peritoneal inflammation?
Posted By: Patty on 2009-04-29
In Reply to: physical exam: abdomen s/l no evidence of preorientation.. - beNice
Subject: peritoneal inflammation?
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Subject: peritoneal?
Peritoneal seeding?
Subject: Peritoneal seeding?
Peritoneal seeding with multiple metastases, which cover the stomach, small intestine, and urinary bladder. The largest peritoneal seeding measure 5.5 cm in greatest dimension. or should this be peritoneal seating?
Inflammation? nm.
Subject: Inflammation? nm.
"tib-peritoneal" disease?
worsening outflow tract disease of the right leg, most notably _____ disease. Tip-peritoneal? Tib-peritoneal? I'm clueless here... TIA
peritoneal reflexion or reflection?
Subject: peritoneal reflexion or reflection?
Herniorrhaphy, can remember which it is - I suspect it is reflection.
PDy=peritoneal dialysis catheter...nm
Subject: PDy=peritoneal dialysis catheter...nm
peritoneal seeding is correct. sm for refs.
Subject: peritoneal seeding is correct. sm for refs.
Current Indications
Patients with peritoneal seeding from invasive adenocarcinomas or sarcomas are ... Patients with small lesion size peritoneal seeding with limited ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages |
Atlas of Appendix Cancer - Introduction
Clinical pathway for the management of resectable gastric cancer ...
Peritoneal seeding from primary gastric cancer occurs in 10-20% of patients. The diagnosis of this a... db=PubMed&list_uids=10705236&dopt=Abstract - Similar pages |
My brain is mush,...doc keeps saying peritoneal tendon..
Subject: My brain is mush,...doc keeps saying peritoneal tendon..
That is not right is it? It is peroneal tendon (which he also says some of the time). Is the doc just saying it wrong? You would think they would know better!
Thank You!
s/l "sential"
Subject: s/l "sential"
There is tympanosclerosis of both tympanic membranes; however, there is also significant "sential" inflammation.
inflammation of the kidneys
Subject: inflammation of the kidneys
did not mean nephritis refers to the kidneys, just inflammation of.
Peritoneal or peritoneum is the abdomen or abdominal area.
Subject: Peritoneal or peritoneum is the abdomen or abdominal area.
Hmmm...usually hear omental or peritoneal adhesions. Maybe
Subject: Hmmm...usually hear omental or peritoneal adhesions. Maybe
omphalitis is inflammation of umbilicus nm
Subject: omphalitis is inflammation of umbilicus nm
posthitis inflammation of foreskin
Subject: posthitis inflammation of foreskin
Amcort� Injection? for inflammation
Subject: Amcort� Injection? for inflammation
maybe Zylet for ocular inflammation? nm
Subject: maybe Zylet for ocular inflammation? nm
Laparoscopic s/l tinkoff catheter placement (for peritoneal dialysis)
Subject: Laparoscopic s/l tinkoff catheter placement (for peritoneal dialysis)
Maybe C-reactive protein. Used to detect inflammation. nm
Subject: Maybe C-reactive protein. Used to detect inflammation. nm
concha bullos is not same..itis for
Subject: concha bullos is not same..itis for
did not give content because he just says "mild left concha bullitis". He uses concha bullosa throughout dictations all the time also, but this is second or third time with this term and bullitis is not something even on Google or Stedman's site.
s/l **Medrol dexamethasone Pak** for inflammation. Can't document.
Subject: s/l **Medrol dexamethasone Pak** for inflammation. Can't document.
There is Voltaren ophth solution for inflammation sm
Subject: There is Voltaren ophth solution for inflammation sm
after cataract extraction.
Maybe mucositis, painful inflammation of the mucous tract
Subject: Maybe mucositis, painful inflammation of the mucous tract
No, bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi, nothing to do with trachea or nose. nm
Subject: No, bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi, nothing to do with trachea or nose. nm
false: any suspensory ligament that is a peritoneal fold and not of true ligamentous structure.
Subject: false: any suspensory ligament that is a peritoneal fold and not of true ligamentous structure.
Patient with chronic venous hypertension with ulcer and inflammation - sm
Subject: Patient with chronic venous hypertension with ulcer and inflammation - sm
Patient is provided with s/l avalock/adalok samples. Thanks!
There's a Gaenslen's sign for lumbar/sacroiliac inflammation pain by moving the hip, etc.
Subject: There's a Gaenslen's sign for lumbar/sacroiliac inflammation pain by moving the hip, etc.
anusitis is simply inflammation of the anal canal per
Subject: anusitis is simply inflammation of the anal canal per
...or even "deep peritoneal" or "deep peroneal" disease. nm
Peritoneal bile, or intraperitoneal bile? (NM)
Subject: Peritoneal bile, or intraperitoneal bile? (NM)