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no hypens needed as they're not modifiers. Take them all out. nm

Posted By: still wandering on 2006-03-02
In Reply to: Is this this correct? 8-cm in width - Hyphens galore

Subject: no hypens needed as they're not modifiers. Take them all out. nm


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not sure what you're referring to...more info needed nm
Subject: not sure what you're referring to...more info needed nm

Thats how I've done modifiers - not sure if I am correct though
Subject: Thats how I've done modifiers - not sure if I am correct though

Subject: hypens

what is rule of thumb for hypens in phrase head to toe and up to date. 

Subject: hypens

My sentence reads:  He is positive for a smoker, half-pack-per-day, with  smoker's cough. 

Since it is describing the smoker is it hypenated?

No hypens :-)
Subject: No hypens :-)

compound modifiers preceding the subject
Subject: compound modifiers preceding the subject

When the following phrase is dictated:

"He is a well nourished appearing patient,"

What is the most appropriate transcript format? With, or without hyphens? One of our staff Doc.s keeps dictating this phrase and we are stumped. Of course, this one phrase does not appear to be in BOS!

Thanks for your help!

How about this??? use hypens and commas. sm
Subject: How about this??? use hypens and commas. sm

2004 - 225 pounds, 2005 - 242 pounds, etc.
Compound modifiers (small to moderate amount vs. small-to-moderate amount...sm
Subject: Compound modifiers (small to moderate amount vs. small-to-moderate amount...sm

I'm stumped and probably should really know this, but can anyone tell me why small to moderate amount is not hyphenated? Why it does not meet the criteria for a compound modifier?
I personally transcribe buttock if they're referring to one side, and buttocks if they're refe
Subject: I personally transcribe buttock if they're referring to one side, and buttocks if they're referring to both or the whole thing....nm

more help needed same md sm
Subject: more help needed same md sm

Given the high incidence of MRSA, he was treated with extended CARO Penicillin of Unasyn
Thanks.Had to take a well needed
Subject: Thanks.Had to take a well needed

break and now done for the night.

I do not have that book but will have to invest. I get a lot of those and very confusing on how to write them.
help needed
Subject: help needed

I got cystoproctography, but does cystoproctoscopy exists as i could not find it in  stedman also,



thank u


Thanks, I needed that
Subject: Thanks, I needed that

Thanks! Exactly what I needed!!
Subject: Thanks! Exactly what I needed!!

Help needed MRI -
Subject: Help needed MRI -

MRI demonstrates marked narrowing of the patellofemoral joint, with subcortical signal s/l ontuation and marginal osteophytes.
Lab help needed
Subject: Lab help needed

Wet prep revealed 0 WBCs, moderate EPIs, no clue cells, slight trace bacteria, 0 yeast, 0 s/l trich.

Is trich correct - or should it be capped? Thanks.
Lab help needed
Subject: Lab help needed

Will send out LFTs, Epstein-Barr acute panel, and s/l CMV or CMB titer - Thanks
EKG help needed
Subject: EKG help needed

EKG showed normal sinus rhythm with a rate of 67. Normal intervals. Normal axis. No ectopy. There is T-wave flattening in s/l one, and T-wave inversion in aVL.

Does one sound correct? Would it be typed as I or 1? Thank you.
thanks - you don't know how much I needed that!
Subject: thanks - you don't know how much I needed that!

Lab help needed
Subject: Lab help needed

CBC reveals white blood cells of 5.1, hemoglobin 12.5, platelets 217. There were some s/l codes on the differential, so that was sent out.

help needed again....
Subject: help needed again....

Most likely, she will need calcaneal osteotomy and ___(FTL/FDL) tendon transfer to restore the alignment of her right foot  ___ (gentle/trying to stay in) place of this disease to degenerative posterior tibial tendon..............does it make sense..................
Thanks! That's what I needed!
Subject: Thanks! That's what I needed!

I really appreciate your help!
could it be p.r.n. (as needed)
Subject: could it be p.r.n. (as needed)

Help is desparately needed.
Subject: Help is desparately needed.

How do you type this?  I never did ob/gyn before.  What does miss mean, and how do I format?  Any help is appreciated.  Thank you.



1.      Gynecologic – G3, P2, 1 miss.  She had been followed by Dr. XXXXXXXX   Her last Pap smear was approximately two years ago, as was mammogram.  Menses are on a q 28-30 day cycle, but there are periods where she will skip and have a menses q.o. month.

Derm help needed sm
Subject: Derm help needed sm

Need help with words in bold.  Thank you.


SKIN:  Lots of seborrheic keratoses.  He does have an elevated 9 mm papule on left side of the face, which has some vascularization and central core.  It almost looks like acanthokeratosis, but basal cell carcinoma cannot be fully ruled out.  No other suspicious lesions.  He does have some miliary rubra on the back. 

Yes, the final s is not needed..sm
Subject: Yes, the final s is not needed..sm

leiomyoma, singular; leiomyomata, pleural. Leiomyomatas is not a word.

Your opinion needed
Subject: Your opinion needed

My doctor keeps saying psoricytic arthritis. I transcribe for him a lot, but this is what he is saying.

I am thinking he means psoriatic arhtritis. What do you think?

um I don't think they needed "grammar help"...nm
Subject: um I don't think they needed "grammar help"...nm

eye surgery help needed....
Subject: eye surgery help needed....

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Superior and temporal visual field loss due to s/l maglacoius, matiglacious, maniglacius?.

Procedure is bilateral blepharoplasty.


Thanks! I just needed another opinion. nm
Subject: Thanks! I just needed another opinion. nm

eye surgery help needed....
Subject: eye surgery help needed....

'PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Dense nuclear sclerotic cataract with posterior subcapsular cataract right eye with s/l stroke exfoliation syndrome.'

Anyone know if 'stroke exfoliation syndrome' is correct? TIA.
psychiatry help needed....
Subject: psychiatry help needed....

'We put her on lorazepam for elevated SIWAS.'

Doc spells out SIWAS as above but am thinking it should be CIWAs. Please let me know what you think. TIA.
opinion needed....
Subject: opinion needed....

'Potassium chloride 20 mg p.o. every day'

Doc dictates as stated above but think dosage should read 20 mEq but am not sure if mg is also correct for this med. TIA.
Ortho help needed
Subject: Ortho help needed

Doing a rotator cuff tear repair.  two words 

Procedure: 1) Left shoulder arthroscopy, subacromial decompression with MINIMUMFER?  procedure.

the left upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner utliizing 8 pounds of traction in the ARTHREX?? arm holder?


ophthalmology help needed....
Subject: ophthalmology help needed....

'Slit lamp examination demonstrates clear anterior segments with 2+ s/l MS in the right and 3+ s/l MS and 4+ PSC in the left.'

This sentence is part of examination. Thanks.
Opinion needed please
Subject: Opinion needed please

This is a 4-year-old with metabolic-type cardiomyopathy who required "Amikin chest tube treatment".

I see that Amikin is an antibiotic, but do not feel comfortable with the references I have found with chest tube and/or cardiomyopathy. I would appreciate any opinions on this. Thanks!

sm, ortho help needed
Subject: sm, ortho help needed

She also describes some vague weakness in the right upper extremity, such that when she was working the upper extremity _____try, she felt a heaviness.

The first part of the word is garbled, ends in "try". Anyone have a guess what might fit?

Drug help needed
Subject: Drug help needed

The past medical history is HIV, hepatitis C, underlying asthma, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The drug sounds like cyclobid 1 tablet b.i.d. It is as clear as anything but can't document it anywhere. He kind of botches drug names up sometimes so wondering if this is the case here.


sportsmom91 needed some help
Subject: sportsmom91 needed some help

because she was helping out on a family practice account.   Thank goodness someone could help her with the answers.   

Word help needed
Subject: Word help needed

CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis shows signs of ________ or tumor

S/L emental caking


More info needed
Subject: More info needed

What medical problems does the patient have?
Ortho Help Needed
Subject: Ortho Help Needed

....internal fixation of a left tibia fracture following an open Grade II fracture....  *Is this acceptable Grade II?*  Should it be grade 2.  I've tried googling, but the opinions of my wise peers is more what I am looking for in this instance.     

Help! PE word needed
Subject: Help! PE word needed

Inspection of her left lower extremity reveals _____ (gross one?) throughout her left lower extremity.
Ortho help needed!
Subject: Ortho help needed!

Regarding a spine fusion.  My question is with what sounds like "T-Liff"

We talked about doing the procedure only either just with a posterolateral fusion or with a posterolateral fusion and "T-liff". 

Any help would be appreciated!


Thx! I really needed a second opinion. nm
Subject: Thx! I really needed a second opinion. nm

Ortho help needed.........sm
Subject: Ortho help needed.........sm

Has anyone heard of s/l "bi-par-tayed" tibial sesamoid?  The "bi-par-tayed" is the one I cannot reference.....


one-to-one attention needed...
Subject: one-to-one attention needed...

Ortho help needed please....sm
Subject: Ortho help needed please....sm

Doctor is dictating findings of MRI of left arm.  He finds no nerve root compression, but states that his proximal "bends" ?? appears to be absent or destroyed, although there is no real pannus.  I am hearing "bends", but that is not it.  THANKS!
Polysomnography help needed (sm)
Subject: Polysomnography help needed (sm)

I don't do this type of report much and the doctor is giving the sleep analysis, saying lights out "094214" and lights on "053739."  How is this to be broken up, or is it.  I keep thinking "09:42:14 / 05:37:39" but that doesn't make sense to me, or is it just as I have it first typed?  Help please.  TIA

ortho help needed please......sm
Subject: ortho help needed please......sm

doc is dictating  on a 2 year old with forearm and elbow pain.  In the exam he states "Exam of the extremity shows him to be tender over the proximal radius with significant pain with (s/l crowning) supination.........i know it's not crowning, but that's the clearest it gets........
Ortho ESL help needed
Subject: Ortho ESL help needed

Patient with shoulder pain. X-rays show s/l a wide spur of the acromion and early glenohumeral arthrosis.

Impression is impingement syndrome.

I don't know if he's actually saying something that sounds like wide, or if he's just stumbling. Thanks for help.