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patient to a to a higher *estulon* of care ?? nm

Posted By: Wilson on 2008-01-31
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Subject: patient to a to a higher *estulon* of care ?? nm


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patient care manager? nm
Subject: patient care manager? nm

s/l testive care was sent. This patient has tested positive for chlamydia. Thanks
Subject: s/l testive care was sent. This patient has tested positive for chlamydia. Thanks

Is it a cardiac patient? CVICU (Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit?)
Subject: Is it a cardiac patient? CVICU (Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit?)

disposition of care versus deposition of care
Subject: disposition of care versus deposition of care

Talking about a patient's discharge planning.  I have always typed this disposition of care but my new co-workers type deposition.  which is correct?  thanks for help in advance.
,,,sorry, 426 is what it should be. You'll hear them way higher
Subject: ,,,sorry, 426 is what it should be. You'll hear them way higher

higher cortical function..........
Subject: higher cortical function..........

Nope, maybe just elevated as in higher than normal? nm
Subject: Nope, maybe just elevated as in higher than normal? nm

This would be a Tesla scan - higher powered
Subject: This would be a Tesla scan - higher powered

MRI scan usually a 3 or 1.5.
Then I would agree as stated below with higher cortical function
Subject: Then I would agree as stated below with higher cortical function

ester-type anesthetics is correct. (these have a higher incidence of allergic reaction)sm
Subject: ester-type anesthetics is correct. (these have a higher incidence of allergic reaction)sm

and are still used, but over the years have been replaced by other forms of anesthetics which have a lower rate of allergic reactions.
they should care
Subject: they should care

well, who should care?  The MT him or herself.  This can be a crutch IMO.  And, no, my opinion doesn't amount to a pile o' beans in the grand scheme of things.  Maybe my post should have been more helpful, than critical, and should have asked posters if they know how to search.  I've gotten really good at it and can find just about anything really.  For instance, someone just recently posted ligament of Treitz question.  All I did was google, ligament of *.  Bingo! 

Anyway, to the person who said I should just use the back button, pfft. 

s/l tur-she-air care
Subject: s/l tur-she-air care

Has anyone heard of s/l tur-she-air care?
so what is ALP? Do you care to share.....nm
Subject: so what is ALP? Do you care to share.....nm

have come out of her care being basically ------? sm
Subject: have come out of her care being basically ------? sm

saying there are three good things, meaning her physicians listed? Just a guess.
Wound care med help, pls
Subject: Wound care med help, pls

Sounds like ***Alavesta***** 2-in-1 antifungal cream to all periwound tissue.


disposition of care (sm)
Subject: disposition of care (sm)

Health Policy Fellowship: Background
Access contextual variables such as characteristics of health care providers or ... therapeutic and treatment services received, and disposition of care. ...
http://www.academyhealth.org/nchs/background.htm   - 23k  -  Cached  -  Similar pages

There is an eye care supplement
Subject: There is an eye care supplement

that comes in Vcaps- Nature's Benefit Eye Care Naturally.
s/l "TF" care
Subject: s/l "TF" care

He was transferred to the Vista Hospital on July 24, 2007 for continued s/l "TF" care.
V-care device???
Subject: V-care device???

Has anyone heard of a V-care device used during a hysterectomy???
so what was it? Care to share?
Subject: so what was it? Care to share?

wound care help
Subject: wound care help

The base of the wound is noted to be beefy red with evidence of S/L bunting___capillairies. Is that correct. Or could it be blunting.


wound care
Subject: wound care

Apply Cedapress wraps to the wound.  S/L either Cedapress or Zedapress?

Prisma will be used to the wounds daily, and cover with dry dressing, gauze and continue Cedapres______ wraps.


wound care
Subject: wound care

s/l Norson debrider, ?Morrison debrider . Could not find anything. Thanks.
Tertiary Care
Subject: Tertiary Care


s/l vee care instrument
Subject: s/l vee care instrument

it has a cuff and a balloon. Doctor is doing a laparoscopic hysterectomy.

tertiary care
Subject: tertiary care

tursuary care
Subject: tursuary care

tertiary care.

Tertiary Care Definition

1 � Definition of Tertiary Care: Specialized consultative care, usually on referral from primary or secondary medical care personnel, by specialists working in a center that has personnel and facilities for special investigation and treatment. (Secondary medical care is the medical care provided by a physician who acts as a consultant at the request of the primary physician.)
doc dictates "the patient has 120 pack year smoking history", patient is 75...is that right???
Subject: doc dictates "the patient has 120 pack year smoking history", patient is 75...is that right???? NM

any wound care people out there?
Subject: any wound care people out there?

The patient had something applied to a wound that sounds like Panofil or Panocil.

S/L Care-a-cleanse cleanser? sm
Subject: S/L Care-a-cleanse cleanser? sm

For wound cleansing........cannot document.  Thanks for any help!
s/l Glayds-C wound care
Subject: s/l Glayds-C wound care

Has anyone heard of this?  It sounds like a dressing or some kind of medication used in wound care.



yes, I do wound care a lot and they do probe
Subject: yes, I do wound care a lot and they do probe

2 types of anesthesia care -- see msg.
Subject: 2 types of anesthesia care -- see msg.

Local and MAC (monitored anesthesia care) are 2 types of anesthesia, so probably "Local/MAC" would be best. However, I don't think I have ever been dinged on QA for typing "Local MAC" with a space.

Here is a link to an article on anesthesia types.


Have a great day.
monitored anesthesia care
Subject: monitored anesthesia care

Practice Care Manager?....nm
Subject: Practice Care Manager?....nm

They usually say "failed conservative care" sm
Subject: They usually say "failed conservative care" sm

no idea about second.
Yo Kris - care to share what it was with....nm
Subject: Yo Kris - care to share what it was with....nm

Breast Care report
Subject: Breast Care report

Dictator says: After a total of 35 minutes time was spent together discussing the continued details of the (CAO2B trial 05052)statin. How do I correctly type the numbers and letter inside the ()?
Special Care Center
Subject: Special Care Center

I am OP.  Just Goggled this and found the answer.  Ya think? 

care to share and educate us too? Would be ..nm
Subject: care to share and educate us too? Would be ..nm

What's he getting now that might need to be continued - wound care, IV
Subject: What's he getting now that might need to be continued - wound care, IV

Ambulatory Care Note help
Subject: Ambulatory Care Note help

This is probably something simple, but I haven't a clue.



and a TCC would be a transitional care center
Subject: and a TCC would be a transitional care center

my $0.02
This is end of life care and sounds like
Subject: This is end of life care and sounds like

an AND or A&D for possible hospice care.
Wound care question
Subject: Wound care question

I am helping out with a wound care clinic, which I am not used to, plus this dictator is a mumbler! Would venostasis ulceration varicose veins be all togather or would these be separate diagnoses??  TIA
Primary Care Provider or primary care provider? nm
Subject: Primary Care Provider or primary care provider? nm

Not unless it is the specific name of an institution for care.
Subject: Not unless it is the specific name of an institution for care.

health care agent?
Subject: health care agent?

Ctrl+Shift+8 took care of it. Thanks anyway!!
Subject: Ctrl+Shift+8 took care of it. Thanks anyway!!

ablation care unit?
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MAC modified anesthesia care
Subject: MAC modified anesthesia care
