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ileal conduit

Posted By: Patti on 2006-11-01
In Reply to: It's always been ileal conduit, ileoconduit is not a word that I can reference except on google. - MissouriMT

Subject: ileal conduit

Not even Stedman's GI/GU books? My QA marked me off as a large deduction for putting ileal conduit and marked should be ileoconduit.

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My 4th ed GI/GU lists ileal conduit sm
Subject: My 4th ed GI/GU lists ileal conduit sm

urinary diversion, but also lists ileoconduit.

Vera Pyle's 10th edition says:

"ileal conduit (not ileoconduit or ileo conduit)..." and goes on to describe the ileal conduit with regard to the segment of ileum used as a urinary reservoir in patients who have had cystectomy.

Ileal conduit urostomy?
Subject: Ileal conduit urostomy?

ileal conduit vs ileoconduit
Subject: ileal conduit vs ileoconduit

I have the Stedman's GI/GU book and it has ileoconduit in it.
ileal conduit vs. ileoconduit
Subject: ileal conduit vs. ileoconduit

Per Stedman's GI/GU 3rd Edition, ileoconduit is correct.
ileoconduit versus ileal conduit
Subject: ileoconduit versus ileal conduit

Vera Pyle's Current Medical Terminology 7th edition says ileal conduit NOT ileoconduit.  Does anyone know if this has changed to be accepted.
I should add that ileal conduit is listed in all three references.
Subject: I should add that ileal conduit is listed in all three references.

It's always been ileal conduit, ileoconduit is not a word that I can reference except on google.
Subject: It's always been ileal conduit, ileoconduit is not a word that I can reference except on google.

It's not in Stedman's or Dorland's.
hate to beat a dead horse on ileal conduit
Subject: hate to beat a dead horse on ileal conduit

Does anyone have a GI/GU book that lists ileoconduit?  My QA does not like to be proved wrong.  She took a large deduction for my putting ileal conduit.  I am sending a QA review to have it looked at again, but she always comes up with a reference book from somewhere that has her word listed, so I'm just trying to save myself all the headache of submitting a QA review to find out it is listed somewhere ileoconduit.
Hey Patti, on the ileal conduit question, I was kind of wondering what your QA had to say? SM
Subject: Hey Patti, on the ileal conduit question, I was kind of wondering what your QA had to say? SM

Did you still get counted off or did you all call it a draw?
loopogram: x-ray of ileal conduit usually from urinary diversion surgery. (nmsg)
Subject: loopogram: x-ray of ileal conduit usually from urinary diversion surgery. (nmsg)

conduit procedure?
Subject: conduit procedure?

try ileal-sparing
Subject: try ileal-sparing

cystoprostatectomy with ileal neobladder
Subject: cystoprostatectomy with ileal neobladder

Cardiology - s/l Toronto conduit? see message
Subject: Cardiology - s/l Toronto conduit? see message

The doc is saying:  He had a bicuspid valve with dilated thoracic aorta, and this was replaced with a s/l "Toronto conduit," which is an aortic graft with a bioprosthetic valve sewn into it.
Ilium or iliac is bone. Ileum or ileal is intestinal.
Subject: Ilium or iliac is bone. Ileum or ileal is intestinal.