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oral mucosa *apyrric" mucosa...thx nm

Posted By: evelyn on 2008-12-18
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Subject: oral mucosa *apyrric" mucosa...thx nm


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Oral mucosa...
Subject: Oral mucosa...

oral buccal mucosa?
Subject: oral buccal mucosa?

Probably saying the oral mucosa at the speed of light. nm
Subject: Probably saying the oral mucosa at the speed of light. nm

really bad ESL says oral mucosa and lips show
Subject: really bad ESL says oral mucosa and lips show

whitish colored s/l pus, crust, ?? which is consistent with oral strep.  Any ideas?
usually hear oral mucosa pink and moist. nm
Subject: usually hear oral mucosa pink and moist. nm

oral mucosa is moist and pink without s/l transash?
Subject: oral mucosa is moist and pink without s/l transash?

...mucosa, etc. NM
Subject: ...mucosa, etc. NM

mucosa?? just a thought. nm
Subject: mucosa?? just a thought. nm

hilar mucosa?
Subject: hilar mucosa?

Buccal Mucosa
Subject: Buccal Mucosa

The doc is aspirating a cyst...states "The cyst wall was perforated and approximately 2 cc of s/l sebrin or severum was evacuated."  Any clues?

The other area is "A portion of the s/l sensory wall was sent for histologic exam." 

He is aspirating the cyst from the buccal mucosa.  Appreciate your help!

puprical mucosa?
Subject: puprical mucosa?

complains of pain in the right upper portion of the mouth. There is an area on the puprical mucosa just above the gum line behind the right upper last tooth

Papular mucosa? nm
Subject: Papular mucosa? nm

moist mucosa? nm
Subject: moist mucosa? nm

She's definitely saying erythematous mucosa.
Subject: She's definitely saying erythematous mucosa.

perhaps tracheal mucosa
Subject: perhaps tracheal mucosa

buchal mucosa?
Subject: buchal mucosa?

Just a guess.
another possibility is buccal mucosa nm
Subject: another possibility is buccal mucosa nm

Nose has erythematous mucosa?
Subject: Nose has erythematous mucosa?

Why can't the mucosa be pale? I think pallor is okay.
Subject: Why can't the mucosa be pale? I think pallor is okay.

nasal mucosa was quite (s/l) boggy?
Subject: nasal mucosa was quite (s/l) boggy?

mucal mucosa or mucomucosa
Subject: mucal mucosa or mucomucosa

I know this is a common question, but can't remember if either/or is correct? Please help!!

The next sentence was "We then elevated the mucosa." nm
Subject: The next sentence was "We then elevated the mucosa." nm

there is good s/l esterization of the vaginal mucosa.
Subject: there is good s/l esterization of the vaginal mucosa.

Desiccating pneumonia? (breakdown of mucosa)?? nm
Subject: Desiccating pneumonia? (breakdown of mucosa)?? nm

"and is having a lot of swelling and edema in the nasal mucosa." .nm
Subject: "and is having a lot of swelling and edema in the nasal mucosa." .nm

bladder was 2+ _____ with no mucosa, lesions or tumors.
Subject: bladder was 2+ _____ with no mucosa, lesions or tumors.

physical exam: The nasal mucosa is crowded w/o *cobofonin*. Any ideas? Thanks. sm
Subject: physical exam: The nasal mucosa is crowded w/o *cobofonin*. Any ideas? Thanks. sm

This is a physical exam for a patient with severe obstructive sleep apnea.
The entire vaginal mucosa is unbroken with no ulcers or s/l exicative change.
Subject: The entire vaginal mucosa is unbroken with no ulcers or s/l exicative change.

Subject: oral?

oral contraception?
Oral Surgeon Help?
Subject: Oral Surgeon Help?

1.             Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy with advancement and rigid fixation utilizing ____________ 2 mm placement screws. 


Hello..filling in for ortho surgeon.  Sounds like Sin these screws...any help?


With a #15 blade a 3.5 cm incision was made over the external _________ridge.  A subperiosteal dissection was carried out laterally, adjacent to the ramus and anteriorly along the ramus of the mandible. 


Sounds like baked ridge in the mouth? 

oral contraceptive help
Subject: oral contraceptive help

S/L Vesigin with 11 refills? 
could be oral Metacardia but I don't know
Subject: could be oral Metacardia but I don't know

oral contraceptive...s/l Em-ply-hon.. thank u
Subject: oral contraceptive...s/l Em-ply-hon.. thank u

oral contraception
Subject: oral contraception

The patient is taking an oral contraception which sounds like LUNEL FE. It is not on my contraception list has anyone ever heard?


oral contraception
Subject: oral contraception

There is Lunelle, and there is Loestrin Fe.
Might be saying oral gentamicin ? nm
Subject: Might be saying oral gentamicin ? nm

They do have oral Zofran. Maybe that is it. nm
Subject: They do have oral Zofran. Maybe that is it. nm

Oral hyperglycemics (sm)
Subject: Oral hyperglycemics (sm)

I got a doc who refers to diabetic medications as oral hyperglycemics.  He will say this several times in a report and sometimes it sounds like hypoglycemics.  By the time he has said hyper or hypo 1000 times in a report, I get confused.  It should be oral hyperglycemics correct?  TIA
Oral contraceptive...
Anyone know of a birth control sounds like Avion, I can't find anything like it. 
oral contraception
Subject: oral contraception

I believe it is an contraception that s/l Tris-in-trex 28
s/l other on an oral decompression???
Subject: s/l other on an oral decompression???

ESL doctor- Past history:  Illnesses and surgeries:  Appendectomy, age 12.  Other on an oral decompression traumatic amputation of left hand index finger at midphalanx, long and ring finger at the proximal phalanx, middle finger at the second phalanx.

Not sure what highlighted is and if it is a thought of it's own or part of the amputation thought!

s/l oral ray intubation.
Subject: s/l oral ray intubation.

zygomatic complex repair
oral ray tube
Subject: oral ray tube

SoRThere is an oral RAE tube. Sorry about previous message. I goofed.
oral surgery
Subject: oral surgery

This is a wisdom teeth removal, and I have an entire sentence that  I cannot make sense of:

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ___ impacted teeth (s/l down #17 and #32 ____ incision R) space.

Everything in parenthesis is a guess, the only words I could clearly discern are not. Please help!

The abbrev for that is NAC so maybe saying IV NAC? or oral NAC? nm
Subject: The abbrev for that is NAC so maybe saying IV NAC? or oral NAC? nm

calcitrate oral
Subject: calcitrate oral

Calcitrate Oral Uses

This medication is used to prevent or treat low blood calcium levels in people who do not get enough calcium from their diets. It may be used to treat conditions caused by low calcium levels such as bone loss (osteoporosis), weak bones (osteomalacia/rickets), decreased activity of the parathyroid gland (hypoparathyroidism), and a certain muscle disease (latent tetany). It may also be

oral ray tube
Subject: oral ray tube

It is a RAE tube -
Roxwell oral solution
Subject: Roxwell oral solution

Not very clear but sounds similar
Seasonale - oral conraceptive ...
Subject: Seasonale - oral conraceptive ...

www.rxlist.com is a great website to search for drugs.
normal oral flora? (nm)
Subject: normal oral flora? (nm)

something still not right; s/l oral affis ulceration
Subject: something still not right; s/l oral affis ulceration


I thought I had it, but I keep replaying and it really sounds like

oral affis ulceration; add Famvir and Magic Mouthwash.