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laser something? Maybe a little more context would help (nm)

Posted By: Mushroom on 2009-06-10
In Reply to: s/l lazocism near endocervical canal - nikki

Subject: laser something? Maybe a little more context would help (nm)


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without any context, maybe concha bullosa? next time give context. thanks!
Subject: without any context, maybe concha bullosa? next time give context. thanks!

KTP laser
Subject: KTP laser

Subject: Laser

Doctor dictates "The patient did have a urethral stricture lasered in the office."

I don't think lasered is an appropriate word, is it acceptable to change the sentence to this?

The patient did have a urethral stricture corrected with laser in the office.

Or should I just use lasered as he dictated?  Thanks.  :)

Maybe laser ??
Subject: Maybe laser ??

KTP laser listed
Subject: KTP laser listed

in Steman's dictionary.
s/l PVP granite laser
Subject: s/l PVP granite laser

I have heard of green laser PVP, but not granite laser.
May be greenlight laser
Subject: May be greenlight laser

I use GreenLight laser. nm
Subject: I use GreenLight laser. nm

Maybe ....laser excision? n/m
Subject: Maybe ....laser excision? n/m

Q-switch YAG laser or Q-switched?
Subject: Q-switch YAG laser or Q-switched?

Cervical laser ablation-SM
Subject: Cervical laser ablation-SM

s/l "Astrin" was applied to the cervical bed to insure excellent hemostasis.  I have tried all kinds of different spellings, and this is the first time this doctor has used anything other than Monsel solution.  Thanks.

s/l "Clasper" laser therapy and.....
Subject: s/l "Clasper" laser therapy and.....

in another spot he says, s/l "Sarapamin" that he used instead of a steroid injection.  Thanks.
thanks-holmium laser fibril
Subject: thanks-holmium laser fibril

Laser TURP sm MT-headed
Subject: Laser TURP sm MT-headed

Laser transurethral resection of prostate "with"  s/l Ravelox---perhaps name of the laser?  Any clues, folks?  Thx.
PDP Laser ablation therapy for BPH? (sm)
Subject: PDP Laser ablation therapy for BPH? (sm)

Can anyone confirm PDP?  Thanks!
It is GreenLight laser and is trademarked that way.
Subject: It is GreenLight laser and is trademarked that way.

Fraxel laser treatment
Subject: Fraxel laser treatment

This is a new toy for our doctors. Not sure how to write it. 

He says treatment level 8, energy level 10, or 40 millijoule, with eight or 8 passes.

Any help would be much appreciated.




ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy help
Subject: ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy help

The meatal stenosis was dilated with a 26 French Van Buren S/L sound followed by a 23 French S/L litha cystoscope.

yes, I am thinking it is laser optic. I will QA to be sure. Thanks. nm
Subject: yes, I am thinking it is laser optic. I will QA to be sure. Thanks. nm

Context, context, context. There is a lott
Subject: Context, context, context. There is a lott

of help out here but what is this?

try holmium laser. Don't know about the "fibro" part. nm
Subject: try holmium laser. Don't know about the "fibro" part. nm

s/l Revelex laser ablation of prostate. nm
Subject: s/l Revelex laser ablation of prostate. nm

Unsure how to write this regarding laser surgery..sm
Subject: Unsure how to write this regarding laser surgery..sm

The patient said that the laser was utilized for 250 one seconds ? for a total of 43 cm from the top of her leg......


Not sure about the accupuncture, but he does say laser therapy. Can't find anything close to wha
Subject: Not sure about the accupuncture, but he does say laser therapy. Can't find anything close to what..

it sounds like he is saying though.   Thanks. 
s/l *evolved* laser transurethral vaporization of the prostate..thanks.
Subject: s/l *evolved* laser transurethral vaporization of the prostate..thanks.

s/l *evolved* laser transurethral vaporization of the prostate.
too late but...did you hear back? maybe RevoLix laser? nm
Subject: too late but...did you hear back? maybe RevoLix laser? nm

HoLEP - Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate
Subject: HoLEP - Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate

not laparoscopic - laser fiber optics or arthroscopic
Subject: not laparoscopic - laser fiber optics or arthroscopic

There is a Blazer catheter for cardiac ablation, so could the doc be saying laser transurethral
Subject: There is a Blazer catheter for cardiac ablation, so could the doc be saying laser transurethral

laser optic repair for knee and ankle arthritis? nm
Subject: laser optic repair for knee and ankle arthritis? nm

ELVeS: Endo Laser Vein System; pronounced, “Elvis” nm
Subject: ELVeS: Endo Laser Vein System; pronounced, “Elvis” nm

Is this a male patient? HoLAP procedure (holmium laser ablation of the prostate).
Subject: Is this a male patient? HoLAP procedure (holmium laser ablation of the prostate).

maybe Holmium or HoLAP for Holmium laser ablation procedure? nm
Subject: maybe Holmium or HoLAP for Holmium laser ablation procedure? nm

Q: Is holmium capitalized? As in holmium laser lithotripsy. Thx. NM
Subject: Q: Is holmium capitalized? As in holmium laser lithotripsy. Thx. NM

Maybe this? What context is it used?

PPP syndrome could refer to MEN (multiple endocrine neoplasia), which "typically involves the pituitary, parathyroid, and pancreas glands (recall it as the PPP syndrome)."


I also saw pustulosis palmoplantaris syndrome and pretty picture protectiveness syndrome.

A little context would help. SM
Subject: A little context would help. SM

What kind of surgery is it?  Where is the incision being made? 

Can you please supply this information.  Thanks

we need context!! please
Subject: we need context!! please

More context please? nm
Subject: More context please? nm

More context would help us help you. What is the sm
Subject: More context would help us help you. What is the sm

sentence before, the sentence with the s/l, and the sentence after? Thanks.
How about some context? nm
Subject: How about some context? nm

Say WHAT??!!!?? Need context. nm
Subject: Say WHAT??!!!?? Need context. nm

any context to go with your s/l? nm
Subject: any context to go with your s/l? nm

How about some context? nm
Subject: How about some context? nm

context please?
Subject: context please?

more context before this? nm
Subject: more context before this? nm

Context!?! nm
Subject: Context!?! nm

What's the context?
Subject: What's the context?

in what context?
Subject: in what context?

How about more context so we can help you? nm
Subject: How about more context so we can help you? nm

please add the context.....thanks! nm
Subject: please add the context.....thanks! nm

need context but it could be
Subject: need context but it could be
