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hmm. ballottement?

Posted By: SA on 2007-11-15
In Reply to: provocative tests - Tracey

Subject: hmm. ballottement?

anyone have another idea?

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Subject: ballottement


SYLLABICATION: bal�lotte�ment
NOUN: Medicine A palpatory technique for detecting or examining a floating object in the body, as: a. The use of a finger to push sharply against the uterus and detect the presence or position of a fetus by its return impact. b. Palpation of the abdominal wall while a kidney is being pushed sharply from the backside, used as a test for determining the presence of a floating kidney.
ETYMOLOGY: French, from ballotter, to toss, from Italian ballotta, diminutive of dialectal balla, ball. See balloon.

Something to do with ballottement? sm
Subject: Something to do with ballottement? sm

I don't know of any other form of the word.
Subject: ballottement

Subject: ballottement

Test for detecting a floating object.
Subject: ballottement

palpable ballottement.
Subject: palpable ballottement.

Thanks...but we figured it out below..it's ballottement maneuver..Doc (sm)
Subject: Thanks...but we figured it out below..it's ballottement maneuver..Doc (sm)

didn't say it right!
One is probably Watson ballottement, no idea on other one. nm
Subject: One is probably Watson ballottement, no idea on other one. nm

Bunnell, maybe? ballottement. Don't think "bulge sign" is correct. nm
Subject: Bunnell, maybe? ballottement. Don't think "bulge sign" is correct. nm

Spelling question- does ballottement become ballotting? Balloting?? nm
Subject: Spelling question- does ballottement become ballotting? Balloting?? nm

Ach, nevermind- could easily change it to "with ballottement of the knee"- Thank you!
Subject: Ach, nevermind- could easily change it to "with ballottement of the knee"- Thank you!