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may be loculated fluid accummulation

Posted By: Karen on 2007-10-11
In Reply to: s/l loculative fluid accumulation. nm - mz

Subject: may be loculated fluid accummulation

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You install drywall, not fluid. Fluid is instilled. nm
Subject: You install drywall, not fluid. Fluid is instilled. nm

aqueous fluid . Fluid gets blocked with glaucoma. nm
Subject: aqueous fluid . Fluid gets blocked with glaucoma. nm

#1 is loculated...........nm
Subject: #1 is loculated...........nm

loculated is what's usually heard. nm
Subject: loculated is what's usually heard. nm

loculated areas...
Subject: loculated areas...

I think anyway. 
lobulated or loculated pneumonia?
Subject: lobulated or loculated pneumonia?

Loculated pleural effusion......
Subject: Loculated pleural effusion......

pleural fluid which has been loculated or encysted between layers of visceral pleural within the fissures or between partially fused visceral and parietal layers adjacent to the chest wall, diaphragm or mediastinum. 
Subject: fluid

IV fluid/ESL/help
Subject: IV fluid/ESL/help

The patient has tube feeds, uti acute gastric tract, & dehydration.  She was continued on IV fluids.  Doctor says the IV fluids are called~~~S/L cit-twin-flagyn??
IV fluid help.
Subject: IV fluid help.

This patient is elderly and has stopped eating for a couple of days.  Doctor says what s/l "will give him IV fluid, normal saline with 10 of K at 100 an hour over the next 24 hours."  (Assume K is potassium?)Does this sound correct?  I'm not too familiar with this kind of stuff.  Thanks.
62 cc of fluid
Subject: 62 cc of fluid

full fluid WBC
Subject: full fluid WBC

Urinalysis:  Positive nitrite with large leukocytes, "full fluid" WBC.

Just a WAG, maybe ______ fluid (nm)
Subject: Just a WAG, maybe ______ fluid (nm)

ascitic fluid?
Subject: ascitic fluid?

Are you talking about ascitic fluid, as in ascites?
Also acidotic fluid
Subject: Also acidotic fluid

I usually use ascitic  for ascites, i.e., carcinoma
its "something" fluid
Subject: its "something" fluid

air-fluid level nm
Subject: air-fluid level nm

fluid was aspirated. nm
Subject: fluid was aspirated. nm

Type of fluid
Subject: Type of fluid

Under sterile precautions, attempt was made to aspirate the joint but it only gave up about 2 cc of ______ fluid.

This was removed from an ankle. I don't know if the doctor got tongue tied or what, but it sounds like he's say "gerary" fluid. Any guesses?
serosanquineous fluid?? nm
Subject: serosanquineous fluid?? nm

500 ml of S-PEN ? (some kind of iv fluid?)
Subject: 500 ml of S-PEN ? (some kind of iv fluid?)

installation of the fluid. nm
Subject: installation of the fluid. nm

Perigallbladder fluid?
Subject: Perigallbladder fluid?

Physician dictated perigallbladder fluid. . .should this be changed to pericholecystic fluid?

cc's versus ccs of fluid?
Subject: cc's versus ccs of fluid?

It is air-fluid gas exchange
Subject: It is air-fluid gas exchange

Does he say fluid before collection?
Subject: Does he say fluid before collection?

That would make more sense and would be typed fluid collection, swelling. Could be he just omitted that word.
excess fluid maybe? n/m
Subject: excess fluid maybe? n/m

fluid draining?
Subject: fluid draining?

yes, good fluid ROM sm
Subject: yes, good fluid ROM sm

fluid in this case meaning:


3 : showing a smooth easy style  *fluid movements*

oooop yes should be ml of fluid
Subject: oooop yes should be ml of fluid

s/l acrus fluid [eye]
Subject: s/l acrus fluid [eye]

The pressure was brought down with topical antiglaucoma medication and release of some ____ fluid.

I've looked up acrus, acris, acrous, ecrus, etc., but I haven't been able to confirm anything.  Any help is greatly appreciated! 

aqueous fluid
Subject: aqueous fluid

The clear, watery fluid circulating in the chamber of the eye between the cornea and the lens
How about bursitic fluid?
Subject: How about bursitic fluid?

Would that be bursal fluid?
serous fluid
Subject: serous fluid

dullness and fluid wave nm
Subject: dullness and fluid wave nm

given a liter and a half of fluid.
Subject: given a liter and a half of fluid.

given a liter and a half of fluid.
maybe FEN for fluid, electrolytes, nutrition....
Subject: maybe FEN for fluid, electrolytes, nutrition....

then giving electrolyte values.
Possibly synovial fluid?
Subject: Possibly synovial fluid?

fibrocystic and fluid filled?
Subject: fibrocystic and fluid filled?

s/l loculative fluid accumulation. nm
Subject: s/l loculative fluid accumulation. nm

Pt placed on a maintenance fluid of D5 � NS plus 20 of K. How to type? sm
Subject: Pt placed on a maintenance fluid of D5 � NS plus 20 of K. How to type? sm

she was given a bolus of normal saline of 1000 cc�s and then placed on a maintenance fluid of D5 � NS plus 20 of K to help support her in the first 24 hours of detox. 

could it possibly be SRF (subretinal fluid)?
Subject: could it possibly be SRF (subretinal fluid)?

Looking for a fluid replacement s/l "Hex Am" (nm)
Subject: Looking for a fluid replacement s/l "Hex Am" (nm)

They usually do this during vitrectomies, but it would be as you have it, air fluid gas exchange
Subject: They usually do this during vitrectomies, but it would be as you have it, air fluid gas exchange

air fluid level w/o hyphen
Subject: air fluid level w/o hyphen

I type eye vitrectomies also and my dictators want air-fluid gas exchange and air fluid level w/o hyphen.
Fluid wave is good
Subject: Fluid wave is good

I worked for a group of ENT docs for 20 years.
clear spinal fluid
Subject: clear spinal fluid

This is the fluid that runs out of a carcass or
Subject: This is the fluid that runs out of a carcass or

meat when thawing. Don't think I would want one of those!!!!!!
Fluid accumulative rales?
Subject: Fluid accumulative rales?

I don't hear fluid - there's an "R" sound nm
Subject: I don't hear fluid - there's an "R" sound nm

fluid arrabiting cytoxine?
Subject: fluid arrabiting cytoxine?

This is for a patient who had a radical prostatectomy and was treated with Rituxan and what sounds like fluid arrabating cytoxan? Any ideas?