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probably "no bleeding or clotting disorders"

Posted By: pb on 2005-09-20
In Reply to: no "hitting" or clotting disoders. - mushmouth md

Subject: probably "no bleeding or clotting disorders"


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Help - clotting med?
Subject: Help - clotting med?

I know I have typed this word before, but just can't get it today!!!


IV fluids:  500 cc (sounds like) Hisban.

Hysban? Hisban? arghhhh!!!!

no "hitting" or clotting disoders.
Subject: no "hitting" or clotting disoders.

could it be thrombin clotting test?
Subject: could it be thrombin clotting test?

patient with clotting disorder
Subject: patient with clotting disorder

Doctor says either INR or I&R and pro-time

Neither entry of INR or I&R in my abbreviations book makes particular sense for this situation.  And is it correct to hyphenate pro-time?

Ever heard this, poor man's clotting test? TIA
Subject: Ever heard this, poor man's clotting test? TIA

no "hitting" disorders
Subject: no "hitting" disorders

This could be a slang use of the term HIT, acronym for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. I think I would write it HIT'ing.
When are disorders capitalized?
Subject: When are disorders capitalized?

I capitalize them when they are in the diagnosis, but if they are generally talking about it in the body of the report, like,

"I explained to Mom that obsessive-compulsive disorder would be difficult to assess."

Is it Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in that case?


724.6 Disorders of sacrum
Subject: 724.6 Disorders of sacrum

ICD9CM coding
atazanavir for immune disorders
Subject: atazanavir for immune disorders

dictating generalized disorders do not need to be capitalized
Subject: dictating generalized disorders do not need to be capitalized

Your angle is in the book Neale's Disorders of the Foot:
Subject: Your angle is in the book Neale's Disorders of the Foot:

The Drug is 6-mercaptopurine, used in iatrogenic/autoimmune/inflammatory disorders....nm
Subject: The Drug is 6-mercaptopurine, used in iatrogenic/autoimmune/inflammatory disorders....nm

stigmata of bleeding or stigmata of active bleeding, maybe?
Subject: stigmata of bleeding or stigmata of active bleeding, maybe?

Torticollis is one of a broader category of disorders that exhibit flexion, extension, or twisting o
Subject: Torticollis is one of a broader category of disorders that exhibit flexion, extension, or twisting of muscles of the neck beyond their normal position. Maybe doing range of motion is causing the shoulder pain?

Could it be *bleeding* ? nm
Subject: Could it be *bleeding* ? nm

Subject: bleeding?

Not bleeding. She's definitely saying BD or BV or B something.
Subject: Not bleeding. She's definitely saying BD or BV or B something.

Bleeding diathesis sm
Subject: Bleeding diathesis sm

bleeding diathesis - General Practice Notebook
A bleeding diathesis is a condition in which there is an unusual susceptibility
or predisposition to bleeding. Bleeding diatheses are classified with ...
www.gpnotebook.co.uk/cache/-1013317631.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

no ulcer bleeding?
Subject: no ulcer bleeding?

rongeur does not fit here. S/L may be no other bleeding nm
Subject: rongeur does not fit here. S/L may be no other bleeding nm

Ob..she has been bleeding now for a month....
Subject: Ob..she has been bleeding now for a month....

post spontaneous AB.  She says this is as heavy as her period.  I believe at this point she probably has retained s/l blooduxsm?? Will do a D&C.
Bleeding was abated???? nm
Subject: Bleeding was abated???? nm

Bleeding scan help (sm)
Subject: Bleeding scan help (sm)

.... showed some activity below the bladder level, but no discrete s/l "poital" flow or active bleeding. 

Was this bleeding during surgery?
Subject: Was this bleeding during surgery?

On EKG, is it "No STT changes or ST-T?
Subject: On EKG, is it "No STT changes or ST-T?

This always messes me up.


There is no hx of bleeding s/l dia thysis or thrombophilia.
Subject: There is no hx of bleeding s/l dia thysis or thrombophilia.

Can only think of friable, but probably not if bleeding isn't mentioned. nm
Subject: Can only think of friable, but probably not if bleeding isn't mentioned. nm

Gingivitis. Bleeding gums.
Subject: Gingivitis. Bleeding gums.

could it be minimal amount of bleeding?
Subject: could it be minimal amount of bleeding?

If they have a bleeding vessel along the path somewhere, then
Subject: If they have a bleeding vessel along the path somewhere, then

? dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Subject: ? dysfunctional uterine bleeding

s/l a let was applied and the bleeding stopped...Thanks..
Subject: s/l a let was applied and the bleeding stopped...Thanks..

also in UA, it sounds like he is saying high land cast  TIA
using s/l algumbin??? to control the bleeding...please help.Thanks
Subject: using s/l algumbin??? to control the bleeding...please help.Thanks

Pt in for a rash. Doc says "no cal-la" ?? TIA
Subject: Pt in for a rash. Doc says "no cal-la" ?? TIA

"no atelectasis"
Subject: "no atelectasis"

a guess, after lung bases. Then Bowel loops could be the next sentence.
"no atelectasis"
Subject: "no atelectasis"

a guess, after lung bases. Then Bowel loops could be the next sentence.
"no atelectasis"
Subject: "no atelectasis"

a guess, after lung bases. Then Bowel loops could be the next sentence.
or "no ectopy"
Subject: or "no ectopy"

"no more" Nexium? nm
Subject: "no more" Nexium? nm

"No asymmetries are seen" ??
Subject: "No asymmetries are seen" ??

could be "no leukocytosis." nm.
Subject: could be "no leukocytosis." nm.

pulmonary embolism or abnormal bleeding.
Subject: pulmonary embolism or abnormal bleeding.

Ever heard of s/l NewNet? Used for bleeding in surgery?
Subject: Ever heard of s/l NewNet? Used for bleeding in surgery?

external hemorrhoids with s/l exstimatic bleeding?
Subject: external hemorrhoids with s/l exstimatic bleeding?

Dictator is ESL -

Patient with external hemorrhoids with s/l exstimatic bleeding from old trauma.


No history of allergies, bleeding tendencies, s
Subject: No history of allergies, bleeding tendencies, s

s/l Stragus?  <-phonetically, diabetes, or emboli?  second dictation with the same phrase used
Got it -- no discrete point of active bleeding. Thanks!
Subject: Got it -- no discrete point of active bleeding. Thanks!

Oh yeh. You've heard of bleeding ulcers.
Subject: Oh yeh. You've heard of bleeding ulcers.

you'll find lots if you google it
Pt with postop bleeding txd with s/l QL and polystyrene mixture. (nm)
Subject: Pt with postop bleeding txd with s/l QL and polystyrene mixture. (nm)

"no S3 gallop" is correct. nm
Subject: "no S3 gallop" is correct. nm

Thanks. I still don't see a match for what he is saying. Maybe s/l "no kay kay test" will
Subject: Thanks. I still don't see a match for what he is saying. Maybe s/l "no kay kay test" will ring a bell?

How about "no history of diabetes", etc. nm
Subject: How about "no history of diabetes", etc. nm