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Posted By: k on 2007-05-25
In Reply to: CPT code 11012 - ss

Subject: http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/3113.html


it looks like it's down right now, but you could try this link in the future.

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Try http://www.media4u.com/bbp/medabb_m.html
Subject: Try http://www.media4u.com/bbp/medabb_m.html



This shows it as 4.5 http://www.orthopaedicimplants.com/wires-and-pin.html
Subject: This shows it as 4.5 http://www.orthopaedicimplants.com/wires-and-pin.html

Subject: antigenic...yes...sm...http://www.urologysanantonio.com/print/trials.html

Although this regards prostate cancer (not applicable to a female patient) I think this is the info you're looking for. Quote: Once the host recognizes the antigenic material implanted, it is hoped that the circulating humoral immunologic cells would then attack the host's recurrent Prostate Cancer cells. This technique has been successful in other types of tumors. Our site is one of a front line of sites to study the Vaccine in the treatment of Prostate Cancer.
http://tramadolplus.com/item/pilex.html (seems to be herbal)
Subject: http://tramadolplus.com/item/pilex.html (seems to be herbal)

Subject: http://wordtips.vitalnews.com/Pages/T000483_Capitals_After_Colons.html

Yep http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2002/502_men.html
Subject: Yep http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2002/502_men.html

per http://www.abanet.org/buslaw/blt/blt9-barnes.html
Subject: per http://www.abanet.org/buslaw/blt/blt9-barnes.html

"The privacy regulation, which we will fondly refer to as the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Secret, Stupid) Rule.

The K.I.S.S. Rule was published as a proposed rule, asking for public commentary, on Nov. 3, 1999. Indicative of how controversial it is,"
Try http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/wbc/sample.html
Subject: Try http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/wbc/sample.html

Smith sleeve mentioned under http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP1854507.html
Subject: Smith sleeve mentioned under http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP1854507.html

see message - http://dermnetnz.org/lesions/kaposi-sarcoma.html
Subject: see message - http://dermnetnz.org/lesions/kaposi-sarcoma.html

Kaposi sarcoma lesions can also occur internally; in the gut, lungs, genitals and lymphatic system. These internal lesions may cause symptoms e.g. discomfort with swallowing, bleeding, shortness of breath, swollen legs, etc
mastomegaly (large breasts) http://forums.obgyn.net/ob-gyn-l/OBGYNL.0705/0464.html
Subject: mastomegaly (large breasts) http://forums.obgyn.net/ob-gyn-l/OBGYNL.0705/0464.html

Subject: http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/TUTORIAL/URINE/URINE.html

Subject: http://www.topamax.com/topamax/index.html

used for migraine prevention
I've tried doctor.webmd and ama-assn, but I don' t even have an incling of how it's spelled
Subject: I've tried doctor.webmd and ama-assn, but I don' t even have an incling of how it's spelled. How will this help me? I need someone who heard of this doctor.

it's BI-RAD category
Subject: it's BI-RAD category

ASA Category 1...see inside
Subject: ASA Category 1...see inside

] It is logical to expect a missing category between ASA 2 and ASA 3 for a systemic ... to today's ASA classes 1-4, which were first published in 1963. ...
Have no idea what category to look in for this instrument. Ideas?
Subject: Have no idea what category to look in for this instrument. Ideas?

The fetus was extracted intact with large *sofers.* Estimated blood loss was approximately 150 mL. The placenta was also delivered intact with "sofers." 

Torticollis is one of a broader category of disorders that exhibit flexion, extension, or twisting o
Subject: Torticollis is one of a broader category of disorders that exhibit flexion, extension, or twisting of muscles of the neck beyond their normal position. Maybe doing range of motion is causing the shoulder pain?

Subject: www.drugs.com/cons/versed.html

I usually look at the http when I google, if
Subject: I usually look at the http when I google, if

I don't see a site that is well known to me, or it appears that it was just "blogged", I usually do not trust it. However, if it is a medical site I will generally go with that. Sorry I couldn't have helped more.
Subject: http://www.chemocare.com/bio/

Try this.
Subject: http://ortho-pod.com/........n/m

http://www.wheelessonline.com . It's
Subject: http://www.wheelessonline.com . It's

http://www.wheelessonline.com/ nm
Subject: http://www.wheelessonline.com/ nm

Subject: http://www.labtestsonline.org/

this is a pretty good site for lab info.
http://www.perforomist.com/ nm
Subject: http://www.perforomist.com/ nm

Subject: http://www.wordwebonline.com/en/REPLETE

Verb: replete ri'pleet

1. Fill to satisfaction
- satiate, sate, fill

Adjective: replete ri'pleet

1. Filled to satisfaction with food or drink
- full

2. (followed by 'with') deeply filled or permeated
"it is replete with misery"
- instinct

Derived forms: repleted, repleting, repletes
Subject: http://www.pharma-lexicon.com/

It also provides links to articles that mention the abbreviation
Subject: http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic1532.htm

Subject: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/style_guide_p2.htm

Here is the CDC website. Does anyone know if the BOS says anything about Gram?
Subject: http://upin.ecare.com/

Subject: http://www.opusmedical.com/product

"Divigel" -- http://www.divigelus.com/ nm
Subject: "Divigel" -- http://www.divigelus.com/ nm

oops-you are right. Liberte from http://www.bostonscientific.ie/
Subject: oops-you are right. Liberte from http://www.bostonscientific.ie/

sorry 'bout that - making that correction myself!
check out this website http://www.kci1.com/35.asp
Subject: check out this website http://www.kci1.com/35.asp

http://englishplus.com/grammar/00000123.htm (nm)
Subject: http://englishplus.com/grammar/00000123.htm (nm)

Subject: http://www.rxlist.com/script/main/hp.asp

Subject: http://www.medicinenet.com/takayasu_disease/article.htm

Subject: http://depts.washington.edu/growing/Assess/SBS.htm

See this glossary, I don't know about V raises...yet. http://www.orthoassociates.com/PDF/OAPT/G
Subject: See this glossary, I don't know about V raises...yet. http://www.orthoassociates.com/PDF/OAPT/Glossary.pdf

Subject: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bore


I have actually transcribed this myself along the way and found the site http://www.spineuniverse.co
Subject: I have actually transcribed this myself along the way and found the site http://www.spineuniverse.com/displayarticle.php/article1972.html awhile ago, so a dull bell rang in my head. So big you're welcome!

Subject: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/decubitus

Here is website - http://www.gyrusmedical.de/fportal/docs/61
Subject: Here is website - http://www.gyrusmedical.de/fportal/docs/61

Good site for abbreviation references is http://www.medilexicon.com/
Subject: Good site for abbreviation references is http://www.medilexicon.com/

According to http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/proud+flesh (sm)
Subject: According to http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/proud+flesh (sm)

proud flesh (proud)
The swollen flesh that surrounds a healing wound, caused by excessive granulation.

Alphabetical list of fungi http://www.cybertruffle.org.uk/ukramaps/a.htm (hope this will help)
Subject: Alphabetical list of fungi http://www.cybertruffle.org.uk/ukramaps/a.htm (hope this will help)

Essure http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2492584
Subject: Essure http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2492584

Levothroid or levothyroxine are the two medications. Levothyroid (per http://www.online-medical-dic
Subject: Levothroid or levothyroxine are the two medications. Levothyroid (per http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/?q=Levothyroid) is the hormone derived from the thyroid gland.

Subject: http://forums.cysticfibrosis.com/messageview.cfm?catid=903&threadid=13207&enterthread=y

http://uscneurosurgery.com/infonet/surgery/procedures/VP_shunt.htm is where I found glabella.
Subject: http://uscneurosurgery.com/infonet/surgery/procedures/VP_shunt.htm is where I found glabella.