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gross SROM (sm)

Posted By: Aeb on 2006-07-26
In Reply to: OBGYN - help!l

Subject: gross SROM (sm)

Pronounced "es-rahm," Spontaneous Rupture Of Membranes. He probably just slurred it.

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  • OBGYN - help!l
    • gross SROM (sm) - Aeb

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maybe SROM - spontaneous rupture of membranes
Subject: maybe SROM - spontaneous rupture of membranes

Or....SROM, spontaneous rupture of membranes. Almost forgot that one! nm
Subject: Or....SROM, spontaneous rupture of membranes. Almost forgot that one! nm

Subject: Gross

MT50  -- You have NEVER failed to give me a laugh....

Thanks so much!!! 

s/l gross schrom???
Subject: s/l gross schrom???

regarding pregnancy....the patient presented to Labor and Delivery with gross schrom and meconium....
Gross's solution?
Subject: Gross's solution?

Am I right on that?  Used for decongesting the nose......



How about gross impaction?
Subject: How about gross impaction?

That would make sense.

gross sensation? sm
Subject: gross sensation? sm


RN.com�s Assessment Series: Focused Neurological Assessment

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Next, test gross sensation of Cranial Nerve V. Tell the patient to close their .... locations bilaterally to test for temperature sensation. Light touch ...

Gross strength with (s/l jammer)
Subject: Gross strength with (s/l jammer)

"Gross strength with a (s/l jammer) on the third notch..."

Anyone know what this is?


Sorry, I was wondering whether it was gross or growth...
Subject: Sorry, I was wondering whether it was gross or growth...

s/l gross pitting edema
Subject: s/l gross pitting edema

gross testing? what comes after your phrase? nm
Subject: gross testing? what comes after your phrase? nm

Gross makes more sense.
Subject: Gross makes more sense.

Voice fades on this word but more likely gross as he does use that one other place. Some days I'm so duh!

Thanks :-)
placenta, gross exam word
Subject: placenta, gross exam word

The maternal surface is composed of the usual (sounds like caudalidens).  I can't seem to do a successful Google on this. Thanks in advance for your help. 

Oh dear Dr. Holeman sounds just gross
Subject: Oh dear Dr. Holeman sounds just gross

with my apologies to the good doc. I began my career working for Dr. Hamburger. gives a whole new meaning to "you want fries with that?"
well I had one sucking snot yesterday. talk about gross! nm
Subject: well I had one sucking snot yesterday. talk about gross! nm

My opinion: Unless it is a product name that I cannot locate, I would say gross reservoir as in "
Subject: My opinion: Unless it is a product name that I cannot locate, I would say gross reservoir as in "overall"

Maybe gross reservoir, just identifying it w/o any special characteristics? nm
Subject: Maybe gross reservoir, just identifying it w/o any special characteristics? nm

ok - I hear impaction now but not sure about gross it still s/l govis/gauvis
Subject: ok - I hear impaction now but not sure about gross it still s/l govis/gauvis

Neuro help please... gross 'epocrate' sensation is intact. Thanks! nm
Subject: Neuro help please... gross 'epocrate' sensation is intact. Thanks! nm

in general, would not put an 's after word ending in S. Saw one ref. Gross' solution preserv
Subject: in general, would not put an 's after word ending in S. Saw one ref. Gross' solution preservative.

PE: Visual acuity and s/l gross/growth fields intact.
Subject: PE: Visual acuity and s/l gross/growth fields intact.

Might be stumbling over the word "gross" and repeating the word gross visual fields.
Subject: Might be stumbling over the word "gross" and repeating the word gross visual fields.