maybe *comprehensive metabolic panel 14* (nm)
Posted By: me on 2008-04-28
In Reply to: comprulence vs. competence? - lhmt
Subject: maybe *comprehensive metabolic panel 14* (nm)
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Comprehensive metabolic panel.
Subject: Comprehensive metabolic panel.
probably CMP, complete or comprehensive metabolic profile (or panel) nm
Subject: probably CMP, complete or comprehensive metabolic profile (or panel) nm
comprehensive metabolic profile (CMP). ? nm
Subject: comprehensive metabolic profile (CMP). ? nm
OR comprehensive basic metabolic profile - nm
Subject: OR comprehensive basic metabolic profile - nm
basic metabolic panel.
Subject: basic metabolic panel.
Basic Metabolic Panel
Subject: Basic Metabolic Panel
Also known as: Chem 7, SMA 7 (somewhat outdated terms) Formal name: Basic Metabolic Panel Related tests: CMP |
BMP Basic Metabolic Panel?
Subject: BMP Basic Metabolic Panel?
BMP basic metabolic panel
Subject: BMP basic metabolic panel
yes, BMP, basic metabolic profile, or panel (nm)
Subject: yes, BMP, basic metabolic profile, or panel (nm)
complete metabolic panel plate
Subject: complete metabolic panel plate
We will send off a complete metabolic panel s/l plate to check her kidney function.
is plate correct? I haven't heard this before.
It's hemoglobin A1c & BMP, basic metabolic panel
Subject: It's hemoglobin A1c & BMP, basic metabolic panel
no idea on simmer but metabolic panel? nm
Subject: no idea on simmer but metabolic panel? nm
nm lists a Basic Metabolic Panel (8) sm
Subject: lists a Basic Metabolic Panel (8) sm
Metabolic Panel (8), Basic
basic metabolic panel and brain natriuretic peptide
Subject: basic metabolic panel and brain natriuretic peptide
You have to listen to the diagnoses to figure out which one to use because the doctors rarely specifically differentiate between the two. I had one who used to say, "That's B, N as in Nancy, P."
Pt with dementia has lab screening for s/l "BPSH", CBC, and basic metabolic panel. nm
Subject: Pt with dementia has lab screening for s/l "BPSH", CBC, and basic metabolic panel. nm
non-metabolic? I hear hypometabolic quite a bit in MRIs, I suppose non-metabolic would be
Subject: non-metabolic? I hear hypometabolic quite a bit in MRIs, I suppose non-metabolic would be
similar in meaning.
cholesterol level, TSH, amyloid lipase, chemistry panel and ??TKI panel??
Subject: cholesterol level, TSH, amyloid lipase, chemistry panel and ??TKI panel??
s/l ASTER panel or ASTRA panel? nm
Subject: s/l ASTER panel or ASTRA panel? nm
Comprehensive is it...Thanks so much!
Subject: Comprehensive is it...Thanks so much!
This the most comprehensive exam I know of. sm
Subject: This the most comprehensive exam I know of. sm
Don't let the name fool you, it is full of good stuff!!!
could be complete OR comprehensive; when
Subject: could be complete OR comprehensive; when
Could the first part be comprehensive instead of can present?
Subject: Could the first part be comprehensive instead of can present?
Metabolic syndrome study
Subject: Metabolic syndrome study
Physician dictates that patient will undergo a metabolic syndrome study s/l Ramanoband Study. Any Ideas?
Metabolic: Currently appears _________ -sm
Subject: Metabolic: Currently appears _________ -sm
Listed in the impression of consult by nephrology doctor. Here is what is before and after:
4. DIABETES MELLITUS. Continue insulin.
5. METABOLIC: Currently appears s/l "sensible" or "extensible."
6. ANEMIA MANAGEMENT. We will add Epogen. The patient�s hemoglobin and hematocrit are below goal.
beta metabolic temperature?
Subject: beta metabolic temperature?
Clinically, she is hypothyroid. She had a positive beta metabolic temperature, but by lab work she was normal.
basal metabolic temperature - nm
Subject: basal metabolic temperature - nm
probably the BMP basic metabolic profile
Subject: probably the BMP basic metabolic profile
Sodium, potassium, etc.
Basic metabolic profile (BMP)
Subject: Basic metabolic profile (BMP)
BMP for basic metabolic profile? nm
Subject: BMP for basic metabolic profile? nm
metabolic equivalents (METs). See if you agree. sm
Subject: metabolic equivalents (METs). See if you agree. sm
Expired air analysis was used to calculate energy expenditure and metabolic equivalents (METs). Descriptive statistics were calculated along with a ... - Similar pages |
Thanks it's Amino III metabolic diet supplement...nm
Subject: Thanks it's Amino III metabolic diet supplement...nm
rule out metabolic *prohitubation* such as hypernitremia. Thanks. nm
Subject: rule out metabolic *prohitubation* such as hypernitremia. Thanks. nm
Complete basic metabolic profile = CBMP - nm
Subject: Complete basic metabolic profile = CBMP - nm
Subject: panel
Not saying metabolic panel at the sound of light?
HIG panel?
Subject: HIG panel?
His s/l HIG panel was sent for drop in platelet count, which came up immediately on repeat blood counts.
Are you sure it is not HIT panel, which is
Subject: Are you sure it is not HIT panel, which is
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (low platelets). That would make sense in context.
Not meanin' to argue.
I don't know about the TKI panel, but
Subject: I don't know about the TKI panel, but
it should be amylase and lipase.
"METs" abbrev for . metabolic equivalents in cardiac testing
Subject: "METs" abbrev for . metabolic equivalents in cardiac testing
if verbatim leave as is; comma between UA, basic metabolic, fasting; and
Subject: if verbatim leave as is; comma between UA, basic metabolic, fasting; and
Not sure but comprehensive 65 plan, may be referring to age/healthcare plan?
Subject: Not sure but comprehensive 65 plan, may be referring to age/healthcare plan?
Sorry, tried to help. Have a nice weekend.
Lipid panel maybe? -nm
Subject: Lipid panel maybe? -nm
Astra Panel...
Subject: Astra Panel...
Not sure, but found on a site...
? thyroid panel. (n/m)
Subject: ? thyroid panel. (n/m)
that is an electrolyte panel
Subject: that is an electrolyte panel
Fats panel?
Subject: Fats panel?
Guy in for an MI. Dr. in plan says he wants to do a "Fats" panel? Sound right? Thank you!
Prometheus panel
Subject: Prometheus panel
type of lab panel
Subject: type of lab panel
This is a new one on me, sounds like ROMI panel (referring to labs)
Various possibilities were kept for altered mental status, like _______?, metabolic encephalopathy,
Subject: Various possibilities were kept for altered mental status, like _______?, metabolic encephalopathy,
that could be either lipid panel or just triglyceride, NM
Subject: that could be either lipid panel or just triglyceride, NM
SMAC - chemistry panel - /sm
Subject: SMAC - chemistry panel - /sm
CHEMISTRY SCREENING PANEL Also called: blood chemistries, SMA-12, SMAC-6, ACA, MSSP, and many other names, usually based on the piece of equipment in use. The blood chemistry panel consists of 12 to 20 tests:
Anybody hear of a Berkley panel sm
Subject: Anybody hear of a Berkley panel sm
Patient has hyperlipidemia. Here is the sentence...
At this time period, we are going to have those repeated with a fasting lipid treatment panel, considering a "Berkley" panel with a hepatic panel in 3 months.