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maybe *comprehensive metabolic panel 14* (nm)

Posted By: me on 2008-04-28
In Reply to: comprulence vs. competence? - lhmt

Subject: maybe *comprehensive metabolic panel 14* (nm)


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Comprehensive metabolic panel.
Subject: Comprehensive metabolic panel.

probably CMP, complete or comprehensive metabolic profile (or panel) nm
Subject: probably CMP, complete or comprehensive metabolic profile (or panel) nm

comprehensive metabolic profile (CMP). ? nm
Subject: comprehensive metabolic profile (CMP). ? nm

OR comprehensive basic metabolic profile - nm
Subject: OR comprehensive basic metabolic profile - nm

basic metabolic panel.
Subject: basic metabolic panel.

Basic Metabolic Panel
Subject: Basic Metabolic Panel


Also known as: Chem 7, SMA 7 (somewhat outdated terms)
Formal name: Basic Metabolic Panel
Related tests: CMP

BMP Basic Metabolic Panel?
Subject: BMP Basic Metabolic Panel?

BMP basic metabolic panel
Subject: BMP basic metabolic panel

yes, BMP, basic metabolic profile, or panel (nm)
Subject: yes, BMP, basic metabolic profile, or panel (nm)

complete metabolic panel plate
Subject: complete metabolic panel plate

We will send off a complete metabolic panel s/l plate to check her kidney function.

is plate correct? I haven't heard this before.
It's hemoglobin A1c & BMP, basic metabolic panel
Subject: It's hemoglobin A1c & BMP, basic metabolic panel

no idea on simmer but metabolic panel? nm
Subject: no idea on simmer but metabolic panel? nm

Labcorp.com lists a Basic Metabolic Panel (8) sm
Subject: Labcorp.com lists a Basic Metabolic Panel (8) sm

Metabolic Panel (8), Basic
basic metabolic panel and brain natriuretic peptide
Subject: basic metabolic panel and brain natriuretic peptide

You have to listen to the diagnoses to figure out which one to use because the doctors rarely specifically differentiate between the two.  I had one who used to say, "That's B, N as in Nancy, P."
Pt with dementia has lab screening for s/l "BPSH", CBC, and basic metabolic panel. nm
Subject: Pt with dementia has lab screening for s/l "BPSH", CBC, and basic metabolic panel. nm

non-metabolic? I hear hypometabolic quite a bit in MRIs, I suppose non-metabolic would be
Subject: non-metabolic? I hear hypometabolic quite a bit in MRIs, I suppose non-metabolic would be

similar in meaning.
cholesterol level, TSH, amyloid lipase, chemistry panel and ??TKI panel??
Subject: cholesterol level, TSH, amyloid lipase, chemistry panel and ??TKI panel??

s/l ASTER panel or ASTRA panel? nm
Subject: s/l ASTER panel or ASTRA panel? nm

Comprehensive is it...Thanks so much!
Subject: Comprehensive is it...Thanks so much!

This the most comprehensive exam I know of. sm
Subject: This the most comprehensive exam I know of. sm

Don't let the name fool you, it is full of good stuff!!!



could be complete OR comprehensive; when
Subject: could be complete OR comprehensive; when

Could the first part be comprehensive instead of can present?
Subject: Could the first part be comprehensive instead of can present?

Metabolic syndrome study
Subject: Metabolic syndrome study

Physician dictates that patient will undergo a metabolic syndrome study s/l Ramanoband Study.  Any Ideas?




Metabolic: Currently appears _________ -sm
Subject: Metabolic: Currently appears _________ -sm

Listed in the impression of consult by nephrology doctor. Here is what is before and after:

4. DIABETES MELLITUS. Continue insulin.
5. METABOLIC: Currently appears s/l "sensible" or "extensible."
6. ANEMIA MANAGEMENT. We will add Epogen. The patient�s hemoglobin and hematocrit are below goal.

beta metabolic temperature?
Subject: beta metabolic temperature?

Clinically, she is hypothyroid. She had a positive beta metabolic temperature, but by lab work she was normal.

basal metabolic temperature - nm
Subject: basal metabolic temperature - nm

probably the BMP basic metabolic profile
Subject: probably the BMP basic metabolic profile

Sodium, potassium, etc.

Basic metabolic profile (BMP)
Subject: Basic metabolic profile (BMP)

BMP for basic metabolic profile? nm
Subject: BMP for basic metabolic profile? nm

metabolic equivalents (METs). See if you agree. sm
Subject: metabolic equivalents (METs). See if you agree. sm

Energy expenditure, heart rate response, and metabolic equivalents ...

Expired air analysis was used to calculate energy expenditure and metabolic equivalents (METs). Descriptive statistics were calculated along with a ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=15758852&dopt=Abstract - Similar pages

Thanks it's Amino III metabolic diet supplement...nm
Subject: Thanks it's Amino III metabolic diet supplement...nm

rule out metabolic *prohitubation* such as hypernitremia. Thanks. nm
Subject: rule out metabolic *prohitubation* such as hypernitremia. Thanks. nm

Complete basic metabolic profile = CBMP - nm
Subject: Complete basic metabolic profile = CBMP - nm

Subject: panel

Not saying metabolic panel at the sound of light? 
HIG panel?
Subject: HIG panel?

His s/l HIG panel was sent for drop in platelet count, which came up immediately on repeat blood counts.
Are you sure it is not HIT panel, which is
Subject: Are you sure it is not HIT panel, which is

heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (low platelets).  That would make sense in context. 

Not meanin' to argue.

I don't know about the TKI panel, but
Subject: I don't know about the TKI panel, but

it should be amylase and lipase.
"METs" abbrev for . metabolic equivalents in cardiac testing
Subject: "METs" abbrev for . metabolic equivalents in cardiac testing

if verbatim leave as is; comma between UA, basic metabolic, fasting; and
Subject: if verbatim leave as is; comma between UA, basic metabolic, fasting; and

Not sure but comprehensive 65 plan, may be referring to age/healthcare plan?
Subject: Not sure but comprehensive 65 plan, may be referring to age/healthcare plan?

Sorry, tried to help. Have a nice weekend.
Lipid panel maybe? -nm
Subject: Lipid panel maybe? -nm

Astra Panel...
Subject: Astra Panel...

Not sure, but found on a site...

? thyroid panel. (n/m)
Subject: ? thyroid panel. (n/m)

that is an electrolyte panel
Subject: that is an electrolyte panel

Fats panel?
Subject: Fats panel?

Guy in for an MI.  Dr. in plan says he wants to do a "Fats" panel?  Sound right?  Thank you!  
Prometheus panel
Subject: Prometheus panel

type of lab panel
Subject: type of lab panel

This is a new one on me, sounds like ROMI panel (referring to labs)
Various possibilities were kept for altered mental status, like _______?, metabolic encephalopathy,
Subject: Various possibilities were kept for altered mental status, like _______?, metabolic encephalopathy,

that could be either lipid panel or just triglyceride, NM
Subject: that could be either lipid panel or just triglyceride, NM

SMAC - chemistry panel - /sm
Subject: SMAC - chemistry panel - /sm

CHEMISTRY SCREENING PANEL Also called: blood chemistries, SMA-12, SMAC-6, ACA, MSSP, and many other names, usually based on the piece of equipment in use. The blood chemistry panel consists of 12 to 20 tests:
Anybody hear of a Berkley panel sm
Subject: Anybody hear of a Berkley panel sm

Patient has hyperlipidemia.  Here is the sentence...

At this time period, we are going to have those repeated with a fasting lipid treatment panel, considering a "Berkley" panel with a hepatic panel in 3 months.