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or Bennell roll as in bennell bandage

Posted By: pdqtrans on 2006-12-12
In Reply to: Two plastic surgery terms sm - teeth gnashing

Subject: or Bennell roll as in bennell bandage

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could it be Bennell rolled and removed...nm
Subject: could it be Bennell rolled and removed...nm

see above
how about negative log roll?
Subject: how about negative log roll?

agree with log roll
Subject: agree with log roll

That is definitely it...... I thought the "O" was roll
Subject: That is definitely it...... I thought the "O" was roll

Maybe roll check?
Subject: Maybe roll check?

rate roll on EKG?
Subject: rate roll on EKG?

An EKG was normal except the **rate rolls** of a rapid heart.
ACE bandage or Ace bandage?
Subject: ACE bandage or Ace bandage?

Which one is right?
Maybe ABDs, roll gauze, etc...?? nm
Subject: Maybe ABDs, roll gauze, etc...?? nm

pullway sheath? on a roll here. nm tks.
Subject: pullway sheath? on a roll here. nm tks.

Axial loading. Log roll is right too. Don't know about the other two. nm
Subject: Axial loading. Log roll is right too. Don't know about the other two. nm

ACE is for inhibitor, Ace is for bandage...
Subject: ACE is for inhibitor, Ace is for bandage...

ACE is for inhibitor, Ace is for bandage. (nm)
Subject: ACE is for inhibitor, Ace is for bandage. (nm)

I think bandage would be generic...
Subject: I think bandage would be generic...

and Band-Aid is the brand name so it is capitalized.
bandage scissors......
Subject: bandage scissors......

bandage scissors...sm
Subject: bandage scissors...sm

I have been transcribing for 15 years now, and most MDs use bandage scissors for uterine incision because they have a rounded edge and are not pointy, thus cannot injure the baby...just cut tissue between blades.
s/l s mark bandage
Subject: s/l s mark bandage

Anyone know of a S mark bandage?
Neurosurgery, placed on backboard with s/l "Hick's roll". TIA
Subject: Neurosurgery, placed on backboard with s/l "Hick's roll". TIA

s/l *aly-ureth* roll gauze and Coban sm
Subject: s/l *aly-ureth* roll gauze and Coban sm

The patient elects to proceed with the Una boot wrap today.  With informed consent this was applied followed by _____ roll guaze and Coban.  The patient is to go immediately home and begin wearing her surgical shoe. 

I'm not sure if this is ____, roll gauze, and Coban OR if it is a kind of roll gauze and Coban

The patient has a sprained ankle.


Just a guess, 3-layer bump was placed (as in a roll)
Subject: Just a guess, 3-layer bump was placed (as in a roll)

neck surgery...sugar roll?
Subject: neck surgery...sugar roll?

The patient was placed in the supine position with his neck in slight extension, with a s/l sugar roll underneath this back. 
I'm thinking something like a "neck roll" added to
Subject: I'm thinking something like a "neck roll" added to

bed to elevate her head - just a guess
D-Stat dry hemostatic bandage
Subject: D-Stat dry hemostatic bandage

fistula angiogram bandage
Subject: fistula angiogram bandage

I also wanted to point out that purse string suture, as you have typed it, is pursestring suture, 2 words versus 3.
Hand Bandage s/l bia-stock-at??
Subject: Hand Bandage s/l bia-stock-at??

Surgery - the hand was wrapped and a *biastockat* was applied.
Esmarch bandage (for exsanguination). n/m
Subject: Esmarch bandage (for exsanguination). n/m

No hyphen in motor vehicle. Maybe driving a 4 x 4 with a roll bar
Subject: No hyphen in motor vehicle. Maybe driving a 4 x 4 with a roll bar

Thanks a million, that must be it then, was unfamiliar, definitely sounds like body roll, thank you!
Subject: Thanks a million, that must be it then, was unfamiliar, definitely sounds like body roll, thank you!

There is Fabco gauze dressing/bandage.nm
Subject: There is Fabco gauze dressing/bandage.nm

TubeGauz bandage per Stedman's Ortho. nm
Subject: TubeGauz bandage per Stedman's Ortho. nm

fistula angiogram type of bandage
Subject: fistula angiogram type of bandage

I don't usually do these... The catheter and sheath were removed and hemostasis achieved with purse string sutures and a (s/l tipstop) bandage.  There were no immediate complications.  Visipaque contrast was used for this study.
ok, so they might use bandage scissors on the internal organs? thanks
Subject: ok, so they might use bandage scissors on the internal organs? thanks

could it be Moleskin bandage to prevent blisters?
Subject: could it be Moleskin bandage to prevent blisters?

If you're getting ready for the head, it's usually bandage scissors. nm
Subject: If you're getting ready for the head, it's usually bandage scissors. nm

It's a bandage type thing with silver in it. Maybe it'll come to one of us. nm
Subject: It's a bandage type thing with silver in it. Maybe it'll come to one of us. nm

s/l Xpan, either surgical dressing or elastic bandage?
Doc keeps saying s/l Xpan or Expand or something like that.  It is either a surgical dressing or elastic bandage.  Any help would be appreciated.
gonarthrosis is correct. There is a "field test" for hips, so maybe log roll, extension, and
Subject: gonarthrosis is correct. There is a "field test" for hips, so maybe log roll, extension, and field test

Robert Jones? (immobilizing dressing, bandage, or sometimes called a splint by orthopeds)
Subject: Robert Jones? (immobilizing dressing, bandage, or sometimes called a splint by orthopeds)

it is roll ball cautery or roller ball or
Subject: it is roll ball cautery or roller ball or

rollerball.  Googled roll ball and roller-ball comes up.  My Surgical Word Book has rollerball endometrial ablation but the doc is clearly saying ROLL BALL.  She is saying is very slowly and precise.  This drives me nuts.