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oops - meant to say bony light reflex

Posted By: tdf on 2006-04-04
In Reply to: light reflex is correct - tdf

Subject: oops - meant to say bony light reflex


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I know there is a light reflex....not sure about bony light reflex though...nm..
Subject: I know there is a light reflex....not sure about bony light reflex though...nm..

Ear exam...good bony light
Subject: Ear exam...good bony light

The next word is what I don't understand.   This is in the HEENT exam. The statement is:  TM's are flat with good bony light ___.  Is it  - bony light reflects or maybe bony light reflex.   Can anyone help with this.  THX
light reflex is correct
Subject: light reflex is correct

my docs say it all the time
color and light reflex
Subject: color and light reflex

usually hear described as pearly gray so they have a color that is indicative of normal
The TMs have a cone of light reflex
Subject: The TMs have a cone of light reflex

TMs have a good colored light reflex?
Subject: TMs have a good colored light reflex?

Patient is vegetative, doc says what sounds like his pupils are sluggish, his TMs have a good s/l  -colored light reflex or color of light reflex - his dentition is in good repair.
Does it sound like landmark or light reflex?
Subject: Does it sound like landmark or light reflex?

preserved light reflex (eyes)?
Subject: preserved light reflex (eyes)?

Eardrum retracted, erythematous, poor light reflex...
Subject: Eardrum retracted, erythematous, poor light reflex...

is reflex or reflects?  Thank you
Oops! I meant thanks, of course
Subject: Oops! I meant thanks, of course

oops, meant to add (sm)
Subject: oops, meant to add (sm)

its used in surgeries to monitor facial nerves, etc.
Oops! I meant pulsatile!
Subject: Oops! I meant pulsatile!

oops, meant to include BOS, pg 83
Subject: oops, meant to include BOS, pg 83

oops, Xenaderm is what I meant. Thanks!
Subject: oops, Xenaderm is what I meant. Thanks!

Oops...you know I meant Stedman's! nm
Subject: Oops...you know I meant Stedman's! nm

oops meant an aura...nm
Subject: oops meant an aura...nm

oops - typo - I meant.............nm
Subject: oops - typo - I meant.............nm

oops, I meant hydrochlorothiazide *sorry*
Subject: oops, I meant hydrochlorothiazide *sorry*

oops I meant CVA and/or CVAT...n/m
Subject: oops I meant CVA and/or CVAT...n/m

Oops - meant to post above to you.
Subject: Oops - meant to post above to you.

oops meant to put that under *forpeasmal* nm
Subject: oops meant to put that under *forpeasmal* nm

Oops, meant stumbling-nm
Subject: Oops, meant stumbling-nm

Oops- meant Kapandji
Subject: Oops- meant Kapandji

Oops! I meant stutter, ha! nm
Subject: Oops! I meant stutter, ha! nm

oops typo I meant the way he wants it.
Subject: oops typo I meant the way he wants it.

oops, meant cecectomy. lol
Subject: oops, meant cecectomy. lol

Oops, this is meant for the help with Cimzia.
Subject: Oops, this is meant for the help with Cimzia.

Oops, I meant Behcet's
Subject: Oops, I meant Behcet's

Oops, I meant I "thought" - bad day
Subject: Oops, I meant I "thought" - bad day

Oops. I meant to make this a new
Subject: Oops. I meant to make this a new

Oops. Meant s/l - 1st word help post!
Subject: Oops. Meant s/l - 1st word help post!

oops...meant transcribe....LONG DAY
Subject: oops...meant transcribe....LONG DAY

Oops I meant peak and trough
Subject: Oops I meant peak and trough

Oops meant not haptoglobin...sorry big storm here !!
Subject: Oops meant not haptoglobin...sorry big storm here !!

and was in a hurry.
oops, meant synercid sounds like what he's saying
Subject: oops, meant synercid sounds like what he's saying


oops, I meant LeFort II 5 fractures....
Subject: oops, I meant LeFort II 5 fractures....

sorry for MY error....
oops, meant ziprasidone - one of those days NM
Subject: oops, meant ziprasidone - one of those days NM

Bony spur? Bony protuberance? Bony spur formation?
Subject: Bony spur? Bony protuberance? Bony spur formation?

oops, I meant medication, long morning! nm
Subject: oops, I meant medication, long morning! nm

Oops...meant to say supraclavicular, above the collar bone. nm
Subject: Oops...meant to say supraclavicular, above the collar bone. nm

oops, meant "if just genus and no species" (nm)
Subject: oops, meant "if just genus and no species" (nm)

Oops - spelling check: I meant DIFFERENCE (blush) :) n/m
Subject: Oops - spelling check: I meant DIFFERENCE (blush) :) n/m

oops...typo...meant #2="lateral rectus resection" nm
Subject: oops...typo...meant #2="lateral rectus resection" nm

Oops! Meant "IMPRESSION" is correct. Brain dead after typing all night.
Subject: Oops! Meant "IMPRESSION" is correct. Brain dead after typing all night.

Normal Moro reflex (sucking reflex).
Subject: Normal Moro reflex (sucking reflex).

it was light box - light therapy for depression. found it on google. thanks much!
Subject: it was light box - light therapy for depression. found it on google. thanks much!

A cementoma is a bony tumor. Cementophytes are pieces of bony tumor. NM
Subject: A cementoma is a bony tumor. Cementophytes are pieces of bony tumor. NM

Oops, my post got jumbled above. meant trade name, not there is trade name. nm.
Subject: Oops, my post got jumbled above. meant trade name, not there is trade name. nm.

focal bony activity or focal bony uptake?
Subject: focal bony activity or focal bony uptake?

...reactive to accommodation and light? Usually heard as 'to light and accommodation.' nm
Subject: ...reactive to accommodation and light? Usually heard as 'to light and accommodation.' nm

Flucaine and blue light (slit lamp gives a blue light) nm
Subject: Flucaine and blue light (slit lamp gives a blue light) nm