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first two just like you have them, name brands nm

Posted By: SA on 2007-11-09
In Reply to: names of eye drops - not sure if name brands - please see message for s/l - thanks!

Subject: first two just like you have them, name brands nm

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You should capitalize name brands
Subject: You should capitalize name brands

I know it is hard to tell which is which, but you may have to look up some for a while.  Make a handwritten list or add them to your expander.  I had the same trouble years ago, but have since tried to keep it straight. 
Generic/Name Brands

I'm trying to perfect my knowledge for capitalization of generic and name brand medications.

Anybody have any tips - besides looking every single one up and memorizing which are capitalized and which are not?


Here are some brands of lactulose. sm
Subject: Here are some brands of lactulose. sm

  • Cholac� Syrup
  • Chronulac� Syrup
  • Constilac� Syrup

  • Constulose�
  • Enulose�
  • Generlac�

  • Kristalose�

names of eye drops - not sure if name brands
Subject: names of eye drops - not sure if name brands

Several eyedrops, including Trusopt, Alphagan, s/l respular, s/l taratan, s/l cyclogel.
Steri-Strip� http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/SH/SkinHealth/brands/steri-strip/
Subject: Steri-Strip� http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/SH/SkinHealth/brands/steri-strip/