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guaze and pack?

Posted By: smurf on 2009-01-02
In Reply to: Paulson pack? - peaches8701

Subject: guaze and pack?

"Paulson" sounds like "gauze'n" pack?

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sorry Orovorm???? Guaze pack was placed
Subject: sorry Orovorm???? Guaze pack was placed

Wound packing: s/l cannon pack, kenon pack
Subject: Wound packing: s/l cannon pack, kenon pack

Pack-a-day smoker versus pack-per-day smoker.
Subject: Pack-a-day smoker versus pack-per-day smoker.

It would be either "He is a two-pack-a-day smoker" or "He is a two-pack-per-day smoker.

If doc dictates "a" use that; if "per" go with that. That's what I do anyway. It makes life simpler that way. :)
3/4 pack
Subject: 3/4 pack

It depends on the client's preference, but normally I type 3/4 pack a day.
two pack per day
Subject: two pack per day

He is a two-pack a day smoker.
He is a two-pack-per-day smoker.
I can't find anything in my BOS. Maybe I am missing it! :) Thanks!

rally pack
Subject: rally pack


napro pack???
Subject: napro pack???

Napro pack   napro pack   Napro Pak  napro pak.......anybody????

s/l track and pack
Subject: s/l track and pack

ESL, dictating a problem list in a patient with respiratory failure, anemia and hip fracture: It's just a numbered list of problems.

 Status post s/l "track and pack".    ?????

1-pack-per-day smoker? Is this right?
Subject: 1-pack-per-day smoker? Is this right?

Is that hyphened or not? 

"The patient is a 1 pack per day smoker..."

Thank you for any help!

s/l stat pack
Subject: s/l stat pack

in hernia repair

he says "secured laterally with s/l stat pack and then the anterior mesh...."



I will just put vag pack then to be safe. Thanks.
Subject: I will just put vag pack then to be safe. Thanks.

K-pad is used as both a heating pad and/or an ice pack.
Subject: K-pad is used as both a heating pad and/or an ice pack.

Rally pack. nm
Subject: Rally pack. nm

pack years
Subject: pack years

Personally, I would not hyphenate that he smoked for 120 packs years as you state it, as there is no adjective describing a noun. On the other hand, I would hyphenate if he has a 120-pack-year history of smoking, because that is a triple adjective describing a noun.
ENT type of pack
Subject: ENT type of pack

s/l ambrose pack?

Under binocular microscopy the ambrose pack was removed.

A new ambrose pack was placed in the left ear.

Any ideas?

Ambrus ear pack
Subject: Ambrus ear pack


Merocel Ambrus ear pack made by Medtronic is used to keep the ear canal open during meatoplasty.
20-pack-year vs. 20 pack-year
Subject: 20-pack-year vs. 20 pack-year

Which is correct?  20-pack-year history of smoking or 20 pack-year history of smoking.  I've seen it both ways.  TIA.

Subject: 20-pack-year

Ortho s/l 3-pack
Subject: Ortho s/l 3-pack

Hi all, Not sure what this one is. "His (s/l 3-pack)reveals a positive palpation of the groove, tenderness in the groove, and a positive throwing test". Any ideas?? I might just need a six-pack if I cannot get this! lol
s/ emergi-pack
Subject: s/ emergi-pack

Lortab s/l emergi-pack. I can't find this anywhere.
Paulson pack?
Subject: Paulson pack?

Anyone heard of something s/l "paulson pack" to clean the uterine cavity in a c section?
Five Pack Years'
Subject: Five Pack Years'

Smoking history: Five pack years’ ... do I have that typed right with the apostrophe after years
i would use 5-pack-years, BUT sm
Subject: i would use 5-pack-years, BUT sm

this is something that has never made sense to me... always had trouble with the pack/years thing... any input would be most appreciated!
Subject: 25-pack-year

Subject: 25-pack-year

Only hyphens if it said 1/2-pack-per-day
Subject: Only hyphens if it said 1/2-pack-per-day

Subject: Riba-pack?

Has anyone heard of Riba-pack?  I can't find it except on a few sites, but not on my prescription site, tia.. gina
s/l duro pack?
Subject: s/l duro pack?

a moistened (Duro) pack was then placed?

thanks in advance
has anyone heard of rally pack?
Subject: has anyone heard of rally pack?

Medrol dose-pack
Subject: Medrol dose-pack

According to Quick Look Drug Book 2005 - Medrol dose-pack
original pack sm written OP
Subject: original pack sm written OP


found it here
Does anybody know how they figure pack years?
I've always wondered this...When they say pt has a 40-pack-year hx of smoking, how do they compute that? Anybody know? Just curious.
s/l Orovorm glass pack was placed ??? for an
Subject: s/l Orovorm glass pack was placed ??? for an

excision and drainage of collection on the buttock
It's Vag Pack Suppositories....see link
Subject: It's Vag Pack Suppositories....see link

No hyphens. If 1/2-pack-per-day smoker,
Subject: No hyphens. If 1/2-pack-per-day smoker,

She smokes half-a-pack-per-day.
Subject: She smokes half-a-pack-per-day.

She smokes half-a-pack-per-day. Does this look right? Thanks.
is there such a thing as a prednisone pack?
Subject: is there such a thing as a prednisone pack?

correction: gauze and pack? (nm)
Subject: correction: gauze and pack? (nm)

hot or cold pack stimulation?
Subject: hot or cold pack stimulation?

HYPHENS IN Half-pack-a-day
Subject: HYPHENS IN Half-pack-a-day

Half-pack-a-day ? Does it have hyphens??

and Half-pack-per-day ? Does it??? Thank you!

Except that's not what a pack-year means. sm
Subject: Except that's not what a pack-year means. sm

A "5-pack-year" history does not mean "5 packs per year" ... good grief, I'd consider someone who smoked 5 packs per year essentially a nonsmoker. :-)

A 5-pack-year history means an average of a pack a day over a 5-year period. That could mean someone smoked 5 packs per day for 1 year, or 1 pack per day for 5 years, or half a pack a day for 10 years, or any other combination that fits.
I write it like 24-pack/year
Subject: I write it like 24-pack/year

Well umm actually 25-pack/year, didn't mean to.....
Subject: Well umm actually 25-pack/year, didn't mean to.....

change the amount there, LOL.
T "it-su-fer pack cells"?
Subject: T "it-su-fer pack cells"?

He did receive some "T it su fer pack cells."  TIA!

Dosepak vs. dose pack
Subject: Dosepak vs. dose pack

I know this has been asked 100 times, but i would like some clarification advise from anyone willing to give it!!  Medrol Dosepak is a brand name and should be typed as such; however, i see so many times MTs typing Dosepak on things like prednisone and Sterapred.  I cannot verify that anything other than Medrol should be Dosepak but is there some sort of unwritten rule i missed???  Help!!  Any and all advise is appreciated.
pack year history of smoking
Subject: pack year history of smoking

Can a 65-year-old have a 75 pack year history of smoking? thought pack years meant how many years they have smoked a pack of cigarettes??
a steroid dosepak or dose pack?
Subject: a steroid dosepak or dose pack?

what ever she is saying wether it is pair, peg, pack or what she is repeating it???
Subject: what ever she is saying wether it is pair, peg, pack or what she is repeating it???

The patient is bedridden,is one a feeding tube, and is mentally retarded--if that helps...
1. Cefzil 500 mg
2. Flagyl 500 mg one tablet 3 times a day for 7 days.
3.Claritin 10 mg 2 ** once a day.
4.Premarin 1.25 mg 2 * daily.
5.Lioresel 10 mg 2 ** once a day and 15 mg twice a day.
6. Xphen 40 mg 2 pair three times a day.
7.Lucon 5 mg 4 times a day.

cool thanks always wondered my ex is an almost 120 pack year !!!!!
Subject: cool thanks always wondered my ex is an almost 120 pack year !!!!!

started at 14 and still going strong at 3 packs a day at 55
Sorry. It is "heat pack to back" but do not know why its in labs. nm
Subject: Sorry. It is "heat pack to back" but do not know why its in labs. nm

CCT or CCP pack, doing carpal tunnel release
Subject: CCT or CCP pack, doing carpal tunnel release

The wound was then dressed with bacitracin, Adaptic and a sterile gauze dressing and placed in a volar splint with a  CCT or CCP??? pack incorporated.