Neurosurgery - Fulltext: Volume 35(6) December 1994 p 1094-1103 ... Bystander Tumoricidal Effect in the Treatment of Experimental Brain Tumors ... This experiment demonstrated that C19 tumor cell sensitivity to GCV was ... re/neurosurg/fulltext.00006123-199412000-00012.htm - Similar pages
D: Sentinel 75 mcg IV and Versed. Sentinel??
need help on 3 drugs Subject: need help on 3 drugs
Patient has past medical history of CVA, angina, type 2 diabetes. Current meds are Coumadin, Glucophage, aspirin, "_______ glycerin", ibuprofen, Endura, S/L "Lasix PCO", Synthroid, "S/L carbonephrine", Cordarone, Norvasc, Vasotec.
3 drugs Subject: 3 drugs
I forgot to tell you he is a mumbler. It was nitroglycerin. Imdur, not Endura. Lasix (mumble). I had to flag the "corbinephrine"
drugs Subject: drugs
Overdose patient being intubated. Sentence: Patient was given 100 of suc and 1 of bek. I know suc is succinylcholine but what is bek short for? help drugs..... Subject: help drugs.....
s/l enacin used for gout??????
try Subject: try
slowly type in the first couple of letters and you will see that a list of matching meds will open in a drop down box.
yes - taken from Subject: yes - taken from
you can put in %lite and it will pull up a list of all drugs with "lite" in it. Also may want to try %lyte as a search.
According to both with a "z" Subject: According to both with a "z"
sounds like metosontrone and BP 16???
drugs for asthma Subject: drugs for asthma
sounds like synicaine spray?
memory drugs Subject: memory drugs
Hello! I need some help for a foreign acquaintance of mine. He's from the Ukraine, or thereabouts, and has been having memory problems. His doctor discussed some meds with him, but he can't remember what they were, and now he's too embarassed to ask about them again!!?? I told him I'd see if we could get a list together, in the hopes that one (or more) of them would jump off the page at him, and he'd remember what he and his Dr. discussed. Help me!
I found the following site that might be helpful
I did find Vectibix which may be the Bectibex that you're hearing.
List of drugs Subject: List of drugs
In a list of medications the physician says the patient is on what sounds like "diapran" any ideas? No idea what it is for or the dosage...
List of drugs Subject: List of drugs
if you go to and type in just statin a whole list will come up of statin drugs and maybe you can narrow down what it sounds like?
Your welcome. Found it under Subject: Your welcome. Found it under
through TV ads. The ads come on and I'm telling the TV to please show the name in writing! They usually do, and I learn the spelling on the spot because I know now all the patients will be asking for it and the doctors will be dictating it.
Sympatholytic drugs Subject: Sympatholytic drugs
A sympatholytic is a medication which inhibits the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). They are used as antihypertensives.
They mainly comprise antiadrenergic agents, but also anticholinergics in the case of the nicotinic antagonist, since nicotinic receptors relay the signals of the SNS across the ganglia
doctor lists a whole list of meds and at the end says "simvastatin 20 mg s/l 60 and and spironolactone 25 mg q a.m." What does the 60 have to do with anything? The only other thing it might sound like is "simvastatin 20 mg 6:00 p.m., spironolactone 25 mg q .m. but I have never heard a doctor say a specific hour to take a drug and it's really sort of a wild guess, so I would like to hear another opinion. TIA!
newbie needs help with drugs Subject: newbie needs help with drugs
Okay doc says earlier in the report pt lost his prescription for verapamil. In plan doc says renewal of his Verelan SR. In drug book it says they can get easily confused with one another. However, it also states Verelan is listed under brand names for verapamil. Would leave as is or flag it?
psych drugs Subject: psych drugs
I have a new account and cannot find these drugs that s/l: (for a child with OCD and Asperger's)
Please don't just take any link from google - you have to know what's a legitimate website for,, or to start.
The website we use have to be NIH (national institute of health) or Merck or REAL medical websites recognized by the medical community everywhere.
So, please expand your research and not just run here for the answer. I'm not being rude - but if you got Vytorin spelled both ways via google - you should have done more research...also the Quik-Look Drug Index might be your BOOK of CHOICE!!
conivaptan - Conivaptan reduces the level of a hormone that regulates the balance of water and salt (sodium) in the body. High levels of this hormone can cause an imbalance that results in low sodium levels...
Conivaptan Hydrochloride - Dual antagonist of arginine vasopressin (AVP) V 1A and V 2 receptors. V 2 receptors, which are functionally coupled to aquaporin channels in the apical membranes of the collecting ducts of...