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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

online lab term resource

Posted By: kim on 2006-03-11
In Reply to:

Subject: online lab term resource

Can anyone direct me to a decent online site for medical lab terms? Preferably one that doesn't require reg.  Thankyou.

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epocrates - online resource for drugs
Subject: epocrates - online resource for drugs

Resource help!
Subject: Resource help!

Hi everyone!  I am working on a report and am uncertain of two words, hoping someone here could point me in the right direction! 

Dr. states "Carcinoma of the right colon and underwent a right hemicolectomy.  Final pathology report showed infiltrating adenocarcinoma moderately differntiating _____ _____ to the chronic wall to the mesocolonic adipose tissue, multiple positive lymp nodes."



you say you THINK it's correct. What's your resource? SM
Subject: you say you THINK it's correct. What's your resource? SM

meatus (me�a�tus) (me-a�təs) pl. mea�tus [L., �a way, path, course�] [TA] anatomic nomenclature for a pasageway in the body, especially one opening on the surface.

Wonderful resource, thanks! nm
Subject: Wonderful resource, thanks! nm

does anyone have a good resource that
Subject: does anyone have a good resource that

lists the main laboratory studies that are done, like CBC, Free T4, etc. etc...?


thank you i appreciate the extra resource
Subject: thank you i appreciate the extra resource

Word help resource
Subject: Word help resource

Stumbled upon this wonderful resource while doing a Google search. Lots of useful word lists and sample reports in there. Thought I'd share.



I think FP Notebook is a good resource. sm
Subject: I think FP Notebook is a good resource. sm

Oral Exam
Examination Index, Allergy, Ear Otoscopy, Ear Tympanometry, Hearing, Hearing Tuning Fork, Hemeonc Submandibular, Larynx, Lip, Mouth, Mouth Mallampati Score ...
http://www.fpnotebook.com/ENT54.htm   - 31k  -  Cached  -  Similar pages

It isn't rude to direct someone to a resource that
Subject: It isn't rude to direct someone to a resource that

If a reliable resource had been used, it could have defrazzled the MT looking for a quick fix answer. There is that saying about teaching someone to fish versus just giving him a fish that really applies to being an MT. This MT wanted someone else to think for him/her. So okay, everyone has bad days, but a good MT practices sound research regardless of the day. The poster you referred to as rude was polite enough to point the OP to a site where the entire medication database can be downloaded onto his/her PC and can perform searches in a variety of ways for FREE, and get free updates to drugs as they come out. That doesn't sound as though the responding poster was being entirely rude.

Your comments about hoping the offending responder being given an incorrect answer on purpose was actually much more rude than the one trying to teach the OP to fish.
Stedman's is a good resource sm
Subject: Stedman's is a good resource sm

But it is not the final authority on medical terminology. The medical field is growing and changing all the time. New procedures are developed every day and old ones fade away. Doctors in one part of the country may use a different terminology than doctors in other parts of the country.

Transcriptionists need to learn to be flexible and use their common sense as well as reference materials. Even if Stedman's says it should be "whatever", if the doctor says it a different way, that may be how he/she wants it to be spelled in the report. As long as it is not something totally off the wall that cannot be found anywhere the way the doctor says it, then I think the transcriptionist should respect the doctor's wishes unless told otherwise.

If it is something totally off the wall, I would leave a blank and leave a note for the doctor.


Thank you for sharing - looks like a great resource :) nm
Subject: Thank you for sharing - looks like a great resource :) nm

She does take s/l resource feedings via her G-tube.
Subject: She does take s/l resource feedings via her G-tube.

Agreed. Website resource was flawed.
Subject: Agreed. Website resource was flawed.

Taber's and Dorland's confirmed polyphaGia.  I'd like to know who the idiots were who invented words that were so close in sound and meaning.
Thanks for the site! Really great resource! Kudos!
Subject: Thanks for the site! Really great resource! Kudos!

wow, the other poster simply asked for a resource
Subject: wow, the other poster simply asked for a resource

...onelook.com is a great word resource! nm
Subject: ...onelook.com is a great word resource! nm

Looking for good a resource for generic drugs?
Subject: Looking for good a resource for generic drugs?

Does anyone know of a good resource, online or otherwise, for finding generic drug spellings?  I currently use RxList.com and do not have much luck finding the correct spelling of generic names.
Resource. Made by Nestle now. See link.
Subject: Resource. Made by Nestle now. See link.

medication Genuva? sounds like for weight loss, cannot resource it, help!
Subject: medication Genuva? sounds like for weight loss, cannot resource it, help!

Cranio-Maxillary-Facial Injuries (resource for pterygoids). -sm
Subject: Cranio-Maxillary-Facial Injuries (resource for pterygoids). -sm

Orthopedic Resource: Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics:

Cranio-Maxillary-Facial Injuries
- Lefort Fractures:
type I: transverse frx thru maxillary sinus and PTERYGOID plates; complications: loss of teeth, infection, malocclusion;
type II: separation thru frontal process, lacrimal bones, floor of orbits, zygomaticomaxillary suture line, lateral wall of maxillary sinus and PTERYGOID plates; complications nonunion, malunion, lacrimal system obstruction, infraorbital nerve anesthesia, diplopia, malocclusion;
type III: separation of mid third of face at zygomaticotemporal, and naso-frontal sutures, and across the orbital floors; complications include nonunion, malunion, malocclusion, lengthening of mid facee, and lacrimal system obstruction;
I cannot find it online......TIA.....
Subject: I cannot find it online......TIA.....

I have all kinds of sites for wound care/dressings changes but I cannot locate mastazole.  Am I spelling it correctly?  Thanks in advance!!! 
OMG - are you going to be online for awhile??
Subject: OMG - are you going to be online for awhile??

This is my first report with this doc - he is new with the hospital - I am about to cry...slowing him down makes it worse.

I have more blanks...

Thanks for your help.

according to Wheeless online...
Subject: according to Wheeless online...

leave it
it's in MerckSource online
Subject: it's in MerckSource online

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Well to the latest of classifieds ads, there is one more website coming up, which is www.superindian.com. This site looks to be huge and currently in establishing process. Over a period it will work really fine. So all of you who really want to boost their carriers and looking for home-based work in any field, check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Well to the latest of classifieds ads, there is one more website coming up, which is www.superindian.com. This site looks to be huge and currently in establishing process. Over a period it will work really fine. So all of you who really want to boost their carriers and looking for home-based work in any field, check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Well to the latest of classifieds ads, there is one more website coming up, which is www.superindian.com. This site looks to be huge and currently in establishing process. Over a period it will work really fine. So all of you who really want to boost their carriers and looking for home-based work in any field, check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs

Hi everyone,

Check out www.medical-transcription1.com. It�s a great site for all your home transcription jobs, training, etc. and besides that it has links to several important websites from where one can earn money like anything. Just click this www.medical-transcription1.com.

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs

Hi everyone,

Check out www.medical-transcription1.com. It�s a great site for all your home transcription jobs, training, etc. and besides that it has links to several important websites from where one can earn money like anything. Just click this www.medical-transcription1.com.

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs

Hi everyone,

Check out www.medical-transcription1.com. It�s a great site for all your home transcription jobs, training, etc. and besides that it has links to several important websites from where one can earn money like anything. Just click this www.medical-transcription1.com.

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Well to the latest of classifieds ads, there is one more website coming up, which is www.superindian.com. This site looks to be huge and currently in establishing process. Over a period it will work really fine. So all of you who really want to boost their carriers and looking for home-based work in any field, check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs

Hi everyone,

Check out www.medical-transcription1.com. It�s a great site for all your home transcription jobs, training, etc. and besides that it has links to several important websites from where one can earn money like anything. Just click this www.medical-transcription1.com.

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Well to the latest of classifieds ads, there is one more website coming up, which is www.superindian.com. This site looks to be huge and currently in establishing process. Over a period it will work really fine. So all of you who really want to boost their carriers and looking for home-based work in any field, check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Hey guys, did u go to www.superindian.com. It�s a wonderful site for all native Indians especially as it has all the postings for any classifieds. So whatever you wish to buy, sell or do anything, just go ahead and post your classified over there. Its free right now, so just register yourself because very soon, the way it is coming up, it should charge a premium for it. So go and check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs

As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Well to the latest of classifieds ads, there is one more website coming up, which is www.superindian.com. This site looks to be huge and currently in establishing process. Over a period it will work really fine. So all of you who really want to boost their carriers and looking for home-based work in any field, check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs

Hi everyone,

Check out www.medical-transcription1.com. It�s a great site for all your home transcription jobs, training, etc. and besides that it has links to several important websites from where one can earn money like anything. Just click this www.medical-transcription1.com.

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Hey guys, did u go to www.superindian.com. It�s a wonderful site for all native Indians especially as it has all the postings for any classifieds. So whatever you wish to buy, sell or do anything, just go ahead and post your classified over there. Its free right now, so just register yourself because very soon, the way it is coming up, it should charge a premium for it. So go and check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Hey guys, did u go to www.superindian.com. It�s a wonderful site for all native Indians especially as it has all the postings for any classifieds. So whatever you wish to buy, sell or do anything, just go ahead and post your classified over there. Its free right now, so just register yourself because very soon, the way it is coming up, it should charge a premium for it. So go and check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


Well to the latest of classifieds ads, there is one more website coming up, which is www.superindian.com. This site looks to be huge and currently in establishing process. Over a period it will work really fine. So all of you who really want to boost their carriers and looking for home-based work in any field, check out www.superindian.com.

So, check out www.superindian.com

Check out for online jobs
Subject: Check out for online jobs


As you had said, I had been to www.medical-transcription1.com and yes it is an interesting site. I have registered myself for free. So lets see what results it starts to give me but anyhow it�s forum has a lot of exceptionally good articles. So check out www.medical-transcription1.com all you newbies in this business

So check out www.medical-transcription1.com.