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pelvic rock - referring to movement..

Posted By: anon on 2007-04-11
In Reply to: s/l 'pelvic roc' Is this correct?- nm - bbfof

Subject: pelvic rock - referring to movement..

As in "There is no pelvic rock." Is that your usage?

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Could it be negative pelvic rock?
Subject: Could it be negative pelvic rock?

s/l pelvic vas or maybe pelvic vest.. does anyone know? thanks
The patient is 8-10 weeks post repair for recurrent cystourethrocele in cuff. She is still not healed. She is a diabetic, and it had been lowering her hormones. She had granulation tissue, which we cauterized. She will continue vaginal cream "in the pelvic vas", and will see her back in 2 weeks.
or maybe "and the pelvic vest" does anyone know? thank you


"cicadic" eye movement - is that right?
Subject: "cicadic" eye movement - is that right?

s/l acetonic movement...sm
Subject: s/l acetonic movement...sm

Patient is in her usual state of health but is having much less ____ (s/l acetonic movements.)  It appears that the neurologist has recently started her on amantadine. 



or perhaps just clonic movement
Subject: or perhaps just clonic movement

cuneiform movement
Subject: cuneiform movement

Akinesthesia is loss of movement, so maybe an
Subject: Akinesthesia is loss of movement, so maybe an

Neuro- movement disorder
Subject: Neuro- movement disorder

...blepharospasm and s/l cervical stone and cervicogenic headache.

(pt getting Botox injections)

decreased voluntary movement?
Subject: decreased voluntary movement?

periodic movement disorder? Hear that a lot with RLS. nm
Subject: periodic movement disorder? Hear that a lot with RLS. nm

That could be correct, i.e., any jarring movement causes pain. (nm)
Subject: That could be correct, i.e., any jarring movement causes pain. (nm)

medical term for difficult movement?
Subject: medical term for difficult movement?

looking for a word that means difficult movement, would ataxia work?
A colonic-type movement is noted.
Subject: A colonic-type movement is noted.

This is an upper extremity exam.  The doc says, "Sominvoluntary spontaneous movements while at rest with a "colonic" type movement is noted.
patient with tic has *sinusoto* movement of the head?? Thanks. nm
Subject: patient with tic has *sinusoto* movement of the head?? Thanks. nm

can you hear "some subtle" movement...??
Subject: can you hear "some subtle" movement...??

maybe "EOM" strong - extraocular eye movement/motion
Subject: maybe "EOM" strong - extraocular eye movement/motion

wild guess: ' lateral traction movement.' ?..sm
Subject: wild guess: ' lateral traction movement.' ?..sm

nystagmus is right.....

nystagmus is an unintentional jittery movement of the eyes
saccades ==Rapid eye movement to redirect the line of sight.? sm
Subject: saccades ==Rapid eye movement to redirect the line of sight.? sm

If that is not the term, please give sentence etc.

ophth glossary/link for you.








AIMS test (abnormal involuntary movement scale)
Subject: AIMS test (abnormal involuntary movement scale)

You rock, too!! nm
Subject: You rock, too!! nm

You so rock!
Subject: You so rock!

You rock. thank you! nm
Subject: You rock. thank you! nm

Thanks! You rock! :>)
Subject: Thanks! You rock! :>)

Thanks! You rock... nm
Subject: Thanks! You rock... nm

you rock!
Subject: you rock!

Thank you so much.  I was googling all the different spellings I could think of trying to find something.

Thank you thank you thank you!

You rock!
Subject: You rock!

I did a re-listen, and you are exactly right! Thank you so much for your help. What would I do without the help of the good people on this board?
You rock! Thanks. nm
Subject: You rock! Thanks. nm

You rock! Thank you so much!!!
Subject: You rock! Thank you so much!!!

Thank you, you rock!!!! nm
Subject: Thank you, you rock!!!! nm

Thank you!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!
Subject: Thank you!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!

THANK YOU XanaX!!!! You seriously rock!!!
OMG that's it! You Rock!!!!! TY
Subject: OMG that's it! You Rock!!!!! TY

You ROCK! That's IT!
Subject: You ROCK! That's IT!

you totally rock!!!
Subject: you totally rock!!!

You guys ROCK! It is TAH-USO. THanks ALL!! nm
Subject: You guys ROCK! It is TAH-USO. THanks ALL!! nm

Ya'll ROCK!
Subject: Ya'll ROCK!

Thanks for the quick reply! It does make sense in context. This guy has ongoing back pain.
thanks dude rock on
Subject: thanks dude rock on

thanks dude rock on...
THAT would rock my world!
Subject: THAT would rock my world!

Are you kidding me?  Gas, out of either end of the dictator, would so make my night!  I LIVE for that kind of entertainment!
You guys ROCK nm
Subject: You guys ROCK nm

You Rock girl!! Thank you to both your
Subject: You Rock girl!! Thank you to both your

Thx MT50, you rock!
Subject: Thx MT50, you rock!

RockinMT - you rock! Thanks.
Subject: RockinMT - you rock! Thanks.

Thanks! Patty you rock!
Subject: Thanks! Patty you rock!

THANK YOU!!! Flybye - you rock!!
Subject: THANK YOU!!! Flybye - you rock!!

I looked it up and sure enough - you are absolutely correct! The dosage is a bit off, but certainly possible for a taper.

Thank you tons!!!

p.s. Happy flyin'
You rock!! That is it!! Thanks a million!!
Subject: You rock!! That is it!! Thanks a million!!

You guys got it now that I see it I can hear that is what he is saying...You rock!!!
Subject: You guys got it now that I see it I can hear that is what he is saying...You rock!!!

Thanks again guys! You especially Fiddy, you rock!
Subject: Thanks again guys! You especially Fiddy, you rock!

I shoulda kept quiet; you ROCK! ;) nm
Subject: I shoulda kept quiet; you ROCK! ;) nm

yes, thanx for the followup Patty! You rock!!
Subject: yes, thanx for the followup Patty! You rock!!

Apokyn? used for treating loss of control of body movements such as muscle stiffness, slow movement
Subject: Apokyn? used for treating loss of control of body movements such as muscle stiffness, slow movements, or trouble moving associated with advanced Parkinson disease???

You ROCK!!!!!!!!! Chocolate bunny is on me! Thanks!!!! Nmsg.
Subject: You ROCK!!!!!!!!! Chocolate bunny is on me! Thanks!!!! Nmsg.

You got it, Olive, I could not remember the drug, thanx, you rock!....nm
Subject: You got it, Olive, I could not remember the drug, thanx, you rock!....nm
