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maybe parenteral? nm

Posted By: gamt on 2006-07-10
In Reply to: s/l praternal iron - Kathie

Subject: maybe parenteral? nm


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Subject: Parenteral

parenteral (pә-renītәr-әl) by some route other than through the alimentary canal, such as by subcutaneous, intramuscular, intrasternal, or intravenous injection.
Subject: parenteral

parenteral. nm
Subject: parenteral. nm

parenteral iron
Subject: parenteral iron

That must be it; thanks!
LOL! I don't think the OP knows what parenteral means.
Subject: LOL! I don't think the OP knows what parenteral means.

parenteral - meaning given IM, IV, topical, etc., but not p.o.
Subject: parenteral - meaning given IM, IV, topical, etc., but not p.o.

total parenteral alimentation!!!!....nm
Subject: total parenteral alimentation!!!!....nm

enteral? parenteral? central? peripheral?
Subject: enteral? parenteral? central? peripheral?

M.V.I. is also a parenteral supplement; usually just multivitamin, though. You need to use a drug bo
Subject: M.V.I. is also a parenteral supplement; usually just multivitamin, though. You need to use a drug book more. nm

parenteral: Not through the alimentary canal, but rather by injection through some other route, as
Subject: parenteral: Not through the alimentary canal, but rather by injection through some other route, as subcutaneous, intramuscular, intraorbital sm

intracapsular, intraspinal, intrasternal, intravenous, etc.