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identified? intubated?

Posted By: nm on 2008-08-22
In Reply to: debridement ? - KK

Subject: identified? intubated?


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investigated? intubated? nm
Subject: investigated? intubated? nm

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Subject: Intubated with 'kira sur' x2.

Suctioning of intubated patient
Subject: Suctioning of intubated patient

Doctor says what sounds like, "The patient was bringing up a thick, copious amount of sputum at that time with raw suction infebrilly.  Any clues?
She was intubated and we have placed her on *s/l SIND* with ?pressure? support.
Subject: She was intubated and we have placed her on *s/l SIND* with ?pressure? support.

"terminal ileum was intubated and was normal" nm
Subject: "terminal ileum was intubated and was normal" nm

identified and sent???
Subject: identified and sent???

No "excentral" location identified ??
Subject: No "excentral" location identified ??

The patient has thickened skin on the posterior neck.

...The skin continues to reveal woody changes.  No "excentral" location was identified.

TIA  !

No s/l flame sign identified SM
Subject: No s/l flame sign identified SM

Patient with eye discomfort. 

Under slit-lamp examination, the patient does have a small corneal foreign body at approximately the 3 o'clock position but does not obscure the visual field.  No s/l flame sign identied.

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enlarged using an s/l ostrum.



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"The fats panel identified three targets intended to redude the. health problems associated with
Subject: "The fats panel identified three targets intended to redude the. health problems associated with obesity and the risk of coronary disease"

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