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medial aspect?

Posted By: Jan on 2008-03-04
In Reply to: Plantar fasciitis - mimt

Subject: medial aspect?

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anterior lateral aspect OR anteriolateral aspect?
Subject: anterior lateral aspect OR anteriolateral aspect?

She has pain on palpation to the _____ aspect of her right foot.
There is significant medial and medial *peripatellar* pain with hyperflexion.
Subject: There is significant medial and medial *peripatellar* pain with hyperflexion.

There is significant medial and medial *peripatellar* pain with hyperflexion.
Subject: There is significant medial and medial *peripatellar* pain with hyperflexion.

There is significant medial and medial s/l peripatellar pain with hyperflexion.
Subject: There is significant medial and medial s/l peripatellar pain with hyperflexion.

Pt required both *anterior medial* and *posterior medial* arthrotomies. tia
Subject: Pt required both *anterior medial* and *posterior medial* arthrotomies. tia

jmo it would be anterolateral aspect. nm
Subject: jmo it would be anterolateral aspect. nm

intermedial aspect
Subject: intermedial aspect

Doc dictates: �the pain radiates into the *intermedial* aspect of her leg.� I don�t think that�s a word, but it�s definitely what he�s saying.
Re: intermedial aspect
Subject: Re: intermedial aspect

dorsomedial aspect
Subject: dorsomedial aspect

Dorsal medial aspect or dorsomedial aspect? 

Thank you!

plantar aspect
Subject: plantar aspect

plantar aspect of the hand

This is the second time the doc has me questioning this. aHhhhhh!

anterior aspect
Subject: anterior aspect

superolateral aspect of the thigh
Subject: superolateral aspect of the thigh

listen for "ulnar" aspect. nm
Subject: listen for "ulnar" aspect. nm

ulnar aspect...see inside...
Subject: ulnar aspect...see inside...

Comparative transverse sonograms show

dorsal�ulnar aspect

of metacarpal head of ring
lateral aspect of his plythond?
Subject: lateral aspect of his plythond?

Bimalleolar fracture-joint space narrowing on the lateral aspect of his plythond??
"cordat" aspect?? pilonidal cystectomy.
Subject: "cordat" aspect?? pilonidal cystectomy.

Says the wound is otherwise intact except for the "cordat" aspect.  Any clues?
Superolateral aspect of Hoffa's fat patella?
Subject: Superolateral aspect of Hoffa's fat patella?

superior lateral aspect of the *polcus* patellar??? nm
Subject: superior lateral aspect of the *polcus* patellar??? nm

Then I'd type "anterior and lateral aspect of the knee. (nm)
Subject: Then I'd type "anterior and lateral aspect of the knee. (nm)

anterolateral aspect of the ankle or anterior-lateral
Subject: anterolateral aspect of the ankle or anterior-lateral

Head CT: some s/l ex vack E O dilatation of the posterior aspect of the right lateral ventricle
Subject: Head CT: some s/l ex vack E O dilatation of the posterior aspect of the right lateral ventricle

Ecchymosis tracking into the s/l dependent areas of the foot and the proximal aspect of the toes. sm
Subject: Ecchymosis tracking into the s/l dependent areas of the foot and the proximal aspect of the toes. sm

Patient fell and twisted his ankle.  He has bruising that has tracked down into the distal foot. 
There is also noted to be a large Baker�s cyst in the posterior aspect to the left knee. please sm
Subject: There is also noted to be a large Baker�s cyst in the posterior aspect to the left knee. please sm

EHL and s/l EDC are both 4/5 bilaterally. Thanks for any help.
I removed the posterior aspect of the skull outer table with a s/l pencio 1 and straight curette
Subject: I removed the posterior aspect of the skull outer table with a s/l pencio 1 and straight curette

no...medial most. nm
Subject: no...medial most. nm

I think he said medial
Subject: I think he said medial

I listened to it again, and I can kinda make out medial. I will probably just go with this.
Subject: medial?

The anconeus muscle is a small muscle on the posterior aspect of the elbow
Subject: The anconeus muscle is a small muscle on the posterior aspect of the elbow

medial posterior
Subject: medial posterior

Shouldn't the combining form be ... medioposterior? My spellchecker doesn't think so, and it's not in my dictionary.
Medial Incision?
Subject: Medial Incision?

Could the dictator be saying "medial" incision?
medial-appearing maybe?
Subject: medial-appearing maybe?

Medial compartment maybe?
Subject: Medial compartment maybe?

medial malleolus...nm
Subject: medial malleolus...nm

medial malleolus
Subject: medial malleolus

did you ever find out what it said?
medial canthus
Subject: medial canthus

should be medial "canthus"
Subject: should be medial "canthus"

Past medial history
Subject: Past medial history

The patient is admitted from the clinic where CT visuals showed recurrence of the disease.

I'm not sure if that's what the doctor is saying. Does it sound right?

MO = medial oblique view NM
Subject: MO = medial oblique view NM

two op questions. medial meniscectomy
Subject: two op questions. medial meniscectomy

Diagnostic surgical arthroscopy, left knee, with medial    meniscectomy.


Medial meniscectomy *push horn* was accomplished with a shaver and baskets.  Trimming of the anterior middle third junction was performed through the *cameramelian* instruments laterally.  The knee was injected with a Celestone and Marcaine solution. 

sounds like OS medial eye deviation?
Subject: sounds like OS medial eye deviation?

This is in the physical exam under HEENT.
bosting and medial osteophytes?
Subject: bosting and medial osteophytes?

Cannot figure this one out - bosting??? osteophyte in the knee?


medial femoral condyle might be the first one
Subject: medial femoral condyle might be the first one

medial femoral condyle
Subject: medial femoral condyle

S/l Katel medial rotation
Subject: S/l Katel medial rotation

Multiple GSW:  At this point we then proceeded with a s/l Katel medial rotation of the colon which was again done sharply and bluntly in order to properly inspect the inferior vena cava and the aorta, which all appeared to be normal with no injury.

medial elbow? (center) ? nm
Subject: medial elbow? (center) ? nm

Medial gastroc "pie"?
Subject: Medial gastroc "pie"?

"She is very tender on her medial gastroc "pie" at the musculotendinous junction".  Thanks!
Nose medial ___ region
Subject: Nose medial ___ region

Sounds like camphor, any ideas?
medial and lateral malleoli
Subject: medial and lateral malleoli

probably subchondral medial reactive changes nm
Subject: probably subchondral medial reactive changes nm

medial clavicular joint......nm
Subject: medial clavicular joint......nm

I flagged it... almost sounded like medial borders, but not really...sm
Subject: I flagged it... almost sounded like medial borders, but not really...sm

first week on the job so I'm still on full editing, which helps.