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guessing...... to see if?

Posted By: anon on 2007-07-25
In Reply to: does this fit at the end of this paragraph? See msg pls. - Aligabsmum

Subject: guessing...... to see if?

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not sure, guessing only but there is a
Subject: not sure, guessing only but there is a

just guessing
Subject: just guessing

erythema and edematous??
guessing here, but from your S/L it sm
Subject: guessing here, but from your S/L it sm

sounds a lot like mycelial, or fungus.  Found this def.


mycelium, pl. mycelia

mU-sTclT-m, -^

The mass of hyphae making up a colony of fungi.


[G. mykTs, fungus, + hTlos, nail, wart, excrescence on animal or plant]

aerial mycelium

nonseptate mycelium

septate mycelium

I'm guessing that's LTA.....nm
Subject: I'm guessing that's LTA.....nm

guessing a little bit here
Subject: guessing a little bit here

eczematous exfoliated right palm and interstitial folds (or possibly intertriginous folds)
guessing too,
Subject: guessing too,

but with the struts and distraction, i wonder if it is half-pin cluster....
More guessing sm
Subject: More guessing sm

How about Heart sounds normal.  Extremities without cyanosis or edema. 
just guessing, sm.
Subject: just guessing, sm.

 Is it possibly "trabecular" instead of tristem pedicle?   Also wondered if bearing (no s) is the correct term, i.e. the weightbearing load is metal on metal.

Just Guessing Here...
Subject: Just Guessing Here...

Shouldn't it be POWER versus pallor, and could it be "muscle power and tone are adequate?"     Just a guess...
Just guessing here, but
Subject: Just guessing here, but

#1 might be pyloroplasty with the possible need for "a Nissen" (fundoplication).

I googled gastric emptying study and found "T1/2" with the number of minutes following:  "T1/2 of 54 minutes"

guessing K-Dur NM
Subject: guessing K-Dur NM

just guessing SM
Subject: just guessing SM

congenital lateral insertion of the patellar tendon?
Subject: Guessing...

Oxandrin or Oxandrolone?
guessing but what about - s/m
Subject: guessing but what about - s/m

NovaSure device
If I were guessing, I would say she was
Subject: If I were guessing, I would say she was

intubated for oxygenation
just guessing
Subject: just guessing

right upper lobe and apex?
Second guessing yourself
Subject: Second guessing yourself

is second nature in this business.
Guessing at partial? nm
Subject: Guessing at partial? nm

guessing here, neurofibromatosis? SM
Subject: guessing here, neurofibromatosis? SM

Neurofibromatosis of the feet. A review and case report.
Neurofibromatosis of the feet. A review and case report. Bauder T, DiPrimio RR.
Publication Types:. Case Reports. MeSH Terms: ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve& db=PubMed&list_uids=6769992&dopt=Citation - Similar pages

[Pigmented neurofibromatosis of the feet associated with multiple ...
[Pigmented neurofibromatosis of the feet associated with multiple abnormalities] [Article
in Russian] Zaitseva SIu, Mashkilleospm NA. Publication Types ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve& db=PubMed&list_uids=6789571&dopt=Abstract - Similar pages
[ More results from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ]

THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 14, Ch. 183, Disorders Of The Peripheral ...
Aching, cramping, coldness, burning, and numbness in the calves and feet may be
... NEUROFIBROMATOSIS. Autosomal dominant disorders designated type 1 ...
www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/ section14/chapter183/183f.htm - 57k - Cached - Similar pages

cannula? (guessing), kj /nm
Subject: cannula? (guessing), kj /nm

im guessing Seprafilm. nm
Subject: im guessing Seprafilm. nm

just guessing..could it be 'bundle'?nm
Subject: just guessing..could it be 'bundle'?nm

innominate?......just guessing here....n/m
Subject: innominate?......just guessing here....n/m

guessing here - Atarax?
Subject: guessing here - Atarax?

hypercholesterolemia? guessing here...
Subject: hypercholesterolemia? guessing here...

See message. Guessing here but.
Subject: See message. Guessing here but.

could you be hearing something like leukocyte esterase with epithelials and hyphae per HPF? They usually say something like 8 to 10 WBCs or RBCs per HPF also.See this link below also.


Epithelial cell Courses from MediaLab, Inc.

Use high power to identify casts and count red blood cells, white blood cells and epithelial ... This field shows a cluster of squamous epithelial cells. ...
www.medialabinc.net/keyword-details.asp?keyword=EPITHELIAL%20CELL&courseid=695 - 133k - Cached - Similar pages

I don't know, I was guessing. I am clueless but would sm
Subject: I don't know, I was guessing. I am clueless but would sm

love to know what it was. Sorry I was not of more help.
maybe Precedex ? just guessing NM
Subject: maybe Precedex ? just guessing NM

Just guessing here - diagnostics?
Subject: Just guessing here - diagnostics?

? 30 mmHg (guessing) n/m
Subject: ? 30 mmHg (guessing) n/m

wild guessing SM
Subject: wild guessing SM

appropriately breathe?


Don't worry. I'm guessing you just
Subject: Don't worry. I'm guessing you just

need to work on your expansions, especially if this is a fairly easy dictator. If you aren't using expansions now..build 'em up. It takes some getting used to, but in the end it is totally worth it. You could easily double your line count with the right expansions.
really wild guessing SM
Subject: really wild guessing SM

I found Pedi-Boro Soak Pak in my ENT book, maybe doc is saying something like Boro's pack? Sorry, that is the best I can come up with :)
guessing here...see inside.(??)..
Subject: guessing here...see inside.(??)..

ausculto-, auscult- + "ASCULTATED"??
(Latin: listen, hear)
auscultate, auscult
1. To listen to the sounds made by the internal organs of the body for diagnostic purposes.
2. To examine by listening, usually to the sounds of the thoracic or abdominal viscera, with or without a stethoscope.

guessing-try this-Zomig?
Subject: guessing-try this-Zomig?

just a suggestion, could it possibly be Zomig?
I'm guessing its Renagel
Subject: I'm guessing its Renagel

I'm guessing part of that is S4 (nm)
Subject: I'm guessing part of that is S4 (nm)

guessing at pump technique? nm
Subject: guessing at pump technique? nm

I have been hearing Lyrica a lot lately, guessing. NM
Subject: I have been hearing Lyrica a lot lately, guessing. NM

In her defense, at least this time she did say she was guessing.
Subject: In her defense, at least this time she did say she was guessing.

Just guessing, but is patient paralyzed?
Subject: Just guessing, but is patient paralyzed?

If patient is a quadriplegic or in restraints, maybe a blow tube has been set up so patient can activate the nurses' call light?

Seems feasible to me.
I'm guessing intraocular lenses
Subject: I'm guessing intraocular lenses

Lenses implanted after cataract removal.  Check patient's history to see if this might apply.
Prilosec? Tri-Sprintec (an OCP)? Just guessing here. sm
Subject: Prilosec? Tri-Sprintec (an OCP)? Just guessing here. sm

What are the diagnoses?

SIADH Syndrome? Guessing here. nm
Subject: SIADH Syndrome? Guessing here. nm

Guessing at an occluser instrument for the 2nd one. nm
Subject: Guessing at an occluser instrument for the 2nd one. nm

Guessing at ligamentous traction? nm
Subject: Guessing at ligamentous traction? nm

ligamental axis? guessing only here....
Subject: ligamental axis? guessing only here....

gastric insufficiency? merely guessing here
Subject: gastric insufficiency? merely guessing here

how about "partial" cerumen, again just guessing
Subject: how about "partial" cerumen, again just guessing

Just guessing... RV as in return visit?
Subject: Just guessing... RV as in return visit?

I want to say optimal, too. Just second guessing myself and wanted to be sure it fit. TY!
Subject: I want to say optimal, too. Just second guessing myself and wanted to be sure it fit. TY!