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pnt was placed on s/l Megase because of weight loss. Megase?

Posted By: MT Mom on 2008-07-29
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Subject: pnt was placed on s/l Megase because of weight loss. Megase?

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exact sentence: "promote weight neutral versus weight loss with the Januvia,' but earlier sai
Subject: exact sentence: "promote weight neutral versus weight loss with the Januvia,' but earlier said was going to decrease dibetics with Januvia.

He dictates words kind of strange.
weight loss
Subject: weight loss

Weight loss. She is visibly __________s/l ti-kek-tic as compared to her last visit. I suspect she has lost at least 20 pounds


Rash/Weight loss
Subject: Rash/Weight loss

Could be a rash or weight loss - two other symptoms of lupus.
I think you mean bariatrics (weight loss), not
Subject: I think you mean bariatrics (weight loss), not

Pt with 5 pound weight loss. sm
Subject: Pt with 5 pound weight loss. sm

It appears to be secondary to loss of "adentia"??   which was lost during the transfers and admission to different hospital.
Gakesia weight loss?


maybe "hematochezia, weight loss.." as in ROS or something??
Subject: maybe "hematochezia, weight loss.." as in ROS or something??

melena, hematochezia, weight loss
Subject: melena, hematochezia, weight loss

Yep it is Medifast, it is a weight loss plan like Slimfast
Subject: Yep it is Medifast, it is a weight loss plan like Slimfast

Drug for diabetic weight loss - Byetta or s/l Simalin? Thank you. nm
Subject: Drug for diabetic weight loss - Byetta or s/l Simalin? Thank you. nm

medication Genuva? sounds like for weight loss, cannot resource it, help!
Subject: medication Genuva? sounds like for weight loss, cannot resource it, help!

Patient a dieting female? Maybe Relacore, OTC aid for stress/weight loss. nm
Subject: Patient a dieting female? Maybe Relacore, OTC aid for stress/weight loss. nm

Hypercholesterolemia. Reduce animal fat and ___________, increase exercise and weight loss.
Subject: Hypercholesterolemia. Reduce animal fat and ___________, increase exercise and weight loss.

The blank sounds like "courage", lol.  Thanks for any help.

I think bore weight is correct. It is not beared weight. You can be weightbearing
Subject: I think bore weight is correct. It is not beared weight. You can be weightbearing

on an extremity, but weight beared is incorrect.  Bared is incorrect, too.  
Is it weightbearing or weight-bearing or weight bearing..as in exercise?
Subject: Is it weightbearing or weight-bearing or weight bearing..as in exercise?

I've seen this three different ways...which is correct? Or...could all three be correct?
Subject: Weight

His weight is stable at 42 3/4 pounds or 42-3/4 pounds?  I am not sure if there should be a hyphen.
Subject: weight

If the weight is 7-1/2 pounds, should it be typed 7.5 pounds?

Subject: weight

How do you write weight 61 1/4 kg?  Is this right or 61.25 kg or 61-1/4 kg.  Just not sure.

At a loss!!
Subject: At a loss!!

Jeez!  Doc is usually very clear, but this I just can't figure out, but I'm looking to you guys for some help, because I might just be fried...

"She was seen in the emergency room on Thursday for severe headache and possible preictal aura.  She had a brain CT that was unremarkable per report which patient S/L: HAN-DE-LE-RIS today.  Also was given Ativan and Toradol."

I thought maybe "handed to us", but it just doesn't sound like that - at any speed.  If anyone has an idea of what this might be, I would be most appreciative!!  Thanks in advance.


Still at a loss
Subject: Still at a loss

It still makes no sense to me ~ if she was already on Flagyl, how could she be switched?  Neither of the drugs you listed (or variations thereof) exist.  There are many antibiotics that sound very similar.  See if you can slow the voice way down.
weight bearing
Subject: weight bearing

how about non weight-bearing?  How would you appropriately punctuate/hyphenate that one?
non weight bearing
Subject: non weight bearing

proper way would be nonweight-bearing but you can also type it as non-weight-bearing.  In the medical dictionary - weight-bearing, therefore, nonweight-bearing.
how about 'bore' weight
Subject: how about 'bore' weight

Weight swung might be what you are looking for. sm
Subject: Weight swung might be what you are looking for. sm

Perhaps he has foot drop, or one leg is shorter than the other, or some other congenital defect. Or maybe one leg is stronger than the other ie post stroke or some muscle wasting disease and he drags one foot along the floor.
GI "blood loss" perhaps? nm
Subject: GI "blood loss" perhaps? nm

I'd say "job loss" :) (nm)
Subject: I'd say "job loss" :) (nm)

how about loss of a denture ? NM
Subject: how about loss of a denture ? NM

is it weightbear or weight bear?
Subject: is it weightbear or weight bear?

It's the end of the day and I cannot remember if it is "weightbear" or "weight bear" as in "The patient may weightbear/weight bear as tolerated."

I tried to look it up online and found it both ways...  I know it is weightbearing...

My eyes are starting to cross and it looks funny either way!

I usually change this to bear weight
Subject: I usually change this to bear weight

s/l Darco weight shoe
Subject: s/l Darco weight shoe


weight bear or weightbear
Subject: weight bear or weightbear

can anyone reply on this im editing right now
Weightbearing or weight bearing? TIA~
Subject: Weightbearing or weight bearing? TIA~

maybe she is not going to "bear weight" for 10 minutes?
Subject: maybe she is not going to "bear weight" for 10 minutes?

Pt is 5' 5 ", weight is 174.9 lbs, which puts her to be in "Live 29". n m
Subject: Pt is 5' 5 ", weight is 174.9 lbs, which puts her to be in "Live 29". n m

Yes, the need for implantation of a gold weight
Subject: Yes, the need for implantation of a gold weight

into the eyelid to hold the lid down if the nerves are damaged.

Dictated as 'beared a little bit of weight'
Subject: Dictated as 'beared a little bit of weight'

Is 'beared' right?  Looks awkward.


he was able to weighjtbear=He beared weight
Subject: he was able to weighjtbear=He beared weight

I think beared would be correct.  The patient was able to bear weight.  Hence, he weight beared......

Bared to me would be like a dog who bared his fangs.


type of weight exercises
Subject: type of weight exercises

Ever heard of weight exercises called....Morrows, Morose, Larose or anything similar.  Evidently you bend backwards and pull weights forward.  Thx


Commas between year and weight, then
Subject: Commas between year and weight, then

semicomma between weight and year
In 2005, 220 lbs., in 2006, 221 lbs., etc.
weight bearing PA view
Subject: weight bearing PA view

yes that is the correct way to type standing AP, etc
for Horski: That's not it, then she would gain weight, ..s/m
Subject: for Horski: That's not it, then she would gain weight, ..s/m

equally to water retention
Think this is probably weight-bearing surface ?? - nm
Subject: Think this is probably weight-bearing surface ?? - nm

"some loss"? a guess but all I can think of NM
Subject: "some loss"? a guess but all I can think of NM

insensible ?? blood loss
Subject: insensible ?? blood loss

EBL: 50-100 mL plus s/l insensuable losses in the uterus. Does insensible loss make sense? Sound quality is very poor.
Akinesthesia is loss of movement, so maybe an
Subject: Akinesthesia is loss of movement, so maybe an

sensorineural hearing loss?
Subject: sensorineural hearing loss?

sometimes associated with dialysis..
trochlear? loss of motion (nm)
Subject: trochlear? loss of motion (nm)

nuclear motion loss?
Subject: nuclear motion loss?

Could it be? 
1. Tympanic. 2. ??? 3. hearing loss? sm
Subject: 1. Tympanic. 2. ??? 3. hearing loss? sm

Could be sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, mixed.
hypesthesia (loss of sensation)?
Subject: hypesthesia (loss of sensation)?

Word help - s/l mee-loss syndrome
Subject: Word help - s/l mee-loss syndrome