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laparoscopic grasper?

Posted By: CG on 2008-06-16
In Reply to: Help with equipment s/l vasculette grasper - Cathy

Subject: laparoscopic grasper?

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s/l kav-ee-aye grasper?
Subject: s/l kav-ee-aye grasper?

s/l peon grasper.....
Subject: s/l peon grasper.....

'The mesh was then rolled up tightly and placed through the 10 mm trocar using a s/l peon grasper.'

umbilical hernia repair. Thanks.
s/l peon grasper
Subject: s/l peon grasper

I say that it is spelled peon and yes there are peon graspers that are used laparoscopically during hernia repairs.
Maryland grasper
Subject: Maryland grasper

I got lots of hits on google for Maryland grasper
Anvil grasper
Subject: Anvil grasper

I would likely say this is an anvil grasper, given the context and type of surgery.  If you listen to it again with this word in mind, you may hear it. 
Doing tonsillectomy and s/l Orten's grasper?
Subject: Doing tonsillectomy and s/l Orten's grasper?

No idea of s/l Orten's grasper?
Subject: No idea of s/l Orten's grasper?

s/l pedal or petal grasper
Subject: s/l pedal or petal grasper

pelvic surgery:  "A pedal/petal grasper was then used to move the bowel from the pelvis."  -- she's saying it very clearly, drawing a complete blank --- TIA
Help with equipment s/l vasculette grasper
Subject: Help with equipment s/l vasculette grasper

During cholecystectomy OP note, dictator says he used a s/l vasculette or masculette grasper. I haven't been able to find this anywhere.

S/L Davidson get grasper (for bowel)?
Subject: S/L Davidson get grasper (for bowel)?

Thanks!  Happy New Year!  ');>
Mickey Mouse grasper?
Subject: Mickey Mouse grasper?

Anybody ever here of a Mickey Mouse grasper, he says it clear as a bell
"mother-in-law" grasper, but for laparoscopy, nm
Subject: "mother-in-law" grasper, but for laparoscopy, nm

Found it, it's Davis and Geck grasper
Subject: Found it, it's Davis and Geck grasper

laparoscopic? nm
Subject: laparoscopic? nm

Subject: laparoscopic?

laparoscopic edeseoliaisis

she underwent diagnostic laparoscopy with laparoscopic s/l ... ed e-see-oliasis


or...LPLND laparoscopic etc as above
Subject: or...LPLND laparoscopic etc as above

Re: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Subject: Re: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Patient having laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  Doctor dictates that he's outlined the risks to the patient, which include "injury to bowel, bile duct, or s/l BLEVUS."

I cannot locate "blevus" anywhere. HELP!

Thanks very much! 

maybe saying *LAGB* for laparoscopic
Subject: maybe saying *LAGB* for laparoscopic

they don't USUALLY say that though - it's either LAP-BAND they say or laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (but they never say LAGB though she might be saying that?!) or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass........
s/l laparoscopic Frickman
Subject: s/l laparoscopic Frickman

Help -- am on vacation without my OB/GYN books -- and cannot find it on Google or here either.  s/l She underwent a laparoscopic Frickman --  I am doing an Op report for rectal prolapse. 
Laparoscopic banding
Subject: Laparoscopic banding

Does anyone do a lot of these procedures and have some good reference sites bookmarked that they'd care to share?  I'm stumped by the same ESL that got me yesterday with the Echelon stapler.  I can't tell if he's saying 10 band or thin band here.  I don't even know if there is such a thing as a 10 band!!!

At this point, the 12-mm trocar in the left upper quadrant was dilated, and a s/l 10 or thin band was introduced into the abdomen. The s/l 10 or thin band was passed through the pars flaccida approach

maybe laparoscopic assisted ??? nm
Subject: maybe laparoscopic assisted ??? nm

It's usually laparoscopic or open. Don't know
Subject: It's usually laparoscopic or open. Don't know

laparoscopic instrument, help!
Subject: laparoscopic instrument, help!

s/l biston or beeston...laparoscopic ACL and PCL repairs...help!
laparoscopic cholecystectomy with "CVEE" ??
Subject: laparoscopic cholecystectomy with "CVEE" ??

Any clues what this might be?  My best guess is "CVEE"??


laparoscopic cholecystectomy with cholangiogram(s)? nm
Subject: laparoscopic cholecystectomy with cholangiogram(s)? nm

s/l laparoscopic culpa plier
Subject: s/l laparoscopic culpa plier

Sentence: This was carefully separated and clipped using a laparoscopic 'culpa plier'.

Please help.
laparoscopic clip applier
Subject: laparoscopic clip applier

lap chole - as in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Subject: lap chole - as in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

doing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 3 and 1? clips.
Subject: doing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 3 and 1? clips.

The cystic duct was then identified and skeletonized.  Once it was clearly identified it was divided between 3 and 1 clips.???
he's saying lap-chole (laparoscopic cholecystectomy)
Subject: he's saying lap-chole (laparoscopic cholecystectomy)

in case that got cut off above, it's laparoscopic cholecystectomy....
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy "with grams"?
Subject: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy "with grams"?

Sounds like laparoscopic perfen endometriosis...
Subject: Sounds like laparoscopic perfen endometriosis...

What is the 'p' word. She says it a second time and it sounds like 'perfect'
a stapler used in a laparoscopic gastric bypass
Subject: a stapler used in a laparoscopic gastric bypass

I'm doing an op note dictated by an ESL and he's referring to a stapler that he's using to create the anastomosis in a laparoscopic gastric bypass.  It sounds something like Acolumn, Ecolint or Acumint stapler.  I'm so stumped and would welcome any hints on how to figure out what the heck he's saying!
laparoscopic bone dowel technique
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laparoscopic bone dowel technique
Doc says "the patient had a laparoscopic s/l Ni-Fun for GERD. Is this
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a shortening of Nissen fundoplication?
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LAVH? laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy. NM
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not laparoscopic - laser fiber optics or arthroscopic
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Laparoscopic hysterectomy...s/l circumcised incision made on cervix? nm
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Laparoscopic s/l tinkoff catheter placement (for peritoneal dialysis)
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Patient had laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Returns for eval of "subsactal" wound ??
Subject: Patient had laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Returns for eval of "subsactal" wound ??

Please help, I'm clueless.  Sounds like sub zactal, subsactal??   Thanks!
Patient is status-post laparoscopic cholecystectomy with subsequent **ESAP**. TIA
Subject: Patient is status-post laparoscopic cholecystectomy with subsequent **ESAP**. TIA

lap band - laparoscopic band surgery. It is not
Subject: lap band - laparoscopic band surgery. It is not

a "name" as such, so not capitalized.