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no prob, glad to help

Posted By: XanaX on 2008-08-27
In Reply to: Thanks-that fits! - mary

Subject: no prob, glad to help

we certainly don't have to worry about senility in this profession:  our minds are continuously challenged, always learning more, no matter how long we've been at it.

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no prob...glad to help nm
Subject: no prob...glad to help nm

no prob, bob -- glad to help
Subject: no prob, bob -- glad to help

no prob
Subject: no prob

the last one is prob either 3-0 PGS or 2-0 PGS
Subject: the last one is prob either 3-0 PGS or 2-0 PGS


its prob GGT
Subject: its prob GGT

prob. femtoliters sm
Subject: prob. femtoliters sm

Christmas factor - encyclopedia article about Christmas factor.
the hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland, parathyroid hormone, ...
neutrophil Granulocytes have an average volume of 330 femtoliters (fl) and a ...
encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Christmas+factor - 42k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Subject: IMPRESSION prob

I have a problem under impression ...

"D: IMPRESSION:  Occipital neuralgia probable acute gastroenteritis"

question: how will I transcribe that? coz Occipital neuralgia is not related to "probable acute gastroenteritis" isn't it? or possibly there was a 2 impression. one, is occipital neuralgia and secondly, acute gastroenteritis?... What's the meaning by the dictator?

NOTE: but the dictator did not dictate any numbering.... 

prob menarche
Subject: prob menarche

Ah! Prob said glut med! Thanks! nm
Subject: Ah! Prob said glut med! Thanks! nm

no prob - by the way, what is that in your avitar? - nm
Subject: no prob - by the way, what is that in your avitar? - nm

my 2 cents and prob. way too late, but
Subject: my 2 cents and prob. way too late, but

It's prob a doc back-forming hemangioma into a word - hemangiated; assuming he might mean that it has vascularized and or taken on the appearance/characteristics of a hemangioma. I would have flagged it though; let your QA deal with doc's made-up words.
dysphagia is all I can think of, prob w/swallowing
Subject: dysphagia is all I can think of, prob w/swallowing

prob has something to do with sending it thru like an IV, or Cath or
Subject: prob has something to do with sending it thru like an IV, or Cath or

something. do have you any more info on the patient?
On further thought, it is prob symmetrical. nm
Subject: On further thought, it is prob symmetrical. nm

prob "manual muscle testing"
Subject: prob "manual muscle testing"

prob is Cymbalta. Alprazolam is not a capital "a" nm
Subject: prob is Cymbalta. Alprazolam is not a capital "a" nm

its prob hair pull test.
Subject: its prob hair pull test.

just a guess
no prob -- this is the only place i get to feel helpful
Subject: no prob -- this is the only place i get to feel helpful

differential 5 types of..(so prob. will define which
Subject: differential 5 types of..(so prob. will define which

 A differential determines the percentage of each of the five types of mature white blood cells.
No prob, CAMT. I get corrected all the time! Have a good day. nm
Subject: No prob, CAMT. I get corrected all the time! Have a good day. nm

prob "proximal" see link pictures cor. arteries
Subject: prob "proximal" see link pictures cor. arteries

prob..lateral portion tumor resection of the
Subject: prob..lateral portion tumor resection of the

right colon
prob villous polyp. dr might be saying villo for short
Subject: prob villous polyp. dr might be saying villo for short

I bet dictator forgot already said scar prob. says it both ways at times nm
Subject: I bet dictator forgot already said scar prob. says it both ways at times nm

grafts are either straight or curved, so perhaps saying, "U-type" (describing the shape)? prob
Subject: grafts are either straight or curved, so perhaps saying, "U-type" (describing the shape)? probably not UTI... nm

Hydergine is used for treating symptoms of declined mental capacity (memory, mood, and behavior prob
Subject: Hydergine is used for treating symptoms of declined mental capacity (memory, mood, and behavior problems) in certain patients older than 60 years of age.

Glad we got it. Glad I could read what I wrote!! nm
Subject: Glad we got it. Glad I could read what I wrote!! nm

Blondes have brown eyebrows, so prob a shade of brown. NM
Subject: Blondes have brown eyebrows, so prob a shade of brown. NM

You are very welcome. Glad I could help. NM
Subject: You are very welcome. Glad I could help. NM

glad to help NM
Subject: glad to help NM

Glad to help
Subject: Glad to help

Glad it was the right med. 
Glad I could help :-)
Subject: Glad I could help :-)

You will notice that they say "per physician reading" a lot.  In fact, I have this short-keyed as "ppr."

Glad I could help :-) nm
Subject: Glad I could help :-) nm

Wow. Was that right? Glad to help.
Subject: Wow. Was that right? Glad to help.

Sometimes you have to go with what it "sounds like" by what you read, or your first guess!!
Glad to help.You are welcome.
Subject: Glad to help.You are welcome.

YW. Glad to help.
Subject: YW. Glad to help.

Your welcome, glad to help. nm
Subject: Your welcome, glad to help. nm

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad you got it!!
Subject: Glad you got it!!

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad OP got some help...
Subject: Glad OP got some help...

Well, certainly looks like this thread fostered discussion AND assisted the OP as well. Evidently some of our colleagues adhere to the "knowledge is power" credo and feel it's better to hoard what they know rather than help out a fellow MT. I've used this board (as a last resort after exhausting my other resources) and the help I have gotten has been invaluble.
Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Wow!! At last I got it!!! Glad to help.
Subject: Wow!! At last I got it!!! Glad to help.

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad you got it!! nm
Subject: Glad you got it!! nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm