wrist X-rays showed a fracture of the body of the hamate bone. on the ulnar side of the hook in the sagittal plane; the distal ... Fig 4 X-ray in radial deviation six months after ... As no large series of hamate bone injuries exist ...
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tooth shaped from injury or what have you. And like I said 9 times out of 10, odontoid refers to the "toothlike odontoid process in the second cervical vertebra." That's pretty specific, dontcha think? I've never heard a doctor refer to an "odontoid" in any other part of the body.
cloaca - an opening in a diseased bone containing a fragment of dead bone. nm Subject: cloaca - an opening in a diseased bone containing a fragment of dead bone. nm
I do have CTS but ortho MDs say not to operate for another 10 years (til I'm way up there in age). I find I have thumb pain (for decades) from hitting the space bar too hard with my thumb. I had cortisone shots into the thumb for years (one shot lasted 10 years in one thumb and the other shots didn't work at all in the other thumb).
now they don't use is as much as they used to. I had this phrase saved in some of my old links;
The use of local agents: bone wax, gelatin, collagen, oxidized cellulose.- The use of fibrin sealants at spinal surgery.- The use of local agents: Surgicel and Surgifoam.-
The only thing that I can find is rectus femoris flap and you may want to google that to see if you can come up with something from that...I didn't find anything for rectus reflap.
s/l CT bone angiogram. I know this isn't right, but am not sure what he is saying..tia..sm Subject: s/l CT bone angiogram. I know this isn't right, but am not sure what he is saying..tia..sm
My left hand is hurting in that big, round, fatty area below my thumb. I've had carpal tunnel symptoms before, and they've gone away when I make ergonomic changes, but lately it's not in the wrist so much but in that fatty part under the thumb. I can't tell if it's the bone itself that hurts or the tissue that hurts, or both. It's sore in the scaphoid and lunate bones, but much less so than the trapezium area. Is this a problem related to carpal tunnel? If not, then I remember about 6 months ago getting a sliver or something like that stuck in that area and I'm wondering if it could be from that. There's no redness or an entry wound at all.
I'm getting my bone references from: http://www.gwc.maricopa.edu/class/bio201/hand/awrist.htm
It's not bad enough to run to the doctor, but it sure is annoying as an MT! I really appreciate your opinions or experiences.
A change in exposed subchondral bone in degenerative joint disease in which it is converted into a dense substance with a smooth surface like ivory. Syn: bone sclerosis.
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat sist of eburnation or increased sclerosis of. underlying bone, osteophyte formation, ... cent) of knee osteoarthritis in the femoro-. tibial compartment. ... epirev.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/10/1/1.pdf - Similar pages
Are you sure about the "left mass lead effusion"? I am a long-time radiology MT and I've never heard anything like that.
Is he saying both bone forearm fx? Subject: Is he saying both bone forearm fx?
"...was then used to remove all cartilage and hard cortical bone off the three bones until we had good bleeding *to ancellous bones* or *and cellous bones* present."
End-stage renal disease.
a. Chronic maintenance dialysis.
b. ? s/l neorenal disease.
c. ? s/l demonarc bone disease
(note: patient is on Zemplar) Horrible dictator !!
s/l tra-qui-trium bone Subject: s/l tra-qui-trium bone
MRI results of his right wrist for his ulnar volar wrist pain. He still has very significant pain and the MRI showed a piece of forearm bone that had some inflammation right at the abutment of the s/l traquitrium bone
Need help with what sounds like Todgen's bone grafting, but cannot find it anywhere. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
bone windows Subject: bone windows