone?
CAP -- Cancer of Prostate or
Subject: CAP -- Cancer of Prostate or
If patient is male could mean Cancer of Prostate or carcinoma of prostate. Been ages since I typed urology, but one of my very first docs used to dictate that. Good Luck!!!!!
For me it would be high-grade, partial-thickness rotator cuff tear
Subject: For me it would be high-grade, partial-thickness rotator cuff tear
This was a high-grade intraductal carcinoma of the breast with focal s/l chromenonecrosis.
Subject: This was a high-grade intraductal carcinoma of the breast with focal s/l chromenonecrosis.
prostate cancer stage P2A (sm)
Subject: prostate cancer stage P2A (sm)
should it be typed PIIA? TIA
prostate cancer p2A (small p) nm
Subject: prostate cancer p2A (small p) nm
Pt with prostate cancer on s/l Den drawl. nm
Subject: Pt with prostate cancer on s/l Den drawl. nm
T1 high-grade disease, but no *neeb-teeb muscle* was present. SM for context
Subject: T1 high-grade disease, but no *neeb-teeb muscle* was present. SM for context
Pt has a history of T1 high-grade urothelial carcinoma treated with BCG in the past. Recent biopsy demonstrated T1 high-grade disease, but no *neeb-teeb muscle* was present.
Too much background noise and ESL. Any ideas?
"Aridium" implants - following prostate cancer? TIA
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Prostate cancer....S/L Allogard injection
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Elogard, Alloguard, Allegard?? Elagard?? anybody?? TIA
I googled on TNM cancer staging, prostate,
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and then tried your letters. I got one hit with NEF, and that's where I stopped. So try plugging those in with TNM first, because that's what they usually call those.
Prostate cancer and hormone therapy.
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attempted salvage radiation therapy. Had been on *incrim...* hormone therapy. Viador removal date 9/27/05.
Can't hear the whole word there before ''hormone therapy".
Is Viador correct? And is there a link for more information on this?
Thanks bunches!!
some sort of cocktail for prostate cancer
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I believe this is a cocktail created by this dictating physican, and he says it contains s/l genastine, selenium, and lycopene. I can't seem to grasp that first word. Any ideas, anyone?
some sort of cocktail for prostate cancer
Subject: some sort of cocktail for prostate cancer
Thank you for trying, mdlfcrs. I appreciate it very much!
negative for prostate or other s/l urogenic cancer. TIA
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S/L myselodycin (mice-lo-dy-sin), prostate cancer
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.cannot find, looked everywhere. LFT fine before this and having LFTs run after this as well during treatment of prostate cancer.
that's LHRH agonist for prostate cancer treatment
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history of prostate cancer as well as s/l neck-to-stonia?
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Prostate cancer, s/l 'trib' or 'trip', slang? sm...
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The doc dictates: Patient was found to have prostate cancer. He had highly localized radiation to the prostate. He also had a S/L TRIB or TRIP.
TIA for your help!
Is this hormonal therapy for prostate/breast cancer?
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sometimes hormones are used to decrease tumor growth, but there can be a "flare" of the tumor growth instead???
Isn't Gleason score and grading only used for prostate cancer? sm
Subject: Isn't Gleason score and grading only used for prostate cancer? sm
I have typed urology for 19 years and have never heard of the Gleason score and grading being uysed for breast cancer. I included a link.
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prostate cancer: bilateral s/l nerve string procedure.
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He says earlier the patient has prostate cancer metastatic to the bone, so I'm thinking it's p
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S/l High verge CT scan. This is for lung cancer.
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chronic type patent products of s/l Agonellus <- spelled phonetically... Thank you
found it as TRUS/Prostate Biopsy
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Goserelin for prostate cancer (Zoladex�, Zoladex� LA)
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Goserelin for prostate cancer (Zoladex�, Zoladex� LA)
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I guess I would just type 4301
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I found calcium chloride give for extremely high potassium levels.
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low-grade dysplasia or low grade dyplasia -- when to use hyphens??? TIA
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Grade or grade?-cardiology
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In cardiology, is grade capitalized when referring to a grade 1 systolic murmur?
Seems to be why they use Roman is because there is a grade within the grade (sm)
Subject: Seems to be why they use Roman is because there is a grade within the grade (sm)
Grade I is 0-5
Grade II is 5-10
Grade III is greater than 10