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lab test - increased s/l WEN or WYN of 22 suggestive of mild dehydration

Posted By: djd on 2007-12-02
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Subject: lab test - increased s/l WEN or WYN of 22 suggestive of mild dehydration

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I agree - Symptoms of early or mild dehydration include: elevated BUN
Subject: I agree - Symptoms of early or mild dehydration include: elevated BUN

s/l Ep-wer test score is a 12 which indicates daytime somnolence of a mild to moderate degree.
Subject: s/l Ep-wer test score is a 12 which indicates daytime somnolence of a mild to moderate degree.

8-month-old child. On exam has some mild s/l mic-groth-nia and possibly some mild low set ears.
Subject: 8-month-old child. On exam has some mild s/l mic-groth-nia and possibly some mild low set ears.

preventilator sutimi dehydration
Subject: preventilator sutimi dehydration

Is there a term like ' preventilator sutimi dehydration' ?
No, this is not a suggestive help board, sm
Subject: No, this is not a suggestive help board, sm

You're thinking of another word board where suggestions and hints are given rather than the actual term in question so that the person asking the question does his/her own work and learns something from it. This board, as someone once said and was badly flamed, "spoon feeds" answers to questions. The answers should be researched before they are provided. It is up to the questioner to research the supplied answers to make sure they fit in with the dictation.

No one can learn from incorrect answers like "expressive achalasia" and "polynephritis." They'll only lose their jobs and wonder why.

No, this is not a suggestive help board, as
Subject: No, this is not a suggestive help board, as

there is more chitter chatter done about anything other than MT -- the vast majority of which is full of whining malcontent.

especially along the inner root suggestive sm
Subject: especially along the inner root suggestive sm

of a radial tear of the meniscus.  Should it be root or route?. It is a knee.  My mind is totally blank today. 
suggestive of angina NM
Subject: suggestive of angina NM


this IS a suggestive help board, isn't it, with suggestion being
Subject: this IS a suggestive help board, isn't it, with suggestion being

the key word, in addition to the question mark.  No one is perfect; not even you.
EEG suggestive of moderate s/l laz-o-fear? and keflopathy? (could be cephalopathy just said wrong?)
Subject: EEG suggestive of moderate s/l laz-o-fear? and keflopathy? (could be cephalopathy just said wrong?)

tibbin fidgula questioning the = tibia and fibula suggestive of... NM
Subject: tibbin fidgula questioning the = tibia and fibula suggestive of... NM

is it increased LFTs and a CPK? nm
Subject: is it increased LFTs and a CPK? nm

Perhaps increased or elevated cholesterol?
Subject: Perhaps increased or elevated cholesterol?

maybe increased work of breathing ? nm
Subject: maybe increased work of breathing ? nm

Increased LFTs and recheck a CPK...
Subject: Increased LFTs and recheck a CPK...

LFTs means liver function tests, and CPK is a test that stands for creatinine phosphokinase.

My little Medical Abbreviations book is one of my most well-worn and well-loved pieces of reference material!  I'd highly recommend one for stumpers like these!


Would "thinning" be increased spending.
Subject: Would "thinning" be increased spending.

s/l increased skud uptake?
Subject: s/l increased skud uptake?

on stress test.  Previous report says gut uptake, but not able to verify.  Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

increased "vocal breathing" and tachypnea? nm
Subject: increased "vocal breathing" and tachypnea? nm

hyperreflexia in place of increased reflexia?
Subject: hyperreflexia in place of increased reflexia?

I believe it would be "reduced hemoglobin A with an increased A2 fraction"
Subject: I believe it would be "reduced hemoglobin A with an increased A2 fraction"

Cardiology - increased s/l trabiculation in the left ventricle.
Subject: Cardiology - increased s/l trabiculation in the left ventricle.

I looked up trabiculation and I cannot find any reference to the heart.
possibly no increased edema, no local mass effect?
Subject: possibly no increased edema, no local mass effect?

Pt with increased tracheal s/l "vis ab" and s/l anesthesia class 3 airway. sm
Subject: Pt with increased tracheal s/l "vis ab" and s/l anesthesia class 3 airway. sm

He has excessive work of breathing, and he is using some accessory muscles. There is increased tracheal s/l vis ab. His airway is s/l anesthesia class III, large beefy uvula, large tongue, no really recessed mandible.
increased uptake right T-L junction (lumbosacral spine) is this typed right?
Subject: increased uptake right T-L junction (lumbosacral spine) is this typed right?

MRI demonstrates s/l coagular increased signal within the posterior horn of the medial meniscus.
Subject: MRI demonstrates s/l coagular increased signal within the posterior horn of the medial meniscus.

Bone scan is reviewed dated 03/06/09 which shows increased activity to the pubic bones at the sm
Subject: Bone scan is reviewed dated 03/06/09 which shows increased activity to the pubic bones at the sm

s/l synthesis. Thanks!
Seems to be under spinal x-rays they do a marrow signal ... "Normal or increased T2 signal intens
Subject: Seems to be under spinal x-rays they do a marrow signal ... "Normal or increased T2 signal intensity in marrow of compressed vertebrae, Abnormal marrow signal involves entire vertebral body..."

Following dressing change, the dressing was replaced under increased layers of s/l Perlex. nm
Subject: Following dressing change, the dressing was replaced under increased layers of s/l Perlex. nm

Subject: mild?

s/l mild O use after a
Subject: s/l mild O use after a

kidner procedure.

Diagnosis is mild s/l O use after kidner procedure. tia.
Mild flaring?
Subject: Mild flaring?

s/l disertent mild
Subject: s/l disertent mild

"Status post left hemipheric CVA with (s/l disertent mild) right hemisparesis"

Instead with mild proliferative, it should be
Subject: Instead with mild proliferative, it should be

could it be mild bronchiectasis?
Subject: could it be mild bronchiectasis?

eyes: mild s/l pa-rye-sia ???
Subject: eyes: mild s/l pa-rye-sia ???

typical sick child with runny nose, cough, fever, ear pain.
mild epicondylitis?
Subject: mild epicondylitis?

mild "fascia" was seen within the vallecula

I meant mild in a rush
Subject: I meant mild in a rush

s/l mild derm and hypotension
Subject: s/l mild derm and hypotension

The patient has been doing well in rehab except for some s/l mild derm and hypotension.


mild photophobia in the s/l P-ring
Subject: mild photophobia in the s/l P-ring

There is mild photophobia in the 'purring' or 'p-ring'.  What is the P word?
mild photophobia and tearing?
Subject: mild photophobia and tearing?

s/l *mild basement crackles*
Subject: s/l *mild basement crackles*

Lungs reveal a few rhonchi and _____ crackles, but no other aventitious sounds. 
must be mild basilar crackles. :)
Subject: must be mild basilar crackles. :)

A/P: Mild tibial s/l em-pha-sopathy.. thank you
Subject: A/P: Mild tibial s/l em-pha-sopathy.. thank you

The only thing that comes to mild is bilateral
Subject: The only thing that comes to mild is bilateral

mind, not mild, and where is mine?
Subject: mind, not mild, and where is mine?

So what was the mountain? lol - mild EtOH? ......
Subject: So what was the mountain? lol - mild EtOH? ......

mild cutaneous s/l "laxapy"
Subject: mild cutaneous s/l "laxapy"

for inflammtory arthritis


On her upper extremities, mild cutaneous s/l "laxapy"

would they say with mild anemia is greater than
Subject: would they say with mild anemia is greater than

s/l 15/8? has CT changes?
mild chromic sutures
Subject: mild chromic sutures

Do a Google search.
marginal? mild-to-moderate? nm
Subject: marginal? mild-to-moderate? nm
